
And More Essays

After their classwork on Tuesday, many of the students chatted about the upcoming Lunar New Year that would that upcoming Saturday. Rumor had it that a board member of the Hogwarts board would be hosting festivities at Hogwarts on Lunar New Year's Eve. Many of the students were looking forward to it, especially the younger years, who seemed utterly fascinated by the idea. Not that the older students were not, but they had plenty of additional homework as a result which certainly put a damper on things.

Thursday morning in the Great Hall found Rowan frowning at the windy sky, before glancing at the timetables of herself and the younger years. She would have to keep an eye on the snakeling's to ensure they didn't wander outside in this weather. Though that likely wasn't going to be a problem. In a fit of exasperation, she had taught the younger years how to play Mafia using cards to determine their roles. Apparently, the game had been too successful…. Needless to say, the Slytherin Common Rooms would be far from boring for a good while.

Putting the timetables away, Rowan begins to genuinely dig into brunch. She poured a bit of syrup on her stack of pancakes and piled on fresh fruit to at least have a more balanced meal. She took a sip of the steamed hot chocolate with soymilk and nodded in approval at the delicate taste. That had a hint of cinnamon and vanilla to it. The Hogwarts house elves were getting better and better every day.

Glancing across the table, Rowan eyed the delicate-looking Terry, before staring at Severus who was merely poking at his food. Terry having sensed his friend's brief lingering gaze raised his hazel eyes up from the Daily Prophet. Flipping his floppy hair to one side, he sets down his copy of the Daily Prophet. "There is nothing much of interest going on in the Daily Prophet," he pointedly sniffed.

Terry elegantly began to cut up his food, before taking a bite. As he politely chews his food, he glances over at the table at his beloved Sylvia Flint. Sylvia's dark sleek hair is neatly pulled back revealing enchanting sharp features with breathtaking bluish-gray eyes. He had never much cared for ample curves but rather preferred his women slender.

Tiffany Topsy, who was sitting next to Sylvia wrinkled her pretty nose at Terry. Tiffany's silky short, strawberry blond bobbed hair moved lightly with her every movement. She graceful set her utensils down and smirked openly at his rather doting look towards his courting partner, Sylvia.

Terry scoffs at Tiffany's smirks causing her lips to curl up even more in victory. The two friends exchange pointed glances in a friendly teasing manner. At their side, the ravishing beauty Bethanie Fawley shakes her head causing her long, wavy auburn hint to glint beautifully. The curved beauty prettily pursed her lips causing any male staring to sigh in longing.

"You two," Bethanie sighed fondly in exasperation.

Tiffany and Terry exchanged glances before innocently glancing back at Bethanie. They both deliberately batted their eyelashes at Bethanie. Bethanie let out an undignified snort at their antics causing Sylvia to glance up from her bowl of sweetened porridge. Sylvia merely shook her head at noticing both Terry and Tiffany coyly smiling at her.

Satisfied at having gained a reaction, Terry turns away to glance at Severus, who is still poking at his food. Rolling his hazel eyes in exasperation, he says, "Severus, I am certain that Lily will like anything that you give her."

Rowan snorts can be heard from the other side of the table causing Severus to glance up with a dark scowl. "I know that," he growled, before frowning. "I'm just not sure how to go about giving it to her without it appearing romantic."

Terry stared in surprise, and he wasn't the only one as their friends did too. Rowan especially furrowed her brow in concentration. "Is there something wrong?" She gently prodded.

"No, we have not fought if that is your question," Severus honestly admitted. "However, I do not desire to start any more rumors than there already are in existence."

"Rumors have never bothered you before," Rowan candidly declared. "Please tell me, Severus, what is truly bothering you? Do you feel that your relationship is progressing too fast or feels stagnant?"

"I merely wish for some space," Severus quietly said. "It is not that I care less for Lily, but I desire some space for my own thoughts and feelings."

Understanding flashed within Rowan's eyes at Severus's words. Severus would always love Lily, but he was beginning to grow and change as a result of their mother's death. He needed the space to stretch his wings and simply fly on his own.

"Alright, do you want me to deliver her birthday gift then?" Rowan sincerely offered.

"No," Severus shook his head. "I will just have Owny deliver the package early tomorrow morning." It would provide much-needed space, but not hurt Lily's feelings in any form or manner.

"Sheesh, so overly dramatic," Terry mumbled under his breath before hastily down at receiving glares from his friends. He tactfully decided to remain quiet for the rest of breakfast.

Brunch went quickly by and then it was time for Charms with Professor Flitwick. The tiny wizard with dark hair wearing a sharp suit stands per usual on a stack of books in order to be seen at the front of the classroom. "Today we shall be learning the Eradication Spell. Can anyone tell me what the charm does?"

