

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.

*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*POWER TAKES WISDOM IS TO USE IT WELL.*.*.*.*.*.*

General Thaddeus Ross and other high ranking military men sat around a presentation table, dressed in their pristine military uniforms with their ranking badges and medals standing out on their beast pockets and shoulders respectively, as though to announce to everyone that the power these men had at their beck and call didn't come freely. Even when relaxed their postures were straight, their gaze forward and disciplined. Years of conditioning and training the men in this room had gone through gave them that, Ross nodded in pride. His eyes wandered over the various pristine jet fighters being proudly showcased lined along the length of the hanger, next to the helicopters and various exposed engines about to be fitted to their respective vehicles — displaying the military might of the Edwards Airforce Base.

Ross noticed the raven haired man in a slick black suit, leading others who carried briefcases behind him walking towards the table. He almost wouldn't have recognized the man had it not been for his eyes. Ross knew Justin Hammer, a slimy business capitalist, Tony Stark wannabe, selling weapons to D.O.D and war profiteering. Just another one of the merchants of death.

But this man was different from the Justin Hammer he knew, this was a man with a purpose in his steps and confidence in his chest. The fire in his eyes was infectious, as was the enthusiasm in his handshake.

Justin Hammer spread his arms wide apart and greeted. "Good afternoon Gentlemen, thank you for having me, I know you're all very busy so without much ado let's cut right into the meat here" He said, pulling off his coat and sliding his gloves on. Ross was impressed, normally they'd beat around the bush trying to butter their buyers up before offering their products. His was the more get to the point type of guys.

"Firepower, that's what you need, it's what you've been asking for so long, well today will perform all about it," Hammer started by opening the largest briefcase. He easily retrieved a matte black machine gun, by the looks of it it should've been heavier than it seemed in his hands. "This is the HM - 160, dragon, medium machine gun. Six individual barrels, each, twenty-two inches in length. Seven sixty-two Cal, nato standard. 3000 ~ 8000 rpm rate, max range of 1,932 yd" some whistled at the Firepower that weapon carried.

Hammer smiled then continued, " I know you're asking yourselves why I'm picking this up like it's a piece of paper. Well that's thanks to a new alloy developed by Hammer Industries R&D. What you need to know is that it weighs 70% less that want it normally should. And the recoil? That's the fun part, these right here are magnetically charged inertia dampeners, state of the art shock absorbers. So state of the art in fact that you won't find them anywhere else but in Hammer Industries and the H-line supercars. Hence the increased rpm, the other specs include…." the man began explaining.

Ross watched in a trance as the man before him stole their hearts and had them salivating with each new and improved weapon he showcased more tasty than the last. This man is going to take Stark's place, Ross was certain of it. He might not openly admit it, but he was satisfied. Hammer really turned his game up a notch. These weapons were necessary to secure the interests of his nation, to ensure the peace within its borders and to deter its enemies.

"Don't you sometimes just wish you can take apart a tank with a single shot? How about obliterating that bunker with just one hit? And it doesn't even have to be one of those those large air strike missiles, you don't need a tomahawk or the MOAB. No, not when you have this, something you can carry around in your pocket," Hammer reached onto the smallest case, pulling out what looked to be a silver colored cigar sized missile with small circular furrows along the length of its head.

Treating it uncharacteristic gentleness, he raised it high "This baby is the definition of Firepower. The rotating drill head will give it access through the thickest sheets of metal or concrete, allowing it to then detonate it's payload after reaching it's set destination. It will rip a bunker, out of a bunker, hidden in a bunker. It will tear apart a tank like a sledgehammer through glass, this is the mangog micro missile. Don't judge it by its size, judge it by its might, because this thing won't stop until it causes absolute devastation." He said, with emphasis on the last word as he deposited the weapon back into the grey molded foam inside the briefcase.

