
Chapter 1479: Strange refusal

"What? I thought you would be pleased? Why can't you accept? Don't you want to live a life outside?" 

Long Chen hadn't expected that answer. He had expected many answers, but this wasn't one of them. 

"Of course, I want to live my life. I didn't even live my childhood to the fullest, let alone the rest of my life. There is so much I'm yet to experience," Long Tian replied, sighing. "So much to see... So much to explore..."

"Then why do you say no? Is it because you think any other body is beneath you? You want this body instead?" Long Chen asked, frowning. "That might be difficult to do at this point or at any point in the future."

"Heh, don't worry. A body is just that... A body. I don't want your body either. I just don't think I can accept any body," Long Tian replied, sighing. 

"Why not then?" Long Chen inquired. "I don't understand."
