
Chapter 98: The Snipe and the Clam at Loggerheads


Austria and Bavaria went to war, and the news shocked the entire European Continent.

Although everyone knew that the relationship between the two countries had broken down, the accumulated disputes were not enough to trigger a war. That left only one explanation—Austria intended to unify Germany by force.

The pretext for the war was obvious to many, who speculated that Austria's strategy to rebuild Holy Rome had been bankrupted by Bavaria, prompting Austria to brazenly resort to force.


Upon receiving Bavaria's plea for help, the British Government was first shocked, then resolved to intervene, followed by a headache.

"Austria seeks to forcibly unify the German Region, and they have now taken the first step. We must stop their actions; the balance in the European Continent must not be disturbed!" Prime Minister George Hamilton-Gordon said sternly.
