
Chapter 50, Frankfurt Conference

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On March 1, 1848, a conference of liberal representatives from various states was convened in Heidelberg, initiated by the liberal bourgeoisie of Baden and Württemberg.

A total of 51 people attended the conference, most of whom were representatives of the South German States, with four Prussians, and just one Austrian.

The conference passed the "Declaration to the German People," and decided to establish a committee of seven, responsible for preparing the German Preliminary Parliament (the precursor to the Frankfurt Assembly).

Without a doubt, the conference, as far as Austria was concerned, was represented.

No matter how others saw it, Franz certainly would not recognize the legitimacy of this conference. Previously preoccupied with domestic issues, he had not been able to attend to these matters, but now that the internal crisis had been contained, it was time to interfere in the affairs of the Germany Region.
