
Wedding Invitation Ⅱ

Standing by the main hearth, Reginald glanced at the antique clock on the mantel. It is a quarter till three, the wedding would start soon. He had never had the opportunity to escort his daughter down the aisle and nor would he know.

Footsteps pull him out of gloomy thoughts. Reginald turns around to see the twins in matching dark trousers, gray silk sweaters, and fitted silk robes. Severus's hair has been neatly retrimmed, while Rowan's hair is neatly pulled back in a bun.

"I know neither of you has traveled by floo before," Reginald solemnly instructed. "Take a pinch of floo powder from a silver case on the stand. You will throw the pinch of powder into the fireplace while clearly shouting out the destination in mind, Filch Hall. Promptly after stepping into the fireplace. Is that clear?"

The twins nodded their heads, before reaching into the silver case and grabbing a pinch of glittering floo powder. "Ladies first," Severus said with a speck of humor.

Rowan snorts and tosses the pinch of powder into the flames. With a roar, the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than her. The green flames felt like a warm breeze as she stepped into the hearth and shouted, "Filch Hall!"

It felt as though Rowan is being sucked down a giant green drain as everything seemed to be spinning very fast, while the roaring in her ears grew deafening causing her to close her eyes lest she spews her lunch.

With a loud pop in her ears, Rowan's dazed eyes struggle to focus. She stumbled into the carpeted hallway. Almost tripping over her own feet, she manages to move to the side knowing that Severus is coming right after her. She uses the wall to prop her weight up trying to get her bearings.

The flames turn green and Severus stumbles out of the hearth. "I think I am going to throw up," he gurgled slumping over into a nearby chair.

Seconds later Reginald appears and coolly steps out of the fireplace. There is not a single sign of dizziness or otherwise. "Gather yourselves together, children. You will become used to it soon enough," he briskly said.

Severus and Rowan share a glance that promised, "Never!"

Wizards and witches must have stomachs made of steel to be able to take that wild ride each time. Then again, maybe, they grew numb and accustomed to the effects after a period of time. The mind and body work in mysterious ways for self-preservation.

"May I have the invitation, sir?" A polite voice interjected causing them to turn around. The source of the question is a pretty, young witch with freckles sprinkled across her nose, the female hostess.

Reginald held out the repaired wedding invitation for the hostess to take. The young woman reviews the name on the invitation. "Right this way, please," she gestured leading to their seats. "We must hurry the wedding is about to commence."

The hostess leads them out to the decorated grounds in a large white tent where guests sit in elegant chairs. Pointing to the empty row in the back. "My apologies we were forced to move some of the guests and your arrival sir was not presumed to be in attendance."

"No matter," Reginald briskly waved the hostess away and took their seats. The twins peek at the guests and the tent itself. The supporting pole of the tent is wrapped with violet and blue ribbons. Among the guests, there is a witch with spiky moving hair, a man with strange moving tattoos on his face, and other interesting folks.

With the sunlight streaming through the tent, it is rather warm. Severus tugs slightly at his collar. "It's a tad hot with these robes on." It is true since they have two layers of clothing on.

"Well, it is traditional for a wizard wedding," Rowan drily commented. "No one said tradition is logical."

Changing the subject Severus glanced at the floating flower bouquets strewn across the tent. "There are enchanted flower bouquets, why are there no cooling charms?"

"Lack of common sense," Rowan deadpanned. It could also be the fault of a groom or bride….

"Hush now children," Reginald sternly reminded as the crowd grew quiet. Rowan and Severus fall silent as they turn toward the aisle. With a quiet flourish, the groom walks down the violet-carpeted aisle.

A bit taller than Argus, Roderic Filch is of medium build with broad shoulders. He has a fair complexion with a slightly hooked nose, but overall is better looking than his brother, Filch. Although for being younger than Argus, Roderic Filch already has a head covered in salt-peppered hair.

Behind Roderic comes his best man followed by groomsmen. Trailing at the end of the pack is, Argus Filch. Looking much better than usual, Argus Filch wore new robes. The men quietly lined up as they waited for the bride to enter.

A soft melody begins to play as Severus and Rowan's eyes widen at seeing their mother in silvery robes. Her raven hair is cleverly woven with flowers creating an illusion that she is wearing a crown of flowers. But most surprising of all, there was a happy smile on Eileen's face causing her to appear much younger than her years. It was probably the happiest the twins had ever seen their mother.

Reginald closed his eyes as if unable to bear the sight of his daughter. The bride continued up the aisle without noticing the three of them having only eyes for the groom. After a moment, Reginald opened his eyes at feeling two hands gently touching. The expressions of the twin show worry and uneasiness, but he gently motions for them to pay attention to the front of the tent.

A short tufty-haired wizard clears his voice to gather their attention. "Ladies and gentlemen," the wizard said in a slightly singsong voice. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls…."

"She looks so happy," Severus softly whispered.

"That's because she is," Rowan sadly murmured.

