
Test Of Strength Part Three

Before leaving Alicia also took some brush to cover the body of the young girl so it was not as visible. She hoped that she could be back in two days' time to bury the girl as she had promised. She just did not have the time right now with how she had to take care of the situation at hand. Alicia's plan was quite simple. She was taking on the trojan horse approach. But instead of a wooden figure as the trojan horse, she was using herself, by disguising herself as an Empire soldier. She planned to infiltrate the Empires camp and take them out from the inside. 

Alicia quickly found herself a place to hide as she waited for the bugle call. After another two hours, the bugle call finally came. Alicia came out of her hiding spot with her sword staggering by her side acting as if she was injured. A young man in an Empire soldier uniform came running over calling out to Alicia. "Are you okay?" 
