

Two weeks had passed, and every day they had trained. Their coffers swelled with coin. The province united under him. The governors made their journeys, and knelt in front of him, pledging their loyalty. The land was consolidated, and all knew of Gengyo's triumphs. New recruits flocked, and their army grew, growing to over ten thousand men, though those five thousand new recruits were still unblooded.

Their army could hardly fit in the palace courtyard anymore. When the new men arrived, they were immediately thrown into training and given their equipment. If they could not keep up, then pain would motivate them.

Jikouji had them all practising with the spear, wearing them into a sweat. The black armour was heavy on their backs, and the sun was ruthless. They were walking furnaces. Gengyo had spent much of the morning watching them, until a servant had arrived and bowed before him, bearing a scroll within his hand.
