
Forever and Always

Selena woke up by the vibration on her bed. She lazily opened her eyes and found Louisa pacing around the room like a hen looking for her lost chicks.

She turned her position to her side and watched her cousin as she walks back and forth, one hand holding a stylus pen for her tablet and the other has a skull.

With her dress so long, Louisa tripped and fell onto the ground, her face smack right at the carpet while her skull toy rolled on the floor.

Selena wanted to laugh but, afraid that Louisa might let out her precious talent, which is screaming and after what happened to her last night, all she wants to do right now is to rest on her bed for a whole day.

She closed her eyes to fall back to sleep but, she suddenly thought of the pervert man that saved her last night.

She hastily got out of the bed and was about to leave the room when Louisa stopped her by grabbing a hand.

She turned her face to look at her, the girl gestured for her to sit back using her pointy finger. Confused by her cousin's action, Selena decided to hear her out.

"What is it?" she asked, looking at her cousin as she scribbles something on her tablet.

"There's a police outside," Louisa wrote.

"Ok, what about the man that saved me. Is he downstairs?"

"No, he had left."

Selena's mouth set in a hard line, she remembered taking the man's wallet yesterday to make sure he will not leave, though she has no idea about his identity since he doesn't have even one ID or credit card in his wallet, it was just cash.

The man identity was a mystery to her, starting from the airport and the incident last night and now. She's wondering why he doesn't want to meet with the police even though the only thing he needed to do was to give his statements.

(Is he a bad guy?) she thought.

She chewed on her bottom lips she as she tried to think why he left without saying goodbye.

Her hand went under her pillow, the place she used to hide his wallet but, it was no longer there.

"Did he went to my bedroom?" she asked Louisa.

"No, why?" Louisa wrote down.

"I hid his wallet under my pillow and, now it's gone."

"I took it and gave it to him," Louisa's response came to her as a shock. She'd known Louisa since she was, she usually hides when there's a stranger's around or even a family member which she was not comfortable to be with.

With her brows snapped together in confusion, she took Louisa's tablet and scrolled on the previous conversation she had.

"What is your name?"

"Why can't you tell me your name?"

"I will get your wallet"

"Can you give me your brother's number?"

"What shall I call you?"

"Will you be back again?"


"Why you don't know?"

Selena squeezed her eyes shut with everything she had read. Even though she only read Louisa's part, she already has an idea on what they were talking about.

Though one thing disturbed her mind.

(Brother? That pervert has a brother?)

"Louisa, who is his brother? Do you know his name?" she asked, hoping that she can look after the pervert's brother and ask for the pervert's contact.

Louisa nodded her head as a response and wrote down, "I promised not to tell anyone,"

Selena let out a deep breathe since Louisa had promised it, she doesn't have a choice than to shut her mouth.

"Was there anything else he took?"

Louisa's innocent round eyes stared at her, Selena was dumbfounded, she could see how her round eyes twinkled, it was as if she was happy.

When Louisa's eyes have suddenly turned into blue, Selena rose an eyebrow. It's very rare for Louisa's eyes to change color, only when she could no longer hold her emotion and as far as she remembers, blue eyes mean happiness.

Her head tilted in confusion, she glanced up to the ceiling as she tried to think why Louisa is acting like this.

"He took my heart as well," she wrote down.

Louisa's round face lowered to the ground but even so, Selena could see how her cheeks blushed.

Right there, she realized that Louisa was crushing on the pervert man.

Then, his face flashed in her mind. He was only a bit taller than her, body so tone she wouldn't be surprised if he was a part of the military. His nose bent in the middle, slightly unlike the first time they met as if he was just in a fight.

"Did you find that Mister attractive?" without finishing her question, Louisa has nodded her head.

She slapped a hand on her forehead, unsure what the man said for Louisa to like him. It's not that it bothers her, it will be nice if Louisa started liking someone, but she's certain that her uncle and auntie will not be happy to know that the first man Louisa was crushing on was almost triple of her age.

"Why do you like him?"

"He said my toys are cool and he likes you," Louisa penned down.

Her brain cells who have been half-sleep since she woke up have started panicking. Her heart pulped so hard that her hand absently went to her chest to make sure it was not her imagination.

(I should probably have my heart check! It's acting strangely) she thought and breathe out.

"When did the police came?"

"twenty-two minutes and thirty-four seconds ago," her speedy and accurate response made Selena amazed. Since she graduated, her brain has started rooting out to the point she could no longer think straight. Her mind and body have been consumed with alcohol and emotional stress.

She walked towards the closet to change her pajama, as she grabs one of the sleeveless dress she has, her lips parted to ask another question.

"Do- ahm, did the man mentioned why he likes me?" she struggled to ask that question but, she did.

She found nothing about her on Louisa's tablet but, she's wondering if the man explained why he said he likes her.

While waiting for Louisa to finish writing her answer, Selena put on her dress and picked up the comb on the shelves to brush her hair.

Reading Louisa's answer, Selena's eyes went narrowed while anger slowly raced in her vein. She let out a shaky breath as her hand grip the comb she was holding.

She bites on her lower lips so hard that it became purple, one thing she has in her mind was to stab the man's eyeballs with her comb.

"Because you are virgin," Louisa's answer was enough for her to forget how he saved her last night.
