

"John I am going to kill you painfully and slowly… no wait I am not going to raise so many kids alone. I am going to make sure that you are never able to have kids again and I am going to do it with a fork" I said dangerously "A fork?" he said confused, "Why a fork of all things?"

"Ok, one- that is all you have to say when I am going to stop you from reproducing permanently, two-I went up to Sophia‟s room and I found a fork collection" I was still not sure what that was about that, yet, I thought, "three- you got me PREGNANT ENCORE!!" So you speak french, but "Why is Em collecting forks?"

he asked still confused "Oh my Lord John! I am pregnant and you are going on about forks…"

"Well, you started it" he replied childishly "John..."

"Ok, I get it. But they wanted to take a scalpel and slice my balls open!" he said scared "Oh, so!" "You don‟t have balls!" he retorted "And how long has it taken you to notice that John?" I said sarcastically He looked at me like I was crazy then walked off into the kitchen. I stared at him as he left me in amazement.

"Hey, I was winning this fight!" I called and followed him. When I saw him in the kitchen I stopped short. He was cleaning. It took a cattle prod to make him clean. Unless he was seriously upset. I sighed and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder blades, (it was as high as I could reach). "Sorry, ok?" he said while cleaning the kitchen bench.

"John look at me" I prodded gently, but he kept going, "John" I repeated sternly. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "Look I am sorry, sweetheart," he said quietly. I instantly felt guilty. "Come here" and we both hugged each other. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours.

Finally, we both let go, but not moving far away. We were both quiet for a moment before I broke the silence. "So another addition to our family huh?"

"Hey. Lord, I hope it is only one." He said with a chuckled "Ah, hell I think that we can deal with however many there are." I said happily; the more that I thought about having another kid or maybe more, the less horrible it sounded.

"Well maybe it would be a boy, you know to even it out a bit," I said thoughtfully. "You sound like having another kid isn't so bad," he said hopefully "Look, I may have overreacted slightly" John snorted, but I ignored him and kept talking, "but I just had the biggest shock. I had not planned on any more kids."

"Yeah, I am sorry about it. We can do anything if we both want to though, right?" he said hopefully "Yes John we can" I smiled. We both spent the rest of the day just relaxing around the house; John had taken the next few days off work so that we could deal with the whole pregnancy thing. And for those that are still skeptical that I am pregnant, well two big bottles of juice and five pregnancy tests later proved it.

We decided to wait out the safety period, which is 13 week or the first trimester before we told anybody. The news was welcomed by my mom, my sister, John‟s family and our already five children.

A lot of changes were made so that we could have a big family. We had to move again to a larger house and I started working at a casual job as a medical receptionist as well as a few hours a week at the local hospital consulting.

A few months later the last and final addition to our family was born.

Instead of the baby boy that we had been expecting it was a beautiful baby girl. She was called Forte Violet. Oh, sweet mother, I hope I will not fall pregnant again soon…


Hey, Guys, it is finally done, Yea, yeah, yeah.

Thought it might have started little big disappointment but it also has a comforting moment that I enjoy.

If you made it to the END pat yourself in the back to congratulate your self for staying until the END.

fatoumcreators' thoughts