
The Organizations Weird Machines?

Age 1991

Bright orange Flames rose up in the city as a sickly black smoke filled the air cutting into the sky. The city shook as more buildings began to fall collasping all around them. The stone was melting as the heat waves covered part of the city.

The stone was slowly bubbling and becoming a foul oder, as everyone was in a panic.

A mechinal hiss continued to reach out to the sky as the mechinal noise got louder, and louder.

It was like hell on Ava, as the entire city was literally dying, as it melted. Several civllians could be seen running for their lives. Others just had their buildings fall on them as the city broke.

"Why the hell is the shaking getting worse? Stop shaking city!" Ken yelled nearly falling over. She reached out wrapping her arms around Hero and using him to steady herself. She was behind him as she kept her arms wrapped around him and ran forward with him forcing him forward as they ran down the street. "Go! Mush Hero!'


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