
Chapter Eleven:

The Xavier Institute.

Ben let out an appreciative whistle as Will Brown's old Plymouth pulled up in front of the Xavier Institute. "Nice place." He had spoken with Brown's yesterday and let them know he found an opportunity for teaching at the Xavier Mansion. The Brown's were part worried and excited for Ben, he hated to just up and leave them after only staying for a few weeks. They were good people and he liked knowing them, but the truth was he couldn't stay with them. He was a crime-fighting vigilante, he would end up bringing them more harm than good.

Will Brown nodded in agreement. Then he gave Ben a wry smile. "And before you ask, I don't think anyone in Bayville knows much about this place. I know a little more than most. The place was built in the 1890s and except for a few years after Brian Xavier was killed it's been in the Xavier family ever since."

"Sounds to me you know quite a bit about this place," Ben smirked.

Will shook his head. "Just that when I was growing up, there were whispers about how Kurt Marko had married Xavier's widow for her money and that he beat his son for bullying his stepbrother. Apparently, he was afraid Cain would kill his chances with the golden goose. Cain Marko is a case study on how to make a kid mean as hell. I got into a few fights with him myself and I could tell even then there was something wrong in that house. Cain was mean in a fight but if you beat him... He just had a look that no kid should have in his eyes." Brown shrugged. "Anyway, Kurt Marko died about nine years later and after he died, people just wanted to forget about this place. Bayville was a whole lot smaller the last time this place hosted anything you'd call a social event. And that; my boy was a celebration of the birth of your new employer."

He shook himself. "Anyway, I think I've spent enough time spreading old gossip. Just remember, Hannah still expects to see you for supper on Friday come hell or high water."

Ben grinned at that. "I'll be there."

"Good! Now then Mister Reilly, be off with ya! For I expect you've got a busy day ahead."

Before he went into the mansion Ben took out his Scarlet Spider mask and hastily put it on. His spider-sense didn't warn him of being observed so he was fairly sure his face hadn't been seen.

Will was right, it was a busy day. Aside from the small matter of moving into the mansion, there was the paperwork to be filed in Xavier's office. Then there was a physical in Doctor McCoy's office, with his mask on of course. Although he liked Xavier's little band of misfits because let's face it if Ben was going to belong anywhere here was probably the only place he would ever find. But it wasn't really only his identity he was protecting. If he guessed correctly Peter was either finding his way here or was already in Bayville. Either way, Peter's identity was on the line, which means Aunt May and MJ would be in danger, if somebody saw his face it wouldn't be too long before they put two and two together.

'Beast' hadn't been able to confirm if Ben was indeed a clone. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to know the answer to that question really. Doctor McCoy said he would need a sample of tissue from the 'Original' as I called him, but Ben didn't plan on bothering Peter if at all possible.

Then came his first trip to what they called the 'Danger Room'. They ran a simple introductory program designed to gauge his abilities. A course complete with moving obstacles, trap doors, projectile weapons, and lasers...

"Wow! Look at him go!" Spyke exclaimed as most of the students had insisted on squeezing into the observation room to watch.

Logan grunted something about beginners luck, but still watched with an apprising eye as Ben went through the obstacle course. The mutants watched as Ben completed the course with a reverse somersault and a perfect two-point landing.

"Damn showoff..." Logan growled as he turned the program off but his tone wasn't really ridiculing.

"Oh come on Badger!" The newly reinstated Tabby teased. "You'da docked him points if he hadn't stuck the landing." It had not been easy for her to leave the Brotherhood. She cared a lot about those guys. But hearing what Ben said about why he had been fighting crime she had realized she was on the other side of what he fought against and she didn't like that. Although for the moment her barriers were still up between Xavier's students she felt this place was possibly the better option. She wished that she could have convinced some of them to join her when she left but there was still some mistrust between the Brotherhood house and here. Tabby admitted there was some justification in their reasoning, the Brotherhood students were looked down upon by the others as the unsavory dregs, but she was wondering if they would still be treated like that if they gave Xavier's school a chance. But Tabby wanted to be part of the team again and just maybe she could work on getting some of those walls down. In the meantime, she had a little bit of mischief to perform.

"By the way... Rogue?" I was supposed to show Ben around but I just realized I've got a mountain of studying to do so if you could fill in for me? I really need to crack the books."

"But Tabby..." Kitty started to object before Rogue could speak. Tabby had volunteered to play tour guide that morning before Kitty had a chance.

"Oh! Thanks for offering to help me study Kitty! You're a great friend you know that?" Pushing Kitty out of the room before anyone could say a word. "I'll be there in a minute Kitty!"

Rogue blinked as Ben walked out of the 'Danger Room' peeling up his mask just above his nose. "How was that?" He asked.

"Amazing!" Jamie declared.

"Wunderbar!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Not bad for someone working at the lowest level." Logan declared as Storm and Beast looked at him with amusement.

"That was solid!" Boom Boom declared grinning. "Oh! Rogue! Thanks for agreeing to show Ben around for me! Gotta run!" She left before either Rogue or Ben could say a word. Ben looked at Rogue curiously as Xavier stifled a laugh.

"That was a most impressive display, Mr. Riley. Rogue? If you would be so kind as to give Ben that tour now, I and the senior instructors have a few things to discuss. Scott... Jean... If the two of you would remain with us?" The other students recognized their dismissal and filed out of the observation room. Ben gestured to a somewhat embarrassed Rogue.

"I guess I'm all yours..." Ben told his reluctant guide.

Rogue's blush deepened. Tabby... Ah swear Ah'm gonna kill you...

Xavier leaned back in his chair thoughtfully.

"His natural skills are considerable," Hank said impressed.

"Yeah but the kid's still a loner," Logan replied.

"He wouldn't be alone in that now would he?" Storm pointed out knowing full well that Wolverine was similar in that regard.

"The question arises as to how best to train him," Xavier said.

"I have a suggestion Professor," Jean said a bit hesitantly.


"I think that this gives us the opportunity to address the advancement of several of the New Mutants. I think we should form a second team of X-men. I would suggest Storm as the team leader and myself as second in command. We'll take Rogue and Mr. Riley along with saying three of the most capable New Mutants and train them as a team together."

Xavier nodded. "Storm?"

Ororo nodded. "That is a logical idea. It least affects the effectiveness of the main team and makes the best use of our available resources."

Xavier silently agreed with the suggestion. "In that case, we need to decide which New Mutants to promote..."

Downtown Bayville

Peter surveyed the city skyline as he prepared for his first spin around Bayville. He didn't know whether he would run into this Spider so soon or not but he needed to get a feel for the city and there were photos to shoot at any rate. Something he could sell JJ and keep his backing up until he could get to the bottom of things.

The City was large enough not too extremely different than Manhattan, it would make a decent choice as an alternate city to protect. Peter kind of looked forward to investigating a new place, although he loved New York he wouldn't mind seeing a few different sights in a different city.
