
Chapter 9 Training Continues

Once I finished looking at my status 02 said again "Now that you're all done checking your status lift these weights 100 times each." Soon weights appeared infront of us all. They looked pretty small and looked like your standard small one handed weights.

'This is pretty easy.' I thought as my arms reached for the weights. Unluckilly for me though as tried to lift them I wasn't prepared and fell flat on my face. "Hahaha! I guess your not so great after all!" George said while pointing at me and laughing his *ss off.

"Hmph like you can do any better spoiled trash!" I replied with in anger as I got up. When I next tried to lift the weights I crouched down to keep my balance and then grabbed the first weight with my right hand.

'This is pretty heavy.' I thought as I lifted it with all my might I shouted "ONE!" Then I picked up the second weight with my left hand and shouted "TWO!" This cycle continued till I reached the 50th lift in total.

'I must continue, I must persevere! Didn't I want to fly high like Superman or fly on a sword like a cultivator, while being able to fight cool and intense battles?! Well if you want to do that body then continue!' I thought while arguing with my own body.

Everyone else had stopped at the 10th-20th lift while Ron, Stephanie and George, the special talents, stopped at the 34th, 40th and 44th lift respectively. While Ron and Stephanie fell down after reaching their limit though George continued carrying the weights trying to lift them ever so slightly.

As I continued lifting the weights as best I could I thought 'George might be a problem with his determination and personality.' At the same time as this thought George shouted "YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME! I'LL WIN!" While lifting a weight once more.

Seeing this I picked up the pace. Eventually everyone looked at us in shock. George had now reached the 73rd lift while I was on the 79th. 'How is he still catching up with his talent?' I thought muddle headidly as I lifted the the left weight for the 80th time.

While this was going on 02 thought to itself 'What a good batch of humans they might actually have a chance with their insane determination. I at most expected the rare talents to reach about 50 while the special talents to reach about 40 but while some of them were within my calculations some have completely destroyed them.'

Soon I reached the 100th lift while George was stuck on the 87th lift. 'I am half way there.' I thought as I looked at my arms. They had turned red and veiny and looked like they were about to combust. George wasn't any better as he stared at me with his blood shot eyes.

"Kid you've forced my hand. I didn't think I'd have to use this technique so early on but it seems like you're a worthy opponent." I said while trying to look as smug as possible.

Hearing that everyone looked at me confused just before I started screaming "ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!ORA!" Doing this my lifting sped up. For every ORA I screamed I lifted my arms once.

At the end of it I had reached 110 lifts but my arms were sore and about to collapse. As I stood there I looked at George again. He looked lost after seeing me lift the weights 10 more times in a couple of seconds.

His eyes rolled back 2 seconds later as he collapsed on the ground dropping the weights. Seeing that my body finally gave in and I dropped the weights too falling flat on my back asleep.

A couple hours later I came to and looked around. Everyone had disappeared as had the weights. Immediately though I heard a voice in my head "You've done well. Better than I expected in fact and for your hard work you can pick a prize from these 3 objects. To be clear though everyone who did more than double what I expected got such a prize including George."

The voice which was 02 said as 3 objects appeared infront of me and 02 spoke again "The first item is a watch of time. This watch will allow you to rewind time by 3 seconds. It's usage is only once and no one will have any recollection of what happened in those 3 seconds apart from your self."

The watch it referred to was a plain brown strapped analog watch which emitted a faint grey light. 'That's useful it might save me from death one day.' I thought as I looked at the second item.

02 beat me to the catch as it said "The second item is a training elixir. It can temporarily double your training speed for an entire day." I heard it say as I looked at the green liquid sitting in a small glass container.

'Although pretty good I dont even know how to effectively train yet and frankly I dont know if training for a day at twice the speed would even be that effective.' I thought again as I looked at the 3rd item.

"The 3rd item is the charm of the sea king. It can wipe away all sea related weaknesses and give you a decent affinity with the sea." 02 finished with. 'Well that would be good if I get a devil fruit but what are the chances.' I thought while raising my shoulders up questioningly.

The charm was a blue circle made out of some crystal. In the centre it had a red ruby and it was connected by a brown rope. It looked more like a necklace than a charm if anything.

"I pick the watch of time." I said after contemplating for a few seconds. "Then take it." 02 said as it's voice disappeared and the other items disappeared. The watch floated there as I reached out and grabbed it.

'I'll just strap you to my other wrist.' I thought as I placed the watch on my wrist and put it on.