"I suppose this really means goodbye, doesn't it?" Severus whimpered.

"It doesn't have to be, if you don't want it to be," Rowan gently said.

Severus slowly shakes his head as his eyes drink in the sight of their happy, smiling mother. "No, we'll always only be a constant reminder of father," Severus croaked. "It's better this way, she'll be happy, and we-. And we will be as well."

"Do you, Roderic Filch take Eileen Snape to be your lawful wedded wife?" The wizard official asked.

"I do," Roderic confidently answered with a warm smile.

"And do you Eileen Snape take Roderic Filch to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do," Eileen replied with tears in her eyes.

"Then by the power invested in me, I declare you bonded for life." The tuft-haired wizard official pointed his wand high over the couple's heads as a shower of silver stars fell upon them, spiraling around their intertwined figures. The guests cheered as they rose to their feet to congratulate the couple as they shyly kissed before them.

The guests and family members surge forward to congratulate the newly married couple as the three Prince family members remained seated. "She'll be happy won't she, grandfather?" Severus quietly asked.

"This time," Reginald admitted as he drank in the sight of his smiling daughter his heart hardened in order to not break into two. "Well, we best be going now, we wouldn't to outstay our welcome."

Rowan hesitantly tugged on her grandfather's hand. "I think we ought to properly say goodbye," Rowan pleaded along with Severus, who did not have a chance to say goodbye to his mother.

Reginald knew he could not deny his grandchildren their wish. Eileen for all their faults is their mother. But it would be the last time, they would call her mother.

Uneasy or perchance afraid, Reginald's grandchildren took his hand. Still holding hands, the three of them lined up to congratulate the bride and groom. The line moves slowly as the guests begin to disperse to the reception hall.

Near the end, it is finally their turn. Eileen Filch's dark eyes blink in utter shock and fear at seeing them before here. Her eyes flicker to the twin's pale faces and then at the cold face of her father. They wouldn't say anything now, would they?!

Conceivably sensing or guessing his daughter's thoughts, Reginald's gaze grows colder.

Eileen opens her mouth to speak, but she is unable to at seeing the cold, disappointed face of her father. She wanted to explain herself, but she can't. She couldn't.

"Congratulations on your wedding, Eileen Filch," Reginald aloofly said as he gently released his grip on his grandchildren. "This is yours," he reached into his pocket to reveal a golden Gringotts key.

It is the key to a small dowry vault. It is not the rightful dowry that would have solely belonged to his daughter. However, she is unworthy now. Instead, the contents would be rightfully passed down to his grandchildren.

Eileen with trembling hands accepts the key. She knew the significance of her father giving the vault key to her. He was giving her enough funds to live on by herself. She would receive no further assistance from her family.

"And congratulations Mr. Filch, may you prosper," Reginald greeted the groom.

"Thank you, sir," Roderic furrowed his brows while trying to recognize the older wizard. A large enough guest list had been sent out, but he didn't recognize half of those in attendance.

Standing just behind his brother, Argus Filch's pale eyes bulge in recognition of Reginald Prince. His eyes dart to Rowan and Severus Prince and back to his brother's newly wedded wife. He can clearly see the family similarities. His mind races at the implications but remains silent on the subject. It is not his place to speak and looks away with guilt.

Rowan and Severus unconsciously reach for each other's hand. They had always been together since the womb. And they greatly needed each other in this heavy moment.

They both search their mother's face, but they see shame, guilt, and fear. They are hurt, but they are not alone. They had each other.

"Live well," Rowan sincerely wished as Eileen's face twisted with mixed emotions.

"Please be happy," Severus croaked unable to speak more.

At that moment, Eileen knew if her children left, she would forever lose them. Yet she couldn't. She had finally found happiness again. And what would Roderic think of her?!

Knowing his daughter had made her decision, Reginald says, "We shall take our leave now. There is no need to show gratitude," before leading his grandchildren home.

A terrible cold rush of fear filled Eileen. Her father is effectively cutting ties with her and her children. She would have no further say with them.

Seeing Eileen's gaze so intently glued to their previous guests, Roderic cursorily asks, "Did you know them, Eileen?"

"Once upon a time," Eileen cowardly responded still unable to speak the truth. She had made her choice. It is far too late to change her mind now.

Leaning over Roderic placed a gentle kiss on his wife's cheek. "Well, that was the last of them, let us go and join the party," Roderic warmly said.

"Mm," Eileen somewhat shyly answered as the two of them turned around and headed toward the other end of the tent. It was the start of a new beginning for the Filch couple. And only time would tell how their story would end.

As a person, I can understand why a person would abandon another person, whether spouse, child, or other relation in order to start anew. That being said, I don't know if abandoning a child can ever really be excused. In my personal opinion, said individual brought the child into this world and until that child is of legal age as a parent they are responsible. No matter what the excuse is, I don't think there is really ever a good enough excuse to say otherwise.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts