
Another C-rank Mission

The satisfying birthday party ended and Austin and the team went back to their daily routine.

A month later Austin and his Pokemon were training very hard. Torchic who Austin suppressed its evolution finally evolved in a battle in the wild. Austin left to feed onix and they encountered a wild watchog. Austin summoned Torchic and the fight began. The watchog seemed to have its hidden ability unlocked. That is because Torchic speed was faster enabling it to attack first,but watch hog was able to boost his attacks every time this happened. Austin recalled a hidden ability known as analytic.

This ability does exactly what Austin was thinking. Increase the power of moves if the user goes second. Austin kept commanding Torchic, but slowly it was put in a disadvantage even though it damaged the watchog. Then a huge flame erupted from Torchic as it became hurt. Torchic was going to go berserk.

Austin only called it's name once. Due to all the training it had with its fire type hidden power and move sets. The awaken ability blaze was forcefully controlled and this lead to the evolution of Torchic to combusken. Austin's combusken was different than normal. When it was a Torchic it looked the same just oversized.

Now though combusken was different. It's upper colored fur was off white rather than yellow. It's size was 2 meters, its beak shrunk to its face and didn't look like a mouth. It looked like an armored mouth with two small holes to breath from. Unlike normal combusken mouth it cover a wider area of its face but not too much.

The lower fur was deeper shade of red and its claws were thicker and longer. It's feet were that same but were bigger due to its size. It roared "combusken." Then fired a flame burst burning the poor watchog to crisp. Austin went to check on it and found it dead and well done. So he cut off the overcooked portions and fed combusken the rest. Combusken was the first high class Pokemon in his group that's evolved. It's attack, special attack, and speed broke the hundred mark from the high eighties. Eevee reach this state as it was training with Austin the longest.

Onix was near the elite lvl but wasn't registered yet, as austin was scared the he might be recognized. He still did not trust the league much, and his lack of knowledge of the state of affairs kept him on his toes. this feeling eased a bit thanks to the surprise birthday he had.

Maybe it was due to the positive aura of togitic or the scary aura released by onix or even the warning eevee gave, Combusken did not act out and acted the same towards austin as when it was a torchic. This relieved austin's nerves and he smiled.

Austin was happy and gave the newly evolved pokemon its favorite berries. That was how Austin evolved Torchic.

Austin was in the training field with eevee. His combusken was resting in its ball from yesterday's training. Austin's eevee was growing stronger but still didn't show signs that it will evolve. It surprised him as he estimated it needed to take three months. Now it looked like it needed two months.

This month didn't have much change with the rest of the group. A figure approached Austin and ask he was about to speak Austin placed his hand on his mouth.

"What do you need Tobi shouldn't you be doing a C-Rank Mission or something?" Austin spoke expressionless.

"Austin my good man. I can't believe your my height even though your only fifteen. It seemed like only yester..." Tobi who was talking was once again stopped by Austin's hand.

"I'll ask again. What do you need Tobi? Please speak in as few words as possible." Austin said again.

Tobi had a staring contest with Austin. Then he sighed and said, "Fine then, it seems your still a training junky. I need your help in this C-rank mission in the eastern gate. My Pokemon might be type disadvantaged in that area. So I need your help."

Austin thought for a moment and then nodded. He recalled eevee and went to the Pokemon center to heal them. Austin then asked about the mission to Tobi. He has to catch spearows as a company wants its beaks and a high class restaurant wants the meat. So this is like a combined mission. It is twice the normal commission due to both companies compensation.

Austin was interested and if they caught over the amount they will be paid a total of 800 dollars. Phillip offered 200 if they only meat the minimum requirement and 300 if they get over. Austin felt that was reasonable.

They both grabbed the Pokemon that just healed and went towards the eastern gate.

Sorry guys that all I can do for now as I had to update my other book. Anyways I want to say out of the 12 Pokemon Austin can carry I have already decided on a couple and they are unchanged. Now what I want to ask is I need ideas for grass type other than treeko. I was going for snivey but if someone else has some one better I’m down. The water type I’m thinking piplup and I might keep it. The grass type is subject to change. If I’m provided a good reason.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts