
Forbidden Forest, Part 2

"What are you doing here?, Seven!"




"HAHA, You. are. dead. SEVEN!"




"did you think you could run away from us!"




"You are with us right now!, Seven..."

"Forever to rot ..." *Smile Filled with blood*




(I'm not dead, I'm not dead!, I'M NOT DEAD)







as I open my eyes, I heard Draco nervous voice and Loki sleeping beside me, and saw that I was in a big bed,

"yeh are finally awake, yeh are lucky!, one second late an' the poison would have killed yeh, by the way, i would really appreciate it if yeh don' tell anyone bout wha' happened there ..." said a Large man with a thick beard and a heavy accent

"where am I? .." I said as I look around the room and feeling numb all over my body

"yeh are in my home!, 's slightly small, but 's comfortable and warm" said the huge man

"that's Hagrid, Marcus, he found us there and he saved you, and now we are in his Hu... Home" said Pansy

"what Happened ...?" I said as I'm starting to feel even more numb ...

"well ... when you fell down because of the poison ...


"Marcus!, wake up!, come on wake up!" said Draco as he was seeing the great huge spider coming at him with great horror

Draco let's carry him and run back to the school!" said Theo quickly

"you are right!, they will save him for sure!, come here Loki and help us carry Marcus!" said Draco urgently

after killing the spider, Loki was dead tired, but when he heard Draco voice and saw Marcus on the ground lifelessly, he came running with whatever power left in him

but as soon as they touched Marcus skin, they fell down on the ground ...

"DRACO! THEO!" said Pansy while being afraid and shocked

in no time, that huge Spider arrived in front of them ...

"You will have to kill me FIRST" said Pansy angrily as she stood in front of them and that Huge spider

but then, a voice beside that huge spider spoke,

"Kill yeh?, why would we want to kill yeh?, we are her' to save yeh!"

"what!?, aren't the Ground keeper?" said Pansy confused

"rubeus hagrid at yer service!" said Hagrid with a wide small till he saw the three boys and a small cat laying on the ground with pain on their faces

"what Happened to them!?" said Hagrid with a worried voice

"Those damn spider were the reason for all of this!" said Pansy as she pointed to the Spiders corpses angrily

"he must have turned my children into madness!, Hagrid" said the huge spider with a deep voice

"don't yeh worry Aragog, we will catch 'im!" said Hagrid with a firm face

then Hagrid walked up to the fallen boys and the cat, but before he touched them, Pansy warned him about touching them, and that he might get effected!, but he just gave her a warm smile and comforted her and not to be worried, then he proceeded to carry the boys and that cat, he also grabbed pansy and put her on Aragog back even thought she was terrified and against it.





and That's what happened" said Pansy with a tired face

"well, That was quite the ride" I said with a small and painful smile

"and What happened to you two!?, how did you pass out?" I said to Theo and Draco

"The Poison didn't enter our body, it only effected us by making us pass out and become numb for sometime, same for Loki" said Theo

after I got better and felt the poison has halted it take over on my body, Hagrid came to us, and told us that a werewolf has entered the school ground illegally!, and he infected some of the spider with a strange disease that made them turn crazy and delusional, and that they were peaceful creatures who wouldn't harm a fly, even though I doubt the last part, I was convinced on the werewolf part, then Hagrid told us to do him a favor and not to tell anybody we saw the spiders rampaging in the forest as that will make the ministry exterminate them unfairly!, I had a deep thought before I replied, but when I agreed, I told him to do us a small favor!, sneak us into the castle without anyone notice and don't say anything about us being here! (if we came back to the school publicly, that mad Prof. will figure out it was us who listened to him that time, and he might do some extreme method to keep his secret .... I'm not taking any chances!, also, I don't want to distract and bring my Father and Mother Into this.), Hagrid quickly agreed and told us get ready before the sunrise.


Next day ...

I woke up in the Hospital wing, laying on my bed without anyone with me.

after we snuck in the castle, we went to the Hospital wing immediately after changing our clothes with new ones, Draco and Theo Carried me there, Madam Pomfrey's was slightly shocked upon seeing me numbed and looking rather pale, when she asked what happened to me, Theo said That I got poisoned by a small Spider in the courtyard, she didn't question us anymore when she heard I was poisoned and quickly started to treat me with medicine.

Several days later, the first Quiddicth game Between Slytherin and Gryffindor began and finished quickly with our defeat!, Harry Potter caught the Snitch ... but that not the worst, Marcus Flint in that game, led the team as the captain with the seniors support, and he destroyed our team and possibly our house entire reputation in a single game ...

Short Chapter for today, but don't you worry, I will post another long Chapter tomorrow :)

xN2jcreators' thoughts