
Chapter 9: the cave and return

After they got back to the inn, Feng didn't go out anymore and mostly stayed with a vacant look. He didn't fully trust what the stranger said but from the looks of approval all the other people showed, what he said was most probably the truth. After a few hours like that, his expression erased from his face as he began cultivating.

This adventure made his mind take a serious hit as he couldn't believe such acts could be done. As a defense mechanism, his face that was always telling what he was thinking became an expressionless one, which will earn him the paralyzed face nickname in the future. For the remaining time of their holidays, he either talked to Beibei or cultivated.

As the end of the vacation became near, the morning just before their departure, he decided to go to the forest outside for no reason altogether. This time, he wasn't unconscious, it was just his gut feeling which made him do this.

For the first time in two weeks, Feng actually decided to go out and the oblivious Beibei couldn't be happier. He knew that something happened but didn't ask as he was sure Feng not only wouldn't respond, but he would even become quieter than he already is. Since he was like that, Beibei also didn't go out and stayed near him, trying to understand what happened by himself, not that he succeeded.

" Feng! Why are we going to the forest? "

" I don't know... I thought this could be fun. "

" Yeah? Though it's sure that it would be funnier than here, I don't see what we could do. Do you want to climb trees? "

" I don't know. "

Seeing Feng so unresponsive, Beibei sighed. This wasn't the first time that Feng was like this. Even before they integrated spirit hall he sometimes was this quiet and unresponsive. Each time he was like this, there was nothing that could be done other than waiting for it to end.

As they went out of the city, Feng looked at his surroundings for a while before choosing to go to the east side of the forest. The city of Ti Cang was surrounded by what the inhabitants call the Spiritless forest, because no spirit beast was present inside it, not even the bug types. He walked without turning for a while before stopping in front of a cave. There was nothing particular about it and it didn't even look deep.

Feng entered without hesitation and seeing him do this, Beibei sighed again and followed him. The cave was quite narrow considering that six years old kids had to crouch down to advance. After a few tens of meters, they reached the dead-end of the cave. As they were quite far from the entrance, they couldn't see much.

Stopping in front of the wall for a moment, Feng activated his spirit and punched it. He didn't know why he did that but he knew that this feeble punch had no way of destroying a wall. Or that is what should have been the case. The wall was destroyed, not because Feng's punch was that powerful or anything, but because it was just an illusion. No, it was more like a projection as it didn't just undo itself as Feng's arm passed through it after a short resistance.

He then went through it entirely and Beibei who was behind also tried to do the same but couldn't. It was like the wall purposefully allowed Feng to pass but not Beibei. Seeing his brother stuck, Feng grabbed him and tried to forcefully make him pass, in vain.

Flabbergasted, he tried to think about what he could do but didn't have any ideas. Not understanding why he could not pass but his brother could, Beibei scratched his head and told Feng " Err… I think you should just go. I will wait for you here. "

Shaking his head, Feng was about to say that he wouldn't go as it seemed suspicious but restrained himself. In fact, the words stuck to his throat as his spirit, which was 'normal' up until then began to make his body glow, just like when he awakened it and release heat. He didn't know what was happening but he lost consciousness after his whole body was glowing fiercely.

The glowing of his body stopped growing in intensity and he mindlessly walked in the opposite direction the 'wall'. After who knows how long, a spiraling black portal was the only thing in front of him. There was nothing else and it seemed like the portal was attracting him. He was then sucked into it.

As he traversed it, he appeared in a dark place, cold and empty. There was no light save for the one he emitted himself and in the midst of floating around, Feng regained consciousness and was greatly alarmed.

There was nothing around and he felt nothing other than coldness. The cold and dark place made him afraid as it was the first time in his entire life he felt this: coldness. As his fear was growing, his spirit ring, which was quietly floating behind him the whole time began to break apart.

As this happened, a great and sudden surge of pain assaulted Feng's mind which made him feel like he was breaking down himself and not his ring. The ring was fragmenting like glass construct and after a while, the ring completely broke and in its place, another one, perfectly identical to the broken one floated behind him, the only difference being the intensity of its brilliance.

As the process ended, the pain disappeared and Feng felt the ground under him. He was back in the cave in front of the black portal. He didn't understand many things and couldn't put his finger on the why and the how. Not only did he come here without him knowing, but the first thing he felt when he regained consciousness was also cold, fear and then pain.

He at least knew it had to do with his spirit as his ring was weirdly destroyed then reformed but other than that, he knew nothing. This was just like the time in the forest with elder Luo. Still confused at this whole series of events, he remembered his brother and ran to the exit. He didn't know how long he was there but he was sure Beibei would be worried.

After a five minutes sprint, he reached the 'wall' and Beibei was just behind it. But beside Beibei, there was the temple knight, who looked seriously at the 'wall'.

It seemed like he already tried to destroy it as he was taking heavy breaths with his six spirit rings behind him. Not willing to complicate matters, Feng quickly emerged from the wall, surprising both Beibei and the knight. Beibei then lept towards him and hugged him. The worry was clearly evident on his face.

" Feng! What happened? You were gone for an hour and… " He didn't have the time to finish as the temple knight knocked the both of them out.

As he saw him emerge from this indestructible wall as if it was nothing, the temple knight looked incredulously at Feng before taking the twins in his arms and bolting towards spirit city. The matter was quite serious as he didn't know what happened and in this type of cases, he had to present the kids before the dean without him asking anything prior. He was instructed to not ask anything and only act as for some matters, the less he knew, the more chances he had to survive.

With his speed, they reached spirit city after only four hours. The temple knight didn't decelerate and just continued his dash toward the dean's office, where he put down the kids before retreating. The luggage of the kids would be taken care of afterward.

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