
Murder on the mechanics shift

Stiles looked at the hood of his jeep with red eyes, the smoke coming from the engine was making his eyes burn.

"You're just lucky this happened before you were able to leave the house," His father said as he used his hand to fan the smoke. "I'll call a mechanic."

Stiles looked at his Jeep knowing that he and his beautiful car had been through thick and thin. Duct Tape had held their lives together and even when Elias allowed him to test drive his car it didn't feel as shaking his head he knew Elias' car was awesome. But his jeep was the only car for him.

"Listen to me Stiles, you make sure you keep track of what they're fixing, call me and I'll tell you what needs to be done." Money was tight, that was what his father was saying and he understood. One day he hoped his father wouldn't have to worry about such things.

Nodding his head he got inside his jeep as he waited on the tow truck to arrive.


Stiles watched as the mechanic ran a couple of routine tests to see what was wrong with his jeep. To his left sat a guy he only recognized because he took pictures for the school yearbook. Stiles would think he was a creep if it wasn't his job.

Apparently, he had a flat tire, looking down at his phone Stiles tapped the screen as he began to play games.

"Have you put anything in here recently?" Stiles lifted his face from his phone looking at the Mechanic with a guilty smile.

"Water?" Stiles answered with a question.

"Now we know why it was steaming. Give me 30 bucks and take this piece of crap with you."

"30 bucks? For what you didn't do anything." Stiles said with a dry laugh.

"Because I made sure there was nothing else wrong with this heap of trash. Pay up." The Mechanic stepped forward doing his best to be intimidating but Stiles was no longer afraid of people like him.

"So she's okay?"

"She's fine now, pay up."

Reaching into his wallet Stiles handed over 30 dollars, he was just glad his jeep was okay. Grabbing his car keys from the mechanic he got inside and reversed out of the Garage. The Garage door closed in front of him.

Reaching into his other pocket he tried to grab his phone so he could call his dad but it wasn't there. Looking at the passenger seat he noticed it wasn't there either. His forehead wrinkled as he pulled his keys from the ignition. Getting out of the car he headed back for the door as he was walking through Matt the school photographer was exiting.

"Did you forget something?" Matt asked with a puzzled look.

"Yeah I forgot my phone, you saw how shady that guy was who knows he might try and sell it," Stiles said making his way around Matt.

"Yeah that guy is a dick," Matt yelled towards Stiles' back.

Stiles entered the garage and looked towards the place he had been sitting, his phone was still on the chair. He must have put it there on instinct when he stood up to talk to the mechanic. Picking it up he was about to dial his dad's number when he heard what sounded like words.

"Anyone there?" Stiles yelled looking around. Not hearing a response he was about to leave when he heard the words again. Turning around he walked towards the mechanic's office that was when he saw him. The Mechanic lay right in the doorway the only thing moving was his eyes.

Only they weren't looking at Stiles, they were looking behind him. Letting out a low sigh Stiles turned around and came face to face with a monster almost as scary as wolfed out Peter Hale. Green slimy scales and slitted eyes, it was like an iguana grew to the size of a human being only it learned how to walk on two.

Stiles wanted to attack it but he didn't notice the tail, before he could react he felt as if he had been pricked with a pin. He hadn't known what it would be like to be paralyzed, to lose all feeling. His body fell over falling to the ground. He heard the creature growl before moving back towards the mechanic, with the way Stiles had fallen he could see everything that was happening.

The mechanic Body was dragged to where Stiles' car once sat, the car garage lift was something that could lift up to 8000 pounds. The green-scaled lizard pressed one button and Stiles was forced to watch as the mechanic screamed for help.

He didn't know exactly how long the paralysis was supposed to last but it didn't matter. He had to fight it or he would be next he needed to send a message. All he needed to do was move one thing, if he could move his hand he could call someone. Elias wouldn't do it because he was still out of town which left Derek. He only hoped his newfound Alpha status would mean he stood a better chance against the Kanima than Stiles did.

Texting Lydia had obviously come in handy as Stiles used his newfound texting abilities to send Derek an SOS without looking at his phone once. Unfortunately or rather fortunately for Stiles the Kanima seemed to notice his movement and hissed in his face before leaving.

