
Chapter Thirty Two: Why I Wear Red


Ben, Jean, MJ, Peter along with Dr. Henry McCoy were setting in their seats inside the new jet Forge had created. The insides were posh leather seats large televisions displaying their current location… and a Slurpee machine. They were all a little confused by the last item installed into the ship, but how Forge explained it… "Battle requires a lot of energy, Slurpee is a pure sugar drink. If nothing else the drinks were delicious, so they decided not to comment.

It had been hard enough getting out of the mansion, due to Forge going on and on about how much more advance the Phoenix was from the Blackbird. After about fifteen minutes even Peter and Ben were completely zoning out of the conversation. Finally, Beast reminded Forge that they were pressed for time and he finally released his captives.

The Phoenix was crimson black, it had a shiny outer cover that reflected the world around almost perfectly. It was very appealing to the eye, Jean especially had taken a liking to the new ship. Xavier had commissioned the construction of the new jet due to constructing a new X-team. So, Jean had taken no time in setting in the captain's chair with Beast being the co-pilot.

"Gosh Ben, this place is great. You have all the bells and whistles." Peter said setting his large cherry Slurpee into the cup holder on his seat. Honestly, he wasn't even a little jealous of his new brother's life. It was actually a sad thing he would never be able to be around Aunt May on a regular basis. He could exchange with him every once and a while just to catch up with her, but it wouldn't really be the same. Ben would never be able to share his life with her. How could it be considered an equal trade?

He decided when they had fought Kaine together earlier that he liked this other Spider, his character was commendable and he reminded him of his uncle a lot. There was a reason that most clones immediately attempted to take over Peter's life… It was because that was exactly what Peter would do if their situations were reversed. So, although he couldn't blame those clones for wanting his life, he wouldn't give up on the life he built himself.

Ben was different. When he realized the life he remembered was already occupied he walked away. It wasn't something Peter himself was able to do. Which meant that Ben was much more different than any clone created and even himself… Ben was unique.


Logan and Ororo landed the Blackbird on an empty area of the massive Helicarrier. SHIELD agents were already surrounding the jet as a 'welcoming party'. Although the agents were not pointing their weapons directly at them it seemed they were ready for an unsuspecting attack at any moment. Logan understood this, he had been trained briefly by the same standards. Although that was more than fifty years ago, he understood their thought process… It didn't mean he liked it.

Releasing the platform so they could walk out on SHIELD's base the sounds of several missiles were being shot at around metallic structure in the distance. They could only guess this was Magneto's base, it seemed to be standing up against the onslaught SHIELD was performing against it.

"Magneto must have worked overtime to be able to stand against you Fury," Logan said after they were escorted into a meeting room inside.

Rubbing his temples like he had a headache Fury grimaced at Logan's comment. "Well, I guess there is nothing to worry about since we have the X-men here to save the day..."

"Let's get one thing straight, Bub. You don't have us! We are independent and if you even think about trying something funny…" Logan interrupted Fury trying to make a point but when the woman next to him started to grab for her gun he stopped midsentence and growled at her.

"I wasn't code-named the 'Wolverine' because I liked puppies… If you don't take your hand off of that weapon you'll get a taste of what I had gotten that came from!" Logan finished his sentence in a growl.

Putting a hand on widow's shoulder Fury calmed the assassin down with a hard look. Stepping back she didn't say a word but didn't take her eyes off of the large man in front of her. There was just something about the savage man that made her feel safer if she held a pistol in her hands. She knew all about his abilities of healing, but he reminded her of someone from her past and she didn't like that person much…

"Back to business, I know you are protective of your team. You don't have to go into detail about how you will gut us all or anything. Now what I am more interested in… Is why you guys are here? I expected the X-Men to make an appearance but not as straight forward as you have. Tell me exactly what is your objective?"


Magneto had planned for months to not only fortify his Sahara base but how to attach it to the other one he had named Asteroid M. Unluckily for him SHIELD managed to find him before he could finish his preparations to accomplish that. What had been the real waste was to the number of materials he had stored in this place to help create his mutant army. Fortuitously he had already transported a portion of those materials to his base in the upper atmosphere. It had been a loss, but not one he couldn't recover from.

He was currently was pacing in the emergency transport area and he had started to get impatient, he had called for an evacuation twenty minutes ago but the newest addition to his team Dr. Warren seemed to be dragging his feet. He would have long left the man behind if he hadn't been so important to the cause. Finally, he spotted the elderly man walking casually towards him like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Warren, I want you in the first transport out of here… Aw, I see you have brought the new addition to the team I didn't know you had been cooking up a new recruit… " He said distastefully. Magneto didn't like his obsession with the masked vigilantly. He found it crude and uncouth, if this man was going to continue working under his protection, he would put a stop to this sooner or later. He still had expectations of getting the hero on his side… Although he was brilliant, Warren wasn't a believer in his cause. Sooner or later this man would abandon him, hopefully, at that time, he could protect himself from whatever fallout…

"There is no need for escaping for me, this is where we part." Dr. Warren said casually interrupting Magneto's words.

"That wasn't our deal, there is still much to do…" Magneto started to say but the man behind him stepped forward launching a flying kick to Erik's abdomen the kick had sent him directly into the far wall. Magneto landed hard on the ground, he furiously looked up at the person he had saved just a mere few weeks ago. Standing up he spat a mouthful of blood to the metallic floor and glared at these traitors with vicious eyes.

"Let me handle this guy boss, I will rip them to shreds…" Sabretooth said growling deep in his throat. Muscles were popping out of his skin and his claws had elongated. If Warren wanted to fight monster against monster, he was ready to show this puny runt a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

"I do not need any talkback from you… Mutant." Warren said the last word as if it was an insult.

Magneto's Icey blue eye remained on the figure dressed as a spider in front of him. He should have known better, the man in front of him was just as insane as the doctors working in the Nazi army. He should have never even considered this person a subordinate.

"We are leaving," Magneto said his voice of finality, with a wave of his hand a metallic barrier sprouted between the two parties.

"You may think you have won today. But I want you to remember this… I wear red, the color of blood, in tribute to their lost lives. And the harder I try to cast it aside, to find the gentler path, the more irresistibly I am drawn back. I wish I had died myself with those that I loved. Today you take more from me… One day your blood will join this red I wear!" With those words, he spoke through a small hole he had left between the two of them. Then he activated the escape pods.

Like rockets, they abandoned the base utilizing small flying crafts. There was a battle awaiting them on the other side of those walls, there would be casualties in their escape. Some may be killed while others would be captured and it was all thanks to SHIELD and the ungrateful Dr. Warren. He would have his revenge one day… but for now, he has to get his people out of there.

As the last act of revenge Magneto tore a gaping hole into the metallic base Warren had claimed as his own. If he couldn't have the fortress then he would never leave it in Warren's hands.
