
Tell Me Everything That's Led up to This

"I will come to your house now. Wait there." Xiao Tian, who was sitting on the chair, instantly rose to his feet and dashed to his car.

From Yun Xin Er's voice, he knew that something bad had happened to her. Earlier, he didn't ask anything on purpose because it would be better to ask it when he was at her house.

'What happened to her? Did someone cause trouble for her?'

Currently, Xiao Tian was on his way to her house.

'Wait! Don't tell me, Zi Yuhan is the one who causes trouble for her?'

The reason why Xiao Tian suspected Zi Yuhan was that he had humiliated Zi Yuhan earlier. Because Xiao Tian wanted to get to her house as quickly as possible, he drove his car faster.

After Xiao Tian parked his car and entered her house, he immediately knocked on the door. "Big sister Yun, it's me Xiao Tian."


Yun Xin Er immediately opened the door when she knew it was Xiao Tian. Without saying anything, she instantly embraced him.
