
Love Is An Ambition All Its Own

Aaron briefly explained the predicament he found himself in because of his father and the Knightons. "Any ideas would be helpful at this point. I've got nothing."

Jennica thought about it a moment. "If it's someone who doesn't exist…say you've been doing things long distance and you didn't want to tell anyone in case it didn't work out but that you couldn't hold back your love when you saw her again and that's why you proposed in public."

"Alistair might fall for it," Cameron mused. "Just act as lovesick as you always do when you talk about Keeley and you should be fine."

He scowled. Was he really that bad? He thought he was better at hiding his emotions than that. If even Cameron could see through him, why couldn't Keeley?

"Speaking of Keeley…does she know about this?" Jennica asked hesitantly. "I wouldn't want her to be hurt by it."
