
The Birds and the Bees Sequel Ⅱ

The Slytherin students knew something was up when Rowan and Severus announced that all second year and third years including transfer students were to assemble in the common room an hour before dinner. No further details were given the bewilderment of the younger years except for the fact that the fourth years and up all possessed a traumatic look in their eyes. They knew exactly what was to come because they had all undergone the hideous, mind-bending tribulation before. They all would make themselves scarce for the rest of the evening lest they trigger painfully suppressed memories.

The rest of the day passed far too quickly much to the absolute dread of Rowan and Severus. The Slytherin common room was usually empty except for the present second and third years including the transfer students. The boys and girls quietly chatted until Rowan and Severus gestured at them to be silent as the last of the younger years arrived. "It would appear that everyone is present now," Rowan said. "We shall now proceed accordingly by genders, the boys will follow Severus out first, while the girls will follow me."

With a cold face to hide his uneasiness, Severus motioned at the second and third years to promptly follow him including the transfer students. With a bemused expression, they did as they were instructed to do and followed the Slytherin male Prefect out. Wearing a similar face akin to that of Severus, Rowan did very much the same thing and had the girls follow her to an empty classroom in the dungeons that triggered unpleasant memories for Rowan.

"Please have a seat," Rowan curtly instructed them, and suddenly recalled Prefect Pizarro acting similarly. She suddenly felt a wave of pity for the older Slytherin girl. No wonder, she had been so curt that day! She owed Prefect Pizarro an apology after this.

Once seated, much like in Rowan's own year, the second-year and third-year girls including transfer students stared at each other suspiciously wondering if one of them had gotten the rest of them in trouble again. It had already occurred several times this year, so it would not be surprising at all to find that was the case again. As such, the transfer student girls were viewed with even more open suspicious as they wondered if one of them had propositioned to someone again, most likely Professor Winfrey.

Pretty soon the girls relax and begin to softly chatter, while Rowan finds a spot to stare blankly at. She needed a good spot to make it seem as though she was paying attention when she was actually tuning everything out, Madam Pomfrey might say. She briefly considered putting magical earplugs in, but she needed to be able to hear if Madam Pomfrey asked a question.

Rowan's thoughts are interrupted by crisp footsteps, the door slams open to reveal the form of Professor Eponine Mortimer, the assistant Professor for Potions, and unofficial Deputy Slytherin Head. Her stiff straight hair is cut right at her shoulders pointing downward at a nearly flat chest. Her skin is shallow as usual, but her face is as angelic as ever.

A slow crocodile-like smile appears on Professor Mortimer's face as she strides towards the front of the dungeon classroom. The girls are not the only ones surprised as is Rowan for clear obvious reasons as she was expecting Madam Pomfrey. Where was Madam Pomfrey?!

As if guessing Rowan's thoughts, Professor Mortimer's white gleaming smile widens even more Cheshire-like. "Professor Sprout is tending to an accident in one of the greenhouses as such Madam Pomfrey is replacing her in lieu of her absence, and I naturally volunteered for Slytherin," she wolfishly said as the younger Slytherin girls felt a shiver race down their spines.

They weren't the only ones as Rowan had the distinct feeling that the accident that had transpired in Professor Sprout's greenhouse had been by far coincidental. That and Professor Mortimer was too much like her cousin, Terry, and their spider-like tendencies. It was frankly unnerving to witness.

"Now, then we shall proceed and embark on this glorious discussion regarding womanhood," Professor Mortimer gleefully said as she waved her wand and proceeded to draw two chalk diagrams, one of the female anatomies and the other of the male anatomy. The transfer students all begin to turn bright red as the younger girls stare blankly for a moment until the images being drawn on the chalkboard click in their minds.

Finished drawing, Professor Eponine claps her hands together to gain their attention. "I presume that most of you sitting here before me have already had your first blood moon or know what it is, correct?" The Slytherin girls on flush darker in reply and answer to the question.

"Good," Professor Mortimer murmured, "less time of our time is wasted on such an obvious statement. I shall not expand on the subject of your breasts or lack of there." She paused to gesture at her own rather minuscule chest. "Growth is often accompanied by itching as the skin stretches. There are medicated lotions to ease such effects. And if the chest size is a severe concern there are costly potions to enhance the size of one's chest or the most common practice is the use of nursemaids to feed the young."

Several of the wealthier pureblood girls in the classroom nod their heads at the last part. Nursing maids were quite common to use to feed newborns in the upper households or even lactating female house elves. It was used by those who did not have the time to nurse or were unable to do so or simply preferred not to.

"Next is the unexpected hair growth that should have already begun in areas such as under the armpits or in the loin area," Professor Mortimer said with a bit of a smirk as the Slytherin younger girls shivered with utter embarrassment. "There are plenty of manners in which to treat such area, but the most common is generally shaving spells," she said causing several girls to sputter with utter mortification.

Professor Mortimer proceeded to explain and show the two spells, "Rado," and "Radi." With a most delighted expression, she had the self-conscious Slytherin girls practice on their forearm or leg the spell until she was satisfied, they had performed the spell to perfection. It was a spell one generally did not want to get wrong.

With a cheeky grin, Professor Mortimer moved onto the male and female anatomy diagrams and proceeded to explain how things worked and how one became pregnant when Slot A was inserted into Slot B. She also proceeded to explain what might occur if otherwise the slotting was not done right, which only served for several girls to bury their burning red faces with despair into their hands.

The entire discussion Rowan had a blank look on her face as she suddenly found herself desperately missing Madam Pomfrey. At least, Madam Pomfrey tried to be careful with her words, while Professor Eponine Mortimer took far too much pleasure at their discomfort. It was appalling, but a bird of prey did enjoy toying with their food at times. Blame it on their Veela psychological tendencies.

Ug, Adolescence.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts