
Elite Four 4

Ditto was tired from expending so much energy transforming everything back to normal; he wasn't used to using ghost type moves, especially one of Gengars strongest. Gengar was also a little tired, but due to the anger he felt with someone destroying his move, he ignored it and charged forward as he used Shadow Claw Attack to finish off Ditto, but Ditto also stood his ground and attacked. 

They both lodged several attacks; they both were cutting loose and bombing each other nonstop with different strikes. Ditto had not battled in a long time, so it felt good to be fighting a stronger opponent. Gengar was tired of going back-and-forth with Ditto because sometimes Ditto would launch different types of attacks that Gengar couldn't use, so this confused Agatha as she thought this Ditto was strange. 

Gengar launched his special attack once again, where he warped up space and changed it from dream to reality. Liam was very creeped out by this movement as he felt funny every time he used it. Ditto had used up too much energy and was running out. Ditto charged up a powerful Hyper Beam Attack and unleashed it on Gengar. Still, as soon as he was about to hit his target Gengar made Ditto's attack turn away from him and head straight back to Ditto due to the dream world, Gengar could control everything there.

Ditto was surprised by this as he tried to dodge, but it was too late, it had struck him and made him faint. Liam was surprised by this loss as he told Shadow to come out and face-off with Gengar, who was already exhausted from his previous battles. Gengar knew he could not keep up his dream world for long, so he deactivated it as the place went back to normal. 

Shadow could only look at him strangely as this was going on. Agatha asked Gengar if he was good to go another round, Gengar nodded and charged a Shadow Ball and sent it towards Shadow. Shadow unleashed an even bigger Shadow Ball as it combined into Gengar Shadow Ball and backtracked right back at Gengar, smashing him away as he fainted right away from the impact. 

Agatha could only shake her head as she knew that Gengar was tired but was putting up a front to see if the Shadow was the real deal. Agatha was impressed with Shadows' prowess as she thanked Liam on the great battle and told him that he has quite the challenge ahead of him. Liam also thanked Agatha for the great match and decided to move on, but Agatha once again said: "you got quite the journey ahead of you." 

Liam was surprised and turned around to ask her what she meant. She just shrugged and said," aren't you going to leave Kanto to go to the Johto league next."  Liam could only laugh embarrassed as he left the room to heal his Pokemon and get a good night's sleep. Gary had won his match and moved on as the champion while Ash was still fighting his game with Lance, the dragon trainer. 

Ash's Blastoise was able to dominate that match with his ice type moves and got a win to face off against Gary once again, but this time Gary was ready for him as he was able to repel Ash on a smaller stage. Ash lost his match but was still given credit for being able to make it that far. Ash left dejected as he promised that he would get stronger to defeat Gary once again. 

Now they had a tie track record because they both lost to each other. Ash was acting quite cocky in that match. That was his downfall as Gary took advantage of that to surprise him with a different batch of pokemon.  It was finally Liam's turn to fight as he went up against Lance. Lance was excited to compete against Liam because he knew Liam had a lot of dragon pokemon on him. 

Lance figured they could be easily matched when facing off against each other, but he knew that he had been training in dragon pokemon way longer than Liam, so he thought he had an advantage. The match started, Lance sent out a Gyarados and Liam sent out his Dragonite. Lance got excited as they started the battle off. 

Gyarados used Hydra Pump right off the back, and Dragonite dodged it and used Dragon Claw smacking Gyarados down on the ground because they were high off the ground. Gyarados grabbed Dragonite with his tail while he was falling to the ground and swung him down under him to do a body slam on Dragonite.  

Dragonite was struggling to get out from under Gyarados, but as soon as he came out, Gyarados had charged up a Hyper Beam and blasted Dragonite away. Dragonite was thinking of a way to outsmart Gyarados after getting up. Dragonite quickly used Hydro Pump as Gyarados dodged it, but then Dragonite unleashed a Flame thrower heating the water as it steamed up and blocked the view of Gyarados. 

Dragonite used his senses to sense where Gyarados was, and due to his big size, he was able to spot him right away while Gyarados was looking for Dragonite. Lance quickly ordered Gyarados to use twister, but it was too late. Dragonite had caught Gyarados and used Thunderbolt, shocking him until he fainted. 

At that close of a range, the impact was even more significant and did more considerable damage then they could imagine. Lance was pissed off that his first pokemon had lost so easily and quickly summoned his next pokemon, a Dragonair. Dragonite laughed when he saw this as the battle soon ended with Dragonair knocked out with one hit. Dragonite used Dragon Breath, and Dragonair dodged it and tried to shake off Dragonite. 

The strength difference was too high as Dragonite used Dragon Claw knocking Dragonair out in one go. Lance could only shake his head as he saw this coming. Lance knew Liam was no pushover, so he had to step it up.

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