"So, Gentlemen, tell me which one you prefer and let's talk about those contracts." Hammer flashed a brilliant smile.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *

"Hammer, I gotta say son, you have your head in the right place." General Ross, praised shaking Hammer's hand.

"Just doing the best I can to keep our soldiers safe".

Major General Meade decided to interject "Ain't that an understatement. Hammer, see the senator's been breathing down my neck for us to "deal" with the Iron man situation. With the way things are going over with Tony, it's impossible. But if we do have a lead on the tech, I'll need you to work your magic on it."

"Of course captain, you have my number" Hammer answered.

"Talking about Iron man, why won't you make that type of tech" one of the men asked.

Because then you'd hound my ass into handing it to you. And If I don't, you'll take away your funding right when I need it the most. Hammer mentally stated "Sir I believe I made my reasons clear, the iron man tech is miracle we can't replicate at the moment. The power source and on board systems required to make it possible just aren't as developed as Tony's. Hence the reason why I'm working on this." Drawing out his phone he clicked a hard button below the phone's touch screen, a hologram projection flared to life, displaying a 3d interactive image of four six legged Vehicle with various armaments and weapon systems he swiped at the projection and a sleek aerodynamic black drone shaped like a missile with foldable wings took the place of the six legged vehicle, micro rotors were seen on the inside of the wings, and various payloads and heavy duty machine guns on the underside of the machine.

Some of the men silently gasping in wonder, at both the phone's technology and the vehicle. This should keep you all happy enough until I don't need the funding. "This is the Manticore : An all terrain and - got your back navy- aquatic, smart stealth UAV tank, with as much Firepower and armor you can dream of. Next to it is the wasp :for when you just need flight, absolute stealth and a healthy dose of destruction above all else. And the best part, we don't even have to send our men out to the battlefields, they could be in bases like this and control the deployed machines. Of course it's all in a conceptual phase right now, but by next year it could be reality"

"I like where you're heading with this" another praised.

"Is that phone on the market yet?"

"Actually today's the Grand unveiling, which I have to get to right about now. I'll send over an exclusive contract for you military folks with specialized versions. Consider it an early Christmas present, trust me you'll love it." Hammer saluted with a smile, making his exit.

"Based on all I've seen today, there ain't a reason not to" said the general.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.

The bright lights were focused on the stage entrance, all around the hall were Christmas decorations. A man with a sledgehammer over his shoulder and a red cone cap on his head, stepped through the entrance. The audience applauded in mixed reactions as the man walked to the center of the stage. They thought he might have been one of the workers. But he looked nothing like a construction worker, with his open neck long-sleeve and black trousers and shoes. In fact he looked more like a model that spent much time working on his physique. His charisma became evident when he smiled.

"Hi everyone, I'm Justin Hammer CEO of Hammer industries. But you already know that. The question on your mind is why am I on the stage with a sledgehammer, I assure you it is not for comedic purposes, although I do have a few good Hammer puns. Allow me to hit the nail on the head," The audience chuckled at his joke.

The dark haired man reached into his pocket and withdrew a phone "This is one reason why you're here today. The Grand unveiling of Hammer phones and a variety of other products. This is the Hammer X - 2 Phone, 7in organic lcd touchscreen, 13MP front and 22MP back camera with dual LED flash, 32gb internal storage, 4gb ram, running the latest version of MOS - manna operating system-, 4g capabilities, yadda yadda yadda. Too much technical talk, you can get a more in depth list of the specs on your pamphlets. Now let's get to the good stuff. What does it do that any other phone can right now? A lot. First let's try a simple test. Is it waterproof?"

He walked to a clear glass jar of water and dunked the phone inside while still playing a video on it. "That's a yes. The Hammer X-2, is the first of its kind in the world, don't believe me? Google it right now" minor exclamations rang through the audience, "Tired of your screen breaking everything your phone falls? Get a look at how much punishment can this phone take" he placed the device on the stage floor, raising his sledgehammer overhead, he brought it down furiously on the phone. They were gasps from the audience accompanying the resultant bangs with each swing he took at the phone. "Phew," he exhaled playfully, picking up the phone, still in one piece and still playing the video. The only evidence of the previous punishment it suffered being the thin scratches on its exterior and micro cracks on its screen. "It's one hard to kill phone." he joked, earning him applause and laughter.

