
Godparents of Rodrigo Prince Ⅱ

With the greetings finalized, Reginald motioned for his sister and his nephew to step forward. Georgine gently tugs Rodrigo's hand pulling him forward. The little boy is a little nervous and glances back at Severus and Rowan. Severus offers Rodrigo a reassuring smile, with a head nod from Rowan.

Glancing forward Rodrigo's dark eyes are wide and curious. The little boy is quiet though having been carefully instructed by his mother on what to do. Still, he grips his mother's hand tightly out of nerves.

Rather than setting up a traditional candlelit circle, the candles are set before an altar, an even more archaic form of witchcraft. They are set in a purposeful manner of magical significance. There is a total of ten candles set next to an item matching a representation. A bowl of water, Copal incense (to be lit), a pot of blue cornflowers, a bell (to be rung), and various aromatic spices. On the surrounding altar, there are orange Cempasuchitl (marigold) petals strewn in a perfect circle.

Reginald steps over the circle of petals and is careful not to step on a single petal. Inside the circle, the candles burst into flames lit by a single wave of Reginald's fingers. Unlike the ceremony of Rowan and Severus (which was conducted at night), the ceremony is conducted in such a manner because Rodrigo was born in the morning when the sun was already in the sky.

Rodrigo in a solemn voice begins to chant, "Beneath the gaze of the fiery sun, a child was born. Born under the light, we ask the child to be taken through shrewd winding paths finding safe passage even through dangerous territories, and still emerge unscathed. Is there any traveler among us that will guide this child to walk carefully and unseen?"

Lucius Malfoy holds Andromeda Tonk's hand as they take a step forward. "Of our own free will and choice, two wise travelers step forth before thee. Clever and wise, we shall teach the child born under the sun to shrewdly navigate the paths of life."

"It is witnessed, so mote be," Reginald said as he took a silver knife from his pocket. He steps to the edge of the circle as Georgine gently pushes her son forward. Rodrigo is wide-eyed, his lower lip wobbling. Still, the little boy moves forward and extends his hand to his uncle.

Rodrigo leans down and whispers, "Close your eyes, Rodrigo," the little boy instantly boys. Rodrigo's eyes are tightly screwed shut as his open hand visibly quivers. The silver blade glitters in the air, before stabbing the tip of Rodrigo's forefinger. A pained whimper escapes from Rodrigo, but he does not cry. He is a big boy!

A drop of blood wells up and drips onto the orange petals below. A breeze blows through the room causing petals to dance in the air. The petals hover in the air tossing and swaying, dancing to an invisible song. Rodrigo curiously peeks out of the corner of his eyes. His eyes grow big and wide in awe forgetting completely about being stabbed in his finger.

While Rodrigo was occupied, Reginald pressed the tip of the bloodstained blade to the potted blue cornflowers causing a drop of blood to be left behind on a petal. "An elder has come before like the countless before. Plants and trees sprout seeds and therein flourish until it is time for the next generation. The Head of the Prince family speaks on behalf of this seedling and seeks the blessing of growth and life. I ask that this child be protected by a worthy sword and shield."

The flowers before their very eyes seem to grow as if signaled as Andromeda and Lucius step to the edge of the orange marigold circle of petals on either side of Rodrigo. They offer their hands to Reginald, who instantly stabs them in the finger. Then they move forward to drip their blood onto the child.

"No need to fear, little one," Andromeda whispers reassuringly as she leans forward to draw a rune symbol on the child's cheek and forehead using her blood. Rodrigo wrinkles his little face but does not protest their actions. Finished Lucius and Andromeda remain standing next to the little boy.

"Here we find a worthy sword and shield of their own accord," Reginald firmly said. "We bind these travelers in a promise as old as time. And so, Magic of old heed, our call. Magic of old, come forth!" The candles burn even more brightly, the flames rising impossibly high. A familiar magic presence fills the parlor, it is old magic.

However this time around, Rowan did notice the extra candles. There are only seven members present in the chamber, yet there are 10 candles represented. It is said, that the extra candles represent the dead. In that case, they must represent their grandmother Sirsa, and their mother…along with her husband.

Rowan didn't know if that made her feel better or not. Disgruntled, she returned her gaze back to the ceremony. There would be plenty of time to think about the subject later on.

Proud and elegant, Georgine steps forward towards her brother. "I, Georgine Prince, daughter of the Prince household acknowledge this sword and shield on behalf of my child. Through this voyage of life and death, I ask for a seaworthy vessel for my son, who was born under the blazing sun. That he may securely chart the high seas and pass through fierce tempests unscathed."

Georgine extends her hand to her brother, Reginald who stabs the tip of her finger, before dipping just the tip of the blade into the bowl of water. The water slightly darkens as the drop of blood swirls in the bowl. The drop of blood continues to swirl as proof of magic.

With Georgine having stepped forth it is Severus's turn next, who moves to stand next to Lucius. "I, Severus Prince, son of the Prince household ask for the warmth of the hearth for the child born under the sun. The certainty that no place will ever be dark or out of reach, for there is always a warm hearth to return to. The undying blaze that is loyal and true, this is that which I sincerely request."

Severus extends his hand outward for his blood to be taken. Reginald turns to the unlit Copal incense. Reginald touches the edge of the blade to the unlit incense causing the incense to burst into flame. It is Rowan's turn next, and she moves up to stand next to her great-aunt Georgine.

"I, Rowan Prince, daughter of the Prince household ask for the knowledge carried on the wind and that may it be granted to this child born under the son. To know what is good and wrong, and what should be done and what should not. The freedom of the wind to learn and grow, this is what I sincerely request," Rowan said stretching out her hand to her grandfather.

Reginald firmly pricks his granddaughter's hand, the tip of the blade hovers over the bell. The seconds pass until a drop of blood falls onto the bell. The bell loudly tongs by an unseen hand, (magic). The floating petals on the unseen breeze begin to circle them in a winding swirl.
