
War: Roles Reversed


"You! What did you do to me?" Vit'hum roared as he tried to break the chains wrapped around his limbs. 

The chains and shackles appeared ordinary yet to his surprise, they were incredibly sturdy. No matter how hard he tried to break them, his attempts doesn't even leave a mark, on the contrary he's even hurting his own body. 

Vit'hum was also alarmed that the chains were rapidly draining his strength. This feeling greatly infuriated him since in his mind, he's the only one who devours, not the other way around. 

Raven snorted as he witnessed his futile attempts, he said: "Don't look at me, I didn't do that."

"But let me offer you a piece of advise." Raven sneered, "Stop wasting your efforts on breaking those. Even if you grew an additional hump on your back, you'll never break it."

"Damn you!" Vit'hum was incensed, causing him to ignore the chains and instead focus on killing Raven. 