"A hundred and sixty-eight hour usage time on a single hour charge alone - were already at work to lessen the charge time even more. Thanks to our pioneering trilayer graphene batteries. And last but definitely not least, ladies and gentlemen, people of Earth, I give you the first fully functional holographic array on a handheld device. 'Phone, projectors on'" a projection of light from the ends of the phone screen brought to live a 3d image, alternating between various settings, themes and videos. "Fully interactive, fully operational, with zero lags and bugs. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the future, and it's here. Hammer Industries, putting the power in your hands!" His energetic presentation earned him an even more lively reaction from the audience.

"Oh, I almost forgot, everyone in this auditorium is getting a free Hammer X-2 and logo shirts, Merry Christmas you wonderful People!"

The sound of thunderous applause and uproarious cheers filled the hall, as the man bowed grabbing his cone cap and tossing it to an excited fan, handing the stage over to his employees who would give an in depth explanation as well as showcase the rest of the products. As he retreated to the reception area, where he would politic with advertisers, creators, potential suppliers and buyers over a glass of fine wine and calm music.

He retired for the night with a reporter for company, she got an intimately in depth scoop, as they did more than just let their mouth speak, using their bodies to communicate on the most personal level.


Ethereal visages plagued his dreams. Eyes that burned with malevolence stared through him. Screeching, vengeful voices roared in his ears; 'BASTARD!' 'Put back down you bastard!'

The man woke up at midnight 'Ok ghost of Vanko, I know the last part was supposed to be scary but I can't help but find it too damn funny' he silently chuckled '"Put back down bastard". Hah!', gently lifting the covers as he rose from the soft bed. Tucking the reporter in - whose name had already begun to be pushed to the back of his mind by the various plans, schematics, devices that needed constructing and various alterations that he could make. The man left the room, walking down the hallway and boarding the elevator that would lead to his workshop. He yawned, 'I'll sleep in the workshop, bear with me body this is all for our continued survival, we need to just finish rigging up the reactors, writing a shit ton of codes, check the simulation outputs…..' he said to himself. Running a list of things to be done. 'Merry Christmas, Me.'

Arrh ye happy peeps? Aye, Aye captain. I can't hear you? AYE, AYE CAPTAIN.

Ohhh, who writes you these stories that keeps you at the edge of your seats? Rain Reid!

Who makes sure you're entertained, while he keeps pushing the limits? Rain Reid.

Giving you chapters back to back to back, like he's on a 3-peat? Rain Reid!

Oh, you're too kind. You're all too kind. Yes, I love you too. No, I won't give you my babies!

So that was chapter three, what did you think about it? Leave a review telling me exactly that. Drop a like and favorite if you enjoyed it, or were just sufficiently entertained. And don't forget to have a wonderful day/night.

Thank you for all your well wishes, I'm glad to announce that I am recovering fine. And I didn't even have to make a Johnny blaze deal. Hah! Ok

You can come find me, or FOLLOW me:

ON TWITTER: /RainReider

On PAT RE ON: ReidR41n

On YOUTUBE, yes youtube, come check out my sexy voice as I narrate stuff: /RaiNation

ABSOLUTE HULK LEVEL SHOUTOUT TO ZA PATRONS OF MINE, (Secret lovers on the low low..hah!) SKULLY(the silent death giver).

BIGTOFU(the Goliath king slayer),

JEP148(The vibranium ninja)

KEVIN J ROSARIO (The mandalorian of durasteel).

THE BREAKER (The forger of End Times)

DEOHN LEWIS ( Lord Obliterator)

CLINTON (Titan Breaker)

Caleb D. (Cosmic Pirate King)
