

Wallace was now standing in front of the large red gate separating the huge manor from the outside. Behind this gate was the home of the Grand Arcanist as well as the site for the apprenticeship examination. 

It seems that he had to fall in line seeing that there are about four hundred young magicians that have arrived earlier than him. It was a bit noisy due to the crowded place. 

A few minutes had passed and a small door opened from the large gate. A man, probably a butler due to his attire, went out to meet with the applicants.

"Everyone... I'm Clyne Troyard the representative of the Grand Arcanist living in this Cloud Hawk Manor, Sir Slaine Allusia."

After everyone went silent, he was satisfied and continued.

"We will only accept those who have applied online. Before you enter, I will check your names and records to confirm that you have truly passed the qualifications to take the exams." 