2 hours later

Stiles had regained all movement within his body, he had made sure it was safe to move before actually doing so. He was beginning to think that kanima wasn't a mindless beast if it was he would surely be dead.

"Stiles, what the heck does 'at mechanics sis' mean?" Derek froze as he walked through the front door.

Pulling out his phone Stiles frowned seeing that he hadn't actually sent an SOS to Derek.

"Doesn't matter, it was here Derek."

"What was here?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think it would be better if I showed you," Stiles said pointing to a camera in the very top corner of the room. "It was smart, no matter how monstrous it looked it was thinking at every turn. Look at the way he died." Stiles looked over at the mechanic, the guy was a dick but that didn't mean he should die.

"I don't get it," Derek said looking over at the body.

"Think about your uncle Peter, all the people he killed, the bus driver, the gas station clerk every kill was brutal like an animal attack. Yeah, that's smart but honestly what kind of animal kills inside a gas station. That thing could have done the same but instead, it used the car lift, making it seem like an accident. If Isaac hadn't been so close by when his father died do you think the police would have known it was murder. Judging by the state of the vehicle it could have been an accident."

"What are you saying Stiles, you think this thing is smart and methodical like a serial killer?" Derek asked with a frown on his face.

"Yes and judging by the fact that I'm still alive, it has targets. We need to find out what this mechanic and Isaac's father have in common."

"Stiles!" Sheriff Noah Stalinski walked through the front door with two deputies behind him. Spotting Derek and Stiles he let out a sigh of relief before looking at the bloodstains and brain matter spread out on the floor. "What happened to that guy?"

"The same thing that happened to Isaac's dad," Stiles said, causing his father to take another look at the body.

"And Isaac, have any of you seen him all day?" The sheriff asked, looking at Derek.

"Yes, he was with me when Stiles texted me so it's not him," Nodding his head at Derek's words the Sheriff turned to Stiles.

"So you know what this guy or thing looks like right?"

"Yep and if that camera works like it's supposed we'll all know pretty soon." Walking into the mechanic's office Stiles took a seat at his computer. Both Derek and his father followed after him taking their places behind him looking over his shoulder as he worked his magic on the computer. Pretty soon the video footage was up. It had been around 3 when Stiles had arrived at the mechanics. Said mechanic was working on someone else's car when he arrived so it was another couple of hours before he finally had the chance to look at Stiles' jeep. Fast-forwarding through the tape Stiles only stopped when the green thing was in full view.

"The Paralytic goo came from his tail but I get the feeling it was also on its claws," Stiles said as he watched the lizard-looking creature make quick work on him. "It took two hours before I regained full control of my body, luckily I was able to send out a message before my body was completely under the effect of the paralysis.

"What the hell is that thing?" The sheriff asked as he looked at the computer screen.

"I don't know but we're about to find out," Derek said as he narrowed his eyes.

"How all we have is a picture," Stiles said as the sound of the printer went off. A picture of the Kanima standing at full height as it looked over Stiles' body was now in Stiles' hand.

"Inside my family vault there's a bestiary," Derek said looking at the Stilinski's.

"A bestiary?" Stiles asked in confusion.

"It's a book full of supernatural creatures," The sheriff answered causing both Stiles and Derek to look at him in disbelief. "What I've been doing my research."

Moving on from his father Stiles looked at Derek. "Wait your family vault? Isn't that the place where-"

"Yep, Let's just hope his ghost doesn't haunt us," Derek said.

"I knew it! I knew there were ghosts," The sheriff said in excitement as he fist-pumped the air.

Derek only shook his head before looking at Stiles getting a shrug in response.

"Well let's go," Stiles said only for his father to raise an army to stop him.

"You're not going anywhere but home. Derek can get the bestiary by himself, we'll meet up with you tomorrow morning Derek."

"But dad-."

"No buts you almost died today not to mention you've been affected by that things paralysis. If you weren't a werewolf I'd take you to the hospital right now. You're going home I have a dead mechanic to deal with. Get some rest, Stiles." The Sheriff spoke in a manner that left nothing up for discussion.

"Well I guess I'll see you both tomorrow," Derek said sending a nod in the Sheriff's direction. "Stiles," He said before turning to exit the mechanics' office.
