
Amalgamation Ⅳ

The goblin king sensed that he would not gain an answer even if he stubbornly pressed on. Rising to his feet, Grok Gringotts rises to his feet and steps down from the throne. He moved forward only to halt Rowan Prince. "May I?" He requested extending his hand out to grasp the legendary sword.

Seeing the blatant desire in the goblin king's eyes, Rowan carefully hands the blade to Grok Gringotts. Grok greedily clutches the sword in awe and raises it into the air. The goblins begin to wildly cheer, some with tears in their eyes at seeing a wish fulfilled. The reclamation of the legendary blade. The sword had returned at long last to their king!

Grok lowers the sword enthusiastically studying the blade upward to the hilt of the blade. His gaze froze upon seeing an engraved name just below the hilt of the blade. It is viable proof that Godric Gryffindor had not stolen the blade from his ancestor. His hands shake and he nearly drops the blade as he recalls the threat Reginald Prince had once promised to use against him.

The feelings of greed and rashness fade away as he becomes dreadfully somber. In the end, it is merely a sword, Grok Gringotts concluded. It is indeed a well-made artifact, but it is not worth the countless wars fought and lives lost for the blade. He would not end his reign with war but rather the dawn of a new era.

With a hint of reluctance, Grok Gringotts returns the blade to Rowan Prince. "The sword is thine birthright. If the Prince's desire to use Godric's swords as a symbol of peace, I shall not oppose it."

A rush of protests filled the air, but Grok paid them no heed. Rather he turned to his grandson, Ragnok. "What say's the heir to the stone throne?"

Ragnok gazes intently at the blade but there is no sign of greed in his gaze. After a moment, he responds, "My King, it is a good blade, but it is not worth the lives of the entire goblin kingdom."

"Well said," Grok failed to hide a pleased expression at his grandson's wise response. "Then let it be known from this day forth, the sword of Godric belongs solely to Rowan and Severus Prince and their descendants to be used as a sign of our willingness to uphold peace."

Turning to face the elders, Grok asks, "What says the Council?"

"Aye," Wulm firmly said followed by a course of "Aye's," from the rest of the Council even if some of them sounded very sorrowful and reluctant. 

"The Council has spoken, so mote be," Grok Gringotts announced, before turning again to face his people. "Today is a day of celebration! Blood kin have returned to us with great news!" The goblin king proudly declared.

Despite feeling dejected in some respects, the elders and clan heads feel hopeful in others. The goblins depart while the Council and Goblin King remain behind with the Prince family to iron out details of their plans to appeal to the International Confederation of Wizards. Still, many rush out to tell their families and kin the glorious news. Change is nigh!

The twelve councilmember's sneak glances at the grandchildren of Reginald Prince, Rowan & Severus Prince. Among them is Purtang, who adjusts his pointed hat. Purtang certainly had not anticipated the end to this evening, but that did not mean he would not make the most of it. The Prince's would need allies and he was not averse to offering his services in an alliance for a suitable price of course.

Sensing the political undercurrent, Grok Gringotts says, "The Council is excused, I only require the services of master craftsman Wulm and Councilmember Kostilb."

"Yes, Your Excellency," the councilmembers reluctantly responded and departed including a rather dismayed and frustrated Purtang.

Ragnok's pointed ears twitch as if laughing, before he says, "Shall I retire to grandfather?" He informally spoke to the goblin king.

"No need," Grok drily answered. "I wish for you to familiarize yourself with the Prince heir's."

"I am well acquainted with Rowan," Ragnok honestly responded, "but not so with Severus Prince." 

Ragnok approaches and commences a conversation with Rowan and Severus regarding alchemy. Goblins in general were not good alchemists, but they certainly held a strong fascination for the subject. It was primarily due to the Philosopher's Stone. It was the dream of many a goblin to create gold out of nothing. A goblin could never have too much gold.

Pleased by his grandson's actions, Grok turns to address Reginald Prince. "The Prince heirs have been recognized, Prince, have you anything further to add?"

"That comes with the protection of the goblin kingdom does it not?" Reginald pointedly inquired.

"Naturally," Grok responded with an arched brow. He suspected that the old Prince was more than a little concerned about the safety of his grandchildren. Then again, the Prince's had plenty of enemies.

Sensing that Reginald Prince is pleased by the response, Grok Gringotts turns to the two remaining councilmembers, Wulm and Kostilb. "Are the Prince heir's adequate students?"

