
Empire Attack Part 3

        They search around from where the drones come from. Since their Empire Academy is in the top mountain, they saw a chopper from afar and it wasn't from any Empire. The girls exhaled and looked at each other. Demi released her arrow to hit the last drone and it fell on the ground and exploded in fire.

"Damn it!" Demi hissed. Christian approached them.

"Tell me that none of you aren't injured," Christian said almost breathless.

"We are good, Chris. Thanks for worrying." Zendy winked at him. "I think you only come here to look over for Demi." She teased and Athena joined.

"Oh, yeah, you said that when the drones are attacking our dorm, Christian's mind goes to Demi, right?"

        Christian flushed and since it's dark and the fire dies after one of the agents just spray foam on the fire. Damn it. These girls are making him feel like a child.
