
Kanto League finals 2

The crowd was excited from this hot, steamy match. They thought that Ash had done well to defeat the undefeatable Dragonite. The match went underway as Liam summoned his Charizard and Ash also decided to summon his Charizard. Ash's Charizard was stronger than Liam's by two levels, but Liam's Charizard was a devil type so he had a little bit of a secret power boost that he could use, Liam was not ready to use that power boost yet in front of so many people watching.

Both Charizards came out, and they quickly looked at each other and roared at each other. The crowd was excited to see this match because it seemed like a fair match due to them being the same type of Pokémon. But they noticed that Liam's Pokémon was a different color and just thought that it was a special kind. The announcer started the match, and the battle went underway.

They both started gliding in the air as they were waiting for orders, Ash quickly gave out a request to use tackle and Liam did the same. They wanted to see who was the stronger one, and Liam's Charizard had lost on that end because Ash had quickly switched the tackle into a Seismic Toss. Liam's Charizard was promptly slammed into the ground, and a Flamethrower was thrown threatening to burn him. 

Liam's Charizard quickly used Flamethrower to blast himself out of the way. Ash's Charizard suddenly approached Liam's (AN: I'm going to call Liam's Charizard black not to cause any confusion) Black also approached Charizard as they clashed onto each other once again holding each other's arms and trying to fight in a strength battle. They both blasted a Flamethrower in each other's face as they separated from each other, causing a massive explosion. 

As they were both knocked back, Black wanted to transform into his devil type to get the power boost, but Liam didn't want him to so all he could do was go back and forth with this Charizard that was starting to annoy him. Both of their claws came outshining as they used Slash Attacks and Dragon Claws to attack each other until they were both out of breath. 

Breathing heavily, Ash said, "Let's end this match." as he ordered his Charizard to use Fire Blast. Liam also ordered Black to use Fire Blast. 

Even though he had a more powerful move, Liam didn't want to use that due to it being a final match. Liam wanted it to be entertaining for the crowd and not just be overpowering. They both used Fire Blast and caused an explosion, knocking them both out of the ring. 

It had become a double KO, and once again, the crowd was cheering. They were very entertained by this heated battle. They wanted nothing but a fiery, wild struggle, and that's what they were getting. Liam decided to play along. Next, he called out Tyranitar. Everybody was surprised to see this Pokémon because not a lot of people knew about them due to them being rare in the Kanto region. Most of the elites knew who Tyranitar was and were surprised that it was yet another particular colored Pokémon. 

Thankfully Liam put on a mask so not a lot of people could recognize him. Ash then summoned his Venusaur, who came out shaking the ground then stomping about ready for the battle. Tyranitar watched how weak stomping Venusaur's stomping was and laughed as he quickly unleashed an Earthquake, causing Venasaur to almost fall to his death. 

Venasaur used his Vine Whips to quickly lift himself into the air as he unleashed Razor Leaf on Tyranitar. Tyranitar was damaged from this attack due to it being his weakness and promptly blew away the Razor Leaf as he was getting quite angry from the damage he got. Liam could only shake his head as he knew Tyranitar was quite hot-tempered, and he might even lose control and transform into his devil form, but he quickly ordered him to calm down. 

Ash saw this situation and did not wait for Tyranitar to do anything as he ordered Venusaur to start gathering energy and unleash a powerful Solar Beam. Tyranitar tried to counter it by using a Hyper Beam, but the Solar Beam was much more powerful and knocked Tyranitar out, causing him to faint. Ash's mom was surprised by her son. Venusaur was extremely strong. The crowd once again went crazy. 

As this was happening, Professor Oak was surprised by this and asked himself why Liam was holding back, but then he quickly shook that thought away. After that, Liam calmly summoned Shadow. The crowd was cheering because they knew Shadow was quite strong. Ash also got excited because he knew how strong Shadow was due to growing up with him for a few years. 

Venusaur charged up another Solar Beam and unleashed it as soon as Shadow had come out. Shadow quickly dodged and used Flamethrower. Venusaur uses Vine Whip to launch himself in the air dodging the Flamethrower attack. He then used Razor Leaf on Shadow. Shadow used his Flamethrower to burn down the Razor Leaf as he unleashed a Fire Blast right after knocking Venusaur away and off the stage, giving them the win. Ash laughed bitterly as he knew that this match was about to get harder now that Shadow was out.

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Will have to shorten the chapters soon since the donation pool is low now hope you guys understand.

MrEcreators' thoughts