

Russia, where the people (Wizards) don't like strangers, that is currently in political and economic turmoil. Having arrived safely albeit with a headache and nauseous from the Portkey, which felt like he'd been dragged by his face through a narrow tunnel.

Then as he was trying not to puke his breakfast all over the Russian Ministry's floor, a worker came and dragged him away to another room. They began to ask him various questions mostly regarding his purpose for coming to Russia and his Identity specifically if he was a Muggle born or a Half Blood.

After he answered all of their questions and showed them his introduction letter he was let go. Yet they also didn't provide him with anymore information pertaining to his situation, so as he exited the room he made sure to slam the door.

"*Fucking assholes...*"

That wasn't the end of his troubles, because apparently his aunt's house wasn't connected to their Floo Network, which meant that he'd have to go there in person. So after asking for directions to his aunt's home and where the nearest Gringotts was he went towards one of their chimney's.

Ron's destination was Moscow's Magical Shopping District, Mesto Neizvestno. located near Moscow's famous Red Square. So after entering the chimney he stated the name in the best Russian he could muster and was surprisingly engulfed in bright red flames.


Unlike Diagon Alley, Mesto Neizvestno resembled Knockturn Alley with it seemingly looking desolate and dark. Even the shops didn't seem welcoming with many looking dusty and old while others had windows that looked like they hadn't been cleaned in decades.

Being a bit curious he went in to what looked like a bookstore, at least he guessed it was because of the piles of books stacked against its windows.


As soon as Ron took one step inside the bookstore his nostrils were assaulted by a foul, putrid smell he covered his nose and made his way to the counter which a decrepit old man was leaning over.

"( What do you sell.)"

"( Beast Books.)"

Having a vague idea of what he meant, Ron started to look around the store and sure enough most of all the books in the store were made from beast skins. That in it of itself was grabbed Ron's attention but off to the side he saw books that were actually moving, very reminiscent of the Monster Book Of Monsters.

"*I didn't know there were more... They look different, so does that mean they're on different subjects?*"

He went towards one and tried to first inspect them since he knew the English ones were known to bite Wizards. One in particular looked quite fascinating it resembled the head of a dragon, with two onyx eyes and sharp row of teeth.

"( How much.)"

"10,000 Kusokzolta."

"*Hmm, that might be the tourist price, let's see how low he'll go. Not like I care but it wouldn't do me any favors if I become an easy mark.*"





Hearing that the old man went down from his initial price Ron knew the book wasn't worth any where near 10k.

"( 7,500 Last offer.)"

"( Fine.)"

The old man sighed and nodded his head, seeing that Ron took out the Kusokzolta in waves of thousands and with a wave of his wand the old man collected them all.

Knowing how dangerous the Monster Books could be, Ron carefully got close to it before throwing it inside his pouch.

"*Let's hope this wasn't a waste of money, otherwise I spent thousands on a cool looking book.*"

Exiting the bookstore Ron went to another shop a few doors down, a apothecary. Potions and Magical Ingredients were subjects that he'd prided himself in knowing well. so when he entered the shop he feelt a bit smug about it.

"*It's not that bad, I even think they have some Progelin ears those are quite rare and expensive.*"

Unlike the bookstore owner the lady running the apothecary was very welcoming even charming. As Ron saw it there were a lot of words that could describe the woman who was a tall blonde bombshell.



Once he came out of the apothecary with a large amount of Ingredients and no money he realized she was a Veela or at least half.

"*Who ever came up with the idea of hiring a Veela as a saleswoman knows that, Sex Sells. Even more so when they have that charming aura about them, I'm sure that if I was older and in puberty I'd offer to buy the whole store.*"

Left with no more money he finally made his way down to the bank, which surprisingly was almost identical to the one in Diagon Alley. The major difference he noticed was the colour scheme here was red and gold instead of white with gold. After exchanging his Galleons for Kusokzolta and his British Pounds for Rubles he left the bank.

"*Now how am I going to get to Tiksi? The lady at the Ministry said I could go by plane or take a train and then a boat...*"

Walking a bit absent-mindedly Ron failed to notice two men approach him and shove him to the ground. He was going to retaliate but then had an idea and didn't move when the men took his red pouch and ran.


Two shadows hastily made their into a alleyway, they wore hoods over their heads to hide their faces but one of them was holding non to a crimson pouch.

"( Open it! Open it!)"

The one without the pouch excitedly yelled out as his accomplice was eagerly trying to do so. Seeing as it wasn't opening regularly the man holding on to it took out his wand and chanted a spell which was able to open it.

"( Stupid rich boy!)"

"Zhe he he he-"


A sudden wave sent the laughing man crashing to the ground, seeing his partner on the ground the other man quickly countered with a spell of his own.


A strong gust of wind shot out of the man's wand towards the alleyway's entrance. Not wanting to be found by the authorities the thief began to flee in the opposite direction.


He didn't make it very far when his foot was caught in a hole, trying to stand up he found the hole was slowly closing.

"(Fuck!)" "(Fuck!)" "(Fuck!)"

The thief became more hysterical and even pointed his wand towards the ground in an attemp to free himself. Then as he was going to chant a spell, a voice sounded behind him.

"That's an old spell used for farming, made it easier to plant seeds into the soil. Now I use it to get rid of rats... Legilimens!"


The parentheses are for when they're speaking Russian!

( Russian )

This Side story will set up future plot lines, Ron dealing with Wizards, witches, beasts and other beings later on.

AnonAuthorcreators' thoughts