"Students?" Reginald Prince furrowed his brows.

"I cannot say," Wulm gruffly answered, "not until I have tested them."

Unlike Wulm, Kostilb offers a crooked-toothed smile. "I would be delighted to educate the Prince heirs in the knowledge of the royal clan," he croaked. "I am sure the Hogwarts Board will permit me to teach the Prince heirs in private once the news is broken."

Reginald slowly nodded his head at the response. It is prudent for Rowan and Severus to learn the customs of the royal goblin clan. His grandchildren needed to improve their gobbledegook to the level of a fluent speaker. A private tutor would ensure their success. 

Grok Gringrotts loudly claps his hands drawing the attention back to him. "If the Prince children would present themselves before master craftsman Wulm to be tested, I would be much obliged."

Rowan and Severus nod to Ragnok in an apologetic fashion, while Ragnok signals in understanding. The two of them approach the gruff elderly goblin craftsman. Wulm pointedly sniffed, before pulling out five gemstones from her pocket

A deep green, highly polished gemstone with swirls and patterns of light and dark shades and circles that resemble the all-seeing eye, Malachite represents Earth. A glittering polished creamy-colored pearl representing Water. A tear-shaped blue topaz represents Air. Sunny yellow in a princess cut is a Citrine representing Fire. Last but not least a purple star-cut Amethyst represents the Spirit. 

"Take a stone," Wulf gruffly ordered.

Severus glances at Rowan, who motions for Severus to do so without question.

Severus sighs and glances at the stones. None truly called to him until the pearl caught his eye as it reminded him of the smooth texture of a potion. He turned to his at his twin sister who had yet to select a gem. After a moment of deliberation, Rowan selects the Malachite.

"Pour your magic into the stone," Wulm plainly instructed.

Severus is about to ask if they can use their wands, but something about the elderly goblins' demeanor screams at him not to ask. Tactfully, he does as he is instructed and begins to pour his magic into the pearl. The pearl begins to warp in his hand as if bubbling hot. The pearly bursts with a splash causing Severus to stumble back lest he is splashed.

A loud crack caused Severus to glance at Rowan, whose malachite stone had simply cracked into hundreds of pieces as if glass. Thankfully this time her flesh managed to handle her magic. There was some backlash, but it was very light. 

Rowan did not have time to ponder on the incident and instead turned to share a wary glance with Severus. It would seem they did not have a talent for goblin craftmanship. Then again, their interests were not related whatsoever much to mechanical interests. It came as no surprise to them, not really.

"Thought as much," Wulm huffed before pointing first at Severus. "The boy has too much fire and water in him. He does not have the balanced heart required for crafting."

"And as for the girl," Wulm paused to gaze at the crushed gem. "Though her power is steady like the earth, it also possesses the negative characteristics of the earth, powerful and volatile." 

"They cannot be taught?" Reginald inquired in genuine surprise.

"I didn't say that," Wulm impatiently snapped. "It will be very difficult for the two of them to learn crafting, but they can be taught." She left out the fact that the two could only be taught to an extent. They would never be true craftsmen in that sense.

"Do you wish to learn?" Reginald somberly turned to ask his grandchildren.

Severus frowns in thought, before shaking his head. "I am much better at potions and spell-crafting, grandfather. Pouring my power into the stone felt unnatural to me. Crafting is not for me."

Rowan does not respond automatically but rather takes a moment to think. With the increase in her power, she needed to find a conducive way to ground her magic. It may very well go out of control at this rate. However, she could not use a wand to craft, and she could not perform wandless magic without severe repercussions. 

"It would be beneficial to learn crafting," Rowan began to say, "but I hold no talent nor genuine interest in learning. I will have to politely decline the generous offer."

Wulm shows no sign of disappointment but rather seems impressed by the response. It is better to be keenly aware than to not be. A mistake that many make in trying to achieve perfection only to fail and successfully achieve mediocrity. 

"Alas, it would seem not meant to be," Grok Gringrotts sagely remarked, "but perchance one of their children will be more willingly."

"Perhaps," Reginal agreed, before glancing at Kostilb with a somewhat perturbed expression. He had never seen such a cheerful goblin…. It is most disconcerting.

Sensing that Kostilb is acting so purposefully, the goblin king hurriedly sends the elderly goblin away on a random errand. Most of them watch Kostilb depart with some measure of relief. Then again that wouldn't be Kostilb…
