
Cotton Candy

Halia frowned as she tried to remember what happened the day that she drowned. She remembered falling into the water, she remembered everything falling quiet, she remembered kicking and flailing as she tried to grab a breath of air and she remembered the burning sensation as water entered her lungs. The fear and helplessness she felt made it one of the scariest moments of her life. After all, everything could have ended right there.

But then, she remembered something soft on her lips and the taste of cotton candy as air was breathed back into her lungs, and she remembered glancing up into a pair of cold yet caring eyes as she coughed up the water in her lungs. She remembered looking around for her savior when she regained her consciousness but only seeing the back of the boy as he ran off to get help. Lastly...she remembered seeing a bag of cotton candy on the ground...and feeling embarrassed when she realized why she could taste cotton candy on her lips.

Halia touched her lips as she reminisced on this memory. It happened so long ago that she had almost forgotten about it. But now, it felt like it had only happened yesterday.

Halia glanced at the man beside her and hesitated before she asked again, "Who saved me? Was it you?"

Emerson sighed and stared out at the view in front of him. "It was my brother," he replied.

"Your brother?" Halia asked. She didn't see Emerson's brother at the ball yesterday, nor did she see him at the mansion today. Was he working?

"Is there any chance that I could meet him? I would like to thank him," Halia requested.

Emerson walked over to the pool and dipped his feet in the water. This topic seemed to bother him.

"He doesn't live here anymore. I haven't seen him in years," Emerson replied with regret. "To be honest, I don't even know if he's still alive..."


While Emerson and Halia were reminiscing on old times, Sean was also doing some reminiscing of his own.

Ever since he became a senior detective and handler, he had not returned to Hong Kong for a while, but he still had friends that lived there.

"I'll be visiting some old friends today. If you're not doing anything, do you want to come with me?" Sean asked Natalie.

Natalie felt a lot better after the hearty breakfast, so she nodded her head. After all, she had nothing else planned for the day.

Natalie quickly followed Sean onto a bus. What kind of friends did he have? How did they meet? Were they settled down with children or were they single? Natalie was filled with curiosity.

Soon, the bus arrived in a quiet neighbourhood and Sean gestured to Natalie that they had arrived.

As soon as they got out of the bus, Sean walked across the road towards a big fenced building.

Natalie watched as Sean walked in through the gates and glanced at the big words written across the fence: Rainbow Nursing Home.

"It's been a while since I've visited," Sean smiled. "They're going to be so excited."

Sean weaved through the corridors and arrived at a common activity room where there were a group of old people dancing to some music.

He peeked in through the window in the door and smiled, "I knew they'd be here."

He then threw open the doors and yelled, "Surprise!"

The old people immediately stopped and looked towards the man. Then, one of the old ladies squealed and screamed, "It's Little Sean!"

Four old ladies and one old man quickly ran over to Sean and hugged him.

"You've lost weight."

"You've gotten more handsome."

"You need to cut your hair."

Over the commotion, Sean chuckled and pulled Natalie over to his side. "This is my friend, Natalie. She had nothing to do today so I brought her along."

One of the old ladies immediately grabbed Natalie's hand. "You are so young and beautiful. Your skin is so supple and soft. Are you Little Sean's girlfriend?" she winked.

Natalie blushed a little.

But, just as she was about to respond, Sean answered on her behalf, "She's not interested in me. She already has a partner."

Natalie looked at Sean in confusion. When did she have a partner?

My new translated novel, "The Sweetest Medicine" has been finally released. The 22nd chapter will be up at 2pm server time today, so make sure to check it out if you are looking for something else to read.

Yunyicreators' thoughts