Tiffany's strawberry blond bobbed hair shook as she raised her hand in the air. "Miss Topsy, if you would, please," Professor Flitwick instructed the 5th-year Slytherin girl.

"The Eradication charm disintegrates various objects and serves as a counter-charm to the Reverse spell, (a charm that revealed the last spell a wand cast)," Tiffany promptly answered.

"Excellent response, Miss Topsy, 5 points to Slytherin," Professor Flitwick squeaked, before proceeding to show the wand movements for the charm.

Tiffany happily beams earning a proud smile from Bethanie and a cheerful nudge from Terry. Sylvia on the other hand reads doesn't pay much attention hiding her copy of Seeker Weekly behind their textbook reading the latest about Quidditch. Despite everything that Sylvia portrayed, she was still very much a fan of Quidditch. There was a reason that she and Willa Sands were still good friends after all these years.

Professor Flitwick loudly in front of the classroom proceeds to show the Eradication Spell. "Deletrius!" He said vanishing the smoke from a burning wax candle at the front of the classroom.

The classroom politely clapped, before Professor Flitwick blew out the candle with a wave of his wand. "Now, I want everyone to light the candle before them and then practice vanishing the smoke from their wax candle."

"Yes, sir," the class chorused before lighting their candles with a spell.

A loud panicked pained squawk is heard from the back of the classroom causing everyone to turn around. The sausage-sized curls of Gertrude Fowl were in flames. Her bloated face is in sheer panic as she shrilly shrieked shaking her head in panic.

"Aguamenti!" Professor Flitwick loudly said as a jet of water was conjured from the tip of his wand to put out the flames.

Gertrude Fowl was immediately doused with water and became rather soaking wet. Gertrude Fowl let out another shrill shriek of embarrassment, but Felton Graham in an unusual gentlemanly gesture removed his outer robes and handed them to the soaking 5th-year girl. Everyone in the class gawked at the auburn, curly-haired boy. The blue-eyed boy frowned and returned to his desk with a mature expression.

Felton Graham might a bit of a perv and he might leer once or twice at a girl. But he did possess some measure of personal dignity after all! That and after the incident with Tiffany Topsy, he had very much learned his lesson about personal space. He unconsciously shivered vividly recalling the lesson taught at the hands of Severus Prince and Terry Greengrass. It was his misfortune to be their dorm mate after the departure of Evan Avery and T. (Turtlus) Rosier.

Another quick spell mostly by Professor Flitwick mostly dried Gertrude Fowl. "Now, Miss Fowl if you would explain to me just what occurred?"

Gertrude Fowl unhappily flicks her gaze towards her desk mate, Hortense Sicca. The gaunt girl with plastered murky hair appeared to be genuinely surprised and remorseful. "I miscalculated, Professor," Hortense Sicca stammered in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to light Gertrude's hair on fire!"

"Very well, Miss Sicca, I shall grant you the benefit of the doubt," Professor Flitwick sternly said. "However, this is a classroom and I fully expect your care and attention to be given at all times. 5 points from Slytherin!"

Tiffany's head dropped slightly in disappointment as the points that she had earned were gone just like that. Bethanie and Sylvia consoled Tiffany, while Terry's eyes lit up with a certain gleam. Severus and Rowan, who were watching visibly shuddered and turned away from Terry. There was no good to know what was on Terry's mind. Otherwise, they would be unable to claim plausible deniability when the time came.

"Back to your stations," Professor Flitwick firmly reminded them as everyone returned to their attention to their desks before them.

Once Professor Flitwick is out of earshot, Terry quietly murmurs, "So, do you think that was an accident?" He carefully emphasized the last word of his sentence.

"It's possible," Rowan candidly replied. "Hortense Sicca truly did appear to be repentant. And whether we like her or not, but Gertrude Fowl and she are as thick as thieves." She paused to glance over at Quyen Crowley, who was working with another girl from their year. "Quyen Crowley is all the way over there and we are all the way over here. I doubt we were their aim."

"And Terry," Rowan warningly said, "I know that you dislike them. But I believe that nothing more can be more embarrassing than just what occurred. Hold off on any pranks or retaliation you hear!"

The gleam in Terry's hazel eyes dies in bitter disappointment. "Fine," he unhappily mumbled and pointedly turned his attention to the candlestick before him.

Rowan and Severus share a glance, but they knew that Rowan had won. The rest of the class passes by ending in a stack of essays for homework. It was moments like these that put a real damper on a magical education.

Ah, good old homework... I feel that.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts