
When Present Meets The future.....(9)

After agreeing with Brother Ashwin's arrangements the trio left the office and headed for the senior school building. They leisurely strolled through the school campus remembering the good old days. It was already fifteen minutes past twelve when they reached the senior school building.

The dinning hall was on the fifth floor of the building. The first floor was occupied by the office of the principal and grade supretendents. The second and third floor was designated for official and management purposes. The fourth floor was the kitchen which was divided into two equal parts for veg and non-veg preference of the students belonging to different religious community. On the fifth floor the dinning hall too was divided into two parts for veg and non-veg as well.

Waiting for the elevator both Vikram and Kady both noticed a deep frown on Aahil's face. Unable to help Kady asked cautiously.

" Aahil what's up?? You don't seem to be yourself. Is something bothering you?? "

Understanding Kady's concern Aahil didn't hide anything from them.

" It's that story Father Fernandez just told. I don't recall any of that. Especially about my father. I wonder who he was and what happened to him??"

" I don't recall seeing any photo of a man in your house either. I mean as Father said that your mom moved after the death of your father so shouldn't there be a photo with a garland hanging somewhere in the house??? To be honest with you I had no idea that your father had passed away until today. Neither you nor Aunty said anything about it ever. I don't know if you guys spoke with Mohona aunty or Aakash about it but never in front of me. " Vikram spoke thoughtfully recalling his memories as they entered the elevator

" So now it's not just your mother but also your father's death is a mystery. Also Vikram maybe she had a photo of Aahil's father, it's just that it was somewhere hidden and she didn't like people looking into him or something... " Kady concluded vaguely .

The elevator doors opened on the fifth floor only to tease their nostrils with the delicious aroma of food mixed with the endless chatter of the students. The feeling of nostalgia overwhelmed enough for them to let go of the mysterious past behind and dive into its irresistible trap.

" Hmm.....Smell that guys.....

The aroma is enough to bring back so many precious memories... " Kady said feeling extremely nostalgic.

" Especially the food fight. " Aahil added with a little smile tugging his lips feeling equally nostalgic.

" And not to mention the clean up after that and Brother's detention. " Vikram remise as he remembered the incident. No sooner than he finished his stomach growled very loudly indicating that it's empty and needs to be fed soon.

Just like Aahil, Kady and Vikram too snoozed the morning away as it was rare for them to get off work and spend some time alone time as a couple thanks to their child, Diya.Thus they too hadn't had any breakfast in the morning.

" Come on.... Hurry up I'm really hungry. Let's go and eat first before all the food is gone. "

Vikram was feeling extremely embarrassed because of his growling stomach and walked hastily towards the dining hall. Kady followed her husband so that he doesn't do anything stupid as they had a reputation to save as alumniex of the school.

Vikram and Kady headed for the dinning hall while Aahil followed close by. His mind wondered on the thought of how the school has changed since he graduated. Back then when Aahil woke up from his six months long coma he was literally penny less. The church paid off his hospital bills along with letting him stay in the school and complete his education. Father had also informed him that they had successfully cremated his mother as per the rituals of Hindu religion under the guidance of a Hindu temple. He didn't understand the prospect back then as he was under complete amnesia. Under Father Fernandez's care he started to have an understanding of the the world once again and was truly grateful and indebted to them for their generosity and kindness. He knew that he can never truly return anything back and the thought itself was an insult to them. But he sweared that the day he would be able to stabilise himself he would help the church reach out to many more unfortunate children and ensure that they too get a second chance in life.

True to his words Aahil really did work it out and that to in a scale no one could have ever imagined.

A year after graduation Aahil returned back to school and set up an orphanage under the church which would take the unfortunate children of the society under it's wing and provide them with school education in the school itself and also pay for their future studies.

This organization was personally fund by Aahil himself. He became the youngest trustee of the school at the age of eighteen.

Today under Aahil guidance the school is known to be the country's best boarding school with state-of-the-art infrastructure, world class facilities, luxurious campus and top notch faculty providing the best education for the students along great opportunity in the academic world.

As they reached the entrance of the dinning hall Vikram made a beeline for their favorite spot in the non-veg section they had back in the days. But unfortunately for Vikram, reality was cruel. He was not the only one after that seat, he was about to pull out a seat when another hand reached out to pull the same seat at the same time.

Kady saw the scene unfolding and raced up to her husband before he could say something that's was going to embarrass them. Kady slapped a hand over Vikram's mouth and hissed.

" Don't even think about fighting for a seat with these students. Don't forget you are an alumni... Do I have to remind you of everything. "

Turning towards the student Kady saw nothing but a dumpfolded expression on the student's face.

She felt awkward.

" Please don't mind us... We are in the wrong place.. You____"


Before Kady could finish her statement to the dumpfolded female student a familiar voice cut through it.

It was none other than Ayaan Mafdir.

Ayaan was Aslan's older twin child and his only son.

" You guys are here for lunch right so why not join us?? Besides didn't big boss come with you?? "

Ayaan was Aahil's greatest admirer and always tried to be like him.

The female student who was already there before Ayaan's arrival too requested them to join seeing that her friend was so well acquainted with them.

Faced with Ayaan's puppy dog eyes as well as the female student's request both Kady and Vikram didn't have the heart to refuse , thus falling in Ayaan's little trap.

Aahil watched the whole scene unfold from the entrance and chuckled fondly.

' He really is a smooth talker and his acting skills are getting better and better. '

Aahil foresaw Ayaan's ploy but didn't mind at all.

How could he mind, he had practically seen them grow up right before his very eyes. If anything Aahil would willingly le himself get caught in their traps if it would please them. He treated them much like his own child.

Aahil slowly walked in the dinning hall towards the table that his friends have already occupied. The minute he stepped into the dining hall the whole atmosphere changed immediately. His indomitable noble aura paired with sterling looks and aloof attitude, his presence was hard to ignore. All of the dinning hall quietened and only a few occasional whispers questioning his identity was heard around the dinning hall. Aahil didn't bother himself with that and made his way to Ayaan's table.

Seeing his idol on his way the latter quickly got up and offered a seat to him. He settled himself thanking Ayaan and asked in a deep authoritive voice .

" Won't you introduce your friends to ------"


Alia Mafdir Ayaan's younger twin sister also joined them by the time with a male student.

Seeing that the whole gang was in place Ayaan and Alia introduce their friend as Nimisha and Nikhil, who were also a set of twins and members of the student body council alongside them.

" Did Father tell you about the orientation programme?? "

Alia asked curiously.

As if to answer her question the speakers of the dinning hall set off to make an announcement.


Brother Ashwin's voice clearly echod through the speakers.

" Hmm.... I wonder since when did our Ayaan started to be an all nighter ?? Alia do you have any idea ?? As far as I remember Ayaan valued his sleep the most .."

Vikram popped the question in a curiously innocent tone.

Vikram really hit the nail hard on the head making both twins shrug in fear and awkwardness of been caught in the act.

The cafeteria staff brought their lunch to their table along with coffee. The rest of the lunch was filled with laughter as both group were busy catching up with each other oblivious to the stares and whispers they were getting.


At Two O'clock the twelveth floor auditorium was packed with students from the whole of senior school. Both Father as well as Brother stood on the stage while the the students settled themselves.

" Everyone please settle down fast..." Brother instructed the students.

Once all the students settled themselves Father stepped up on the podium.

" Good Afternoon to one and all. Today as many of you have seen during the lunch hour that our school is currently hosting some of our ex-students. We have requested them to conduct an orientation programme with you as per your request.....

They are some of the world's top elites in their fields and my best students....

Without further adieu I welcome Vikram Shergil, Kadumberi Shergil and last but not the least The God of the Business World Aahil Oberoi .

The names alone shook them to their core. It was indeed an honor to have The Aahil Oberoi with them as none of the world media was able have an interview with him till date..

The trio entered the auditorium with thunderous applause from the students to welcome them.

After the short introduction and welcoming speech the orientation programme kicked off. Both Vikram and Kady introduced themselves and the kind of work they do, they even talked about their future plans.

After small talks it was time for the question answer session but since Vikram and Kady were the only one talking no one dared to ask anything to the Demon King.

