
Elite Four 2

Next up, Liam decided to bring out his Dragonite. Bruno flinched a little after seeing this Dragonite because he remembered all the times he faced off against Lance, and he always lost severely. Thus, he knew that this Dragonite would give him some trouble. The match started as Dragonite quickly used Dragon Breathe while Machamp had to use Bulk Up after he had defeated Tyranitar. His stats had gone up quite a bit as he dodged the incoming attack, he countered with another Cross Chop, but this time, Dragonite did not avoid it and used Dragontail to knock Machamp back. It seemed like an evenly-matched battle, but Bruno knew that Dragonite had the type advantage with his flying moves. 

He didn't notice that Liam wasn't using any flying moves, so once again, his respect had gone up. They continued to dish it out back and forth until they were ready for their final attack. Dragonite charged-up a hyper beam as Machamp used Cross Chop to chop into the Hyper Beam. He eventually reached Dragonite and cut him right across the head, causing significant damage to Dragonite; Dragonite held on as he used Dragon Rush to knock Machamp out, making him the winner of this round. 

Dragonite was cheering on after having such a fierce battle. Liam thanked Bruno for the struggle. As he was about to leave, Bruno asked him if he could use one more Pokémon, which was not an official one, and had been raising it for a while. It was his most powerful Pokémon, but due to its wild nature, he didn't like to use it for battling against newer trainers. Bruno thought that Liam would be able to handle his most reliable, so he had asked Liam if he wanted this challenge. To this, Liam was not going to say no. The referee continued the battle as Bruno summoned a Hitmontop. Liam was surprised by this but didn't say anything. 

Hitmontop came out spinning. He looked around for his opponents and saw Dragonite and started laughing. Bruno could only shake his head as he told him not to look down on him that he is a powerful opponent. Hitmontop continued to laugh. Dragonite had gotten annoyed by his antics and shot off a Flamethrower. Hitmontop quickly spun away from the attack and ended up behind Dragonite as he used one of his feet to turn right into the side of Dragonite's face, knocking him right off the stage. Liam was surprised by how fast Hitmontop executed that attack and knew that he could not hold back. 

He used his Pokedex to check what level Hitmontop was and was surprised to see that he was a level 100. He knew now the reason why  Dragonite had lost badly. But he still thought that it shouldn't have knocked him off the stage that quickly. Liam summoned Shadow as they got ready for another round. Hitmontop seemed to get serious suddenly after he noticed who he was up against. He started bouncing all over the place, picking up speed as he used agility. Shadow also used quickness to boost his speed, and just when Hitmontop was about to land an attack, Shadow used a steel wing to reflect that attack, which caused a considerable explosion tossing them both away from each other. 

Hitmontop was smart as he ran towards Shadow. Shadow also flew up into the sky and dove straight at Hitmontop. Hitmontop quickly dodged the fly attack and grabbed onto Shadow's tail. As Shadow flew up in the air, he flipped Hitmontop up, thinking that he was able to attack Hitmontop while in the air freely. But something shocking happened. Hitmontop started spinning and seemed like he was gliding in the air instead of coming down. He was moving around like a helicopter and started sending strong kicks towards Shadow. Shadow could barely see the attacks as they came striking him down. Shadow had crashed into the ground as Hitmontop came diving in for a knee drop. 

Shadow quickly used Shadow movements and sank into the ground as soon as Hitmontop had reached him. But Hitmontop dove right into the land from the impact and had almost got Shadow who was still falling further below, and Hitmontop got close enough to Shadow. Shadow came out of his shadow movements and used Hyper Beam to blast Hitmontop right back to the surface. Hitmontop was extremely pissed as he started spinning extremely fast. Shadow had come out from the underground as he saw a whole lot of turbulence in the air. 

It seemed like Hitmontop's spinning was creating a mini-tornado that was coming towards Shadow. Shadow quickly used his wind attack, Hurricane, to blow back Hitmontop's attack. They seemed to be evenly matched as they kept going back and forth until Shadow used Ice Beam on Hitmontop's mini-tornado, causing it to freeze over. As Hitmontop was in the center of it, Hitmontop kept spinning faster and faster until it had turned into a blazing fire melting the ice surrounding him. They both stopped as they backed off each other and had a staring competition. Neither was trying to give up on this heated battle.

Shadow got tired of waiting and charged at Hitmontop while Hitmontop also started another round with Shadow. Hitmontop's leg began to glow as he came charging towards Shadow. Shadow's wings also began to shine as they turned into steel, and they both struck each other. The impact blew them apart as they charged in once again. They did that a few times as Shadow decided to use a Flamethrower attack just when Hitmontop was charging up again, Hitmontop started spinning and quickly diffused the Flamethrower. He struck Shadow square in the jaw while he was at it, causing Shadow to fall on his back. As he struggled to get back up, he was sent into the ground again but floated right back up.

Rip Juice Wrld

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