
Two Organizations

Age 1991

"Well... That was unfortunate." The Jester hummed.

"I can't believe he actually got away." Bunt gave a smirk as he shrugged. "Should I go after him? Or send Kaen after him."

"Damn it!" Kaen yelled as flames exploded off of him. He smashed a flamming punch directly into the wall in front of him as he gritted his teeth. "Damn him, damn him, damn him! He stabbed me and ran off! I wanted to kill him, and his daughter!"

"I think it is best if we let Kaen cool off..." The Jester muttered. "He's having one of his other personalities be in control right now."

"Still." Bunt hummed for a second as he crosses his arms. "We need that remote. And if Coin... Okane, gets out and brings back reinforcements."

"All will be dealt with soon," Jester said calmly. He placed his hands behind his back and began to slowly float off of the ground. "I have no interest in leaving this city standing."


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