After a long session of questions both Vikram and Kady started fuming as they were the only one doing the answering while Aahil was merely sitting beside Father and Brother. It was getting boring. So to spice things up an idea flashed through Ayaan's mind and before Alia could stop him he took the mic and placed his question.

" I would like to ask Mr. Oberoi why is it that even though he is the president of Deven Corporation, Unova Group of Companies and Tres Spade Chain of Hotels he never attends any meetings in person nor work in the office. The meetings that needs his attendance is done through online conference.. Why is that so??? "

Thrown the question directly at him Aahil simply raised an eyebrow at Ayaan as he could easily detect his lame style but was impressed with his guts. It was quite the contrast to what his sister was giving him. He shrugged miserably earning his sister glaring. Father and Brother couldn't help at their inability to control their laughter and neither the rest of the teaching staff . The sight was something similar to that of a cat shrugging after meowing at the sleeping lion.

" Might I know your good name young man?? "

Since Ayaan started this he will play along but at the same time mess throughly with him.

Ayaan answered timidly .

' What is the sleeping beast thinking of doing with me ' he wondered as the look on Aahil's face was so elegant that looked unworldly which was actually scaring him to death. His parents would skin him alive if the word got to them and he had a feeling that the Demon King would personally do the job.

' Well pulling Dad's wrong strings has always been his specialty. '

" I would like to thank you very much for such an interesting question. "

' INTERESTING MY FOOT!! What the hell are you cooking in that brain of yours?? ' Ayaan was feeling utterly restless. First the program and now his question both took a wrong track and now he could only wait for all this to be over with.

" But I would like to ask to how do you posses such a detail information about my company Mr. Mafdir?? "

Aahil already knew the answer to that. Aslan must have spoken to him about it and to be frank he didn't even mind with it. He was just having a great time messing.

But Alia was not in for it.

' Seriously Big B of all things you had to this in front of the whole school?? '

" My father works at your company sir. " Ayaan answered in a barely audible voice while Alia cursed him to no end.

' You really put the shoe in your mouth, so bare with it. Give you an inch and you'll take a mile. Hmph. '

Ayaan understood that he was done for.

It has always been Aahil's style ' The harmless one looked the deadliest they were'but that was definitely not the case in this matter.

" You see Mr.Mafdir I have treated my company as my child. Them during on their own in difficult times only increases their potential. That doesn't mean I am not aware of it's threats and weaknesses.... "

The whole auditorium was dead silent.




None of the words could explain what these young minds were feeling at the moment .

Aahil's reasoning was something beyond expectations.

He truly was a man of extremely few words. In just three short sentences he explained what even the greatest corporate analyst couldn't do it.

His statement shocked even his best friends. Only Father Fernandez remained calm as ever; he was the only one whom Aahil showed his inner heart.

Since Ayaan assumed that his parents were going to skin him alive so he might as well do a crime and be punished. This he questioned further.

" Mr. Oberoi what is the secret of your success?? "

Aahil was impressed by the lad's bold moves.

" I'm capable. "

That was all he said for an answer.

Ayaan passed the mic to Nikhil as he could no longer continue this conversation .He asked his friend to press further. His act didn't go unnoticed but Aahil really didn't mind.

" Sir can you please explain your comment??

From what I understand you imply to say that you are successful because you are capable?? "

Nikhil didn't want to provoke him thus choosing his words carefully he tried to satisfy his curiosity.

" Indeed so.... In other words how can you ask for a noble prize without even knowing how to complete your thesis.

Capability has a very broad definition and I am referring to that broad definition.

If you are not capable you can never be successful.


With that note Aahil ended the orientation programme.

He only said eight short sentences but each as precious as jewels. He truly loved up to his name even though he was lenient.

Each and every student in the auditorium had a renewed impression of him. They were all his admirers now.

Before he left the auditorium he said with a mischievous smile directing his words straight towards Ayaan.

" Mr. Mafdir don't think you are off the hook. I'm sure your dad would be more then happy to be on your case. "

That's it.....He was done for!!!

Ayaan and Alia couldn't believe what they just heard. It was Aahil's round about way of saying he will personally notify their parents. Ayaan stayed rooted to his seat while Alia was fuming at her twin brother.

Brother Ashwin made prayer gesture and Father silently wished him a good luck.
