

Keeley refused Aaron's offer of having him walk her to her door—if her roommates saw her with a guy, this would look fifty times worse—and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

Valentina pounced on her and hugged her so fiercely that she nearly fell over due to the lack of balance from the heels.

"Why on earth didn't you tell me where you were going?! What happened?" she demanded furiously.

Keeley had been practicing her story in her head on the ride home and had it down by now.

"Remember how I answered the door yesterday during our marathon? It was my cousin; apparently, my aunt fell down the stairs and he needed help taking care of her. I panicked and went with him, forgetting my phone. I would have called you guys but I don't have either of your numbers memorized."

She mumbled curses at Keeley's stupidity in Spanish before tightening her hug. "Come on, Jennica's been worried about you too but I think she's in the bathroom."
