
Chapter 266: Don't leave

"Hah... I don't know what he was like, but he sounds like a really badass man." Long Chen stood with a smile.

"Hah, he sure was. Anyways, Are you going to keep sitting here? You should utilize the time and cultivate more. The bloodline trial is drawing near." She said with a smile as she informed him.

" Geez, can't you let me breathe for a moment? I'm already quite tired."He said with a tired look on his face.

"You do realize that you slept most of the day, don't you? " She responded in a sarcastic tone.

" Yeah. Even then my mind wasn't able to rest properly. That stupid dream made my calm heart restless. I don't think I can cultivate tonight. " He let out as he looked down.

" What do you want to do the whole night then?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

" Why don't we talk about love life? Did you have a boyfriend? " He asked abruptly with a smile.

" You... " Xun couldn't help but facepalm herself as she disappeared.
