
Chapter 46, Another European Balance

Franz asked in surprise, "They really caught the assassin?"

According to his thinking, after the failed assassination in Paris, these people would have long since hidden themselves. How could they possibly continue to stay in the same place waiting for death?

However, he overlooked the fact that in this era, communication was inconvenient; the government may have received the intelligence early on, but that didn't mean the assassins also got the message.

The news now published in Vienna's newspapers was still about the assassination attempt on Napoleon III, the capture of the assassin, and the Paris Government holding the Kingdom of Sardinia accountable; these stories hadn't spread that quickly yet.

The Carbonari had significant influence in the Kingdom of Sardinia, but that didn't mean they were powerful in Austria. In fact, in Austria, they were considered a cult organization, and their tentacles into Lombardy-Venetia had been severed long ago.
