

The Su family were standing in front of the house Daniella had bought. It was exactly what was shown in the picture

It was a three-story house though the ground floors wall was made of glass as well as the front door.

Alexa gulped repeatedly when she saw the neighborhood.

The house was standing next to the street with some stores next to their house. A convenient store in front of them, a local fast-food chain on the left side of their house and the right side was a hair salon and based on all the men wearing women's clothing she had realized that it was a hair salon run by gays.

People that were passing by stopped to stare at them, who wouldn't. Their looks were quite unique.

Her father built was still good despite his age and all the stress he has suffered from his kids and wife. His expression was serious enough to make his presence to stand out.

Her mother on the other side was the same as before. Her height, beauty, and style were the same. Her schoolmate was often mistaken for her mother to be her younger sister since she was the smallest in the family.

Despite her parent's casual clothes, people still gawked at them because of their faces. But seeing three teenagers with them with the same face and a girl who seemed to have forgotten that a scissor existed, made everyone in the street especially the gay working in the salon to come out and look at them.

'Hey, we have a new neighbor'

She heard a gay squealing from her side.

Alexa turned and found a man with a shoulder-length hair standing by the door. His eyes were focusing on her father as if Evan was a piece of meat he wants to devour.

When the gay shifted his sight from her father to her, their eyes collided and she could see his eyes shining in perversely.

Alexa wanted to warn her mother but, she saw the gay had run back inside of the salon, his perfectly contoured face has turned white. She wondered what had happened but, then she saw her father staring at the salon with a frown over his face.

(No wonder my mom doesn't have an issue with women. Daddy is scaring them off before they could get a chance.) She proudly thought.

Since she was a kid, she had never seen her parents fought. Either about money time or women, sometime just a small issue on how her mother dressed. They love and trust each other that other couples were jealous of them. And they are a perfect picture of a married couple, though people still gossip about her mother having a kid from another man and her mother doesn't care. Therefore it was not a surprise that Louisa has the same attitude as her mother towards people's opinion.

"Welcome home," her mother greeted cheerfully.

Alexa rose an eyebrow, just like the picture, the ground floor was empty but she noticed the signage on the bar counter.

It was a rectangular banner printed in pink background and has a cupcake photo in the middle while below the cupcake was the word 'Sweet cafe'.

The designed was so girly and cheeky for her. She walked towards the counter and about to carry it when she noticed how heavy it was.

"Mom, are you planning to run a coffee shop?" she asked hoping that her mother would deny it but she didn't, instead, Daniella took the signage with a hand and carried it as if it was a pillow.

"Yes. Selena knows how to bake so won't need to order cakes and pastries You and your brother will get the order and serve it while your dad and I will be sitting in the corner and watch you. Of course, if you have school, you won't need to work," her mother cheerfully explained.

"School?" the triplets spoke at the same time while Louisa wrote it down on her pad and showed to them.

"Yes, and you need to act and level your brain with your classmate. We must act normal in front of people and hide our true identity,"

"Does it mean I can change my name to Taylor Swift?" Alexa asked hopefully.


"Alexandria Swift?"


But Alexa is not giving up.

"Taylor Su?"

Her mother looked at her with a flat expression across her face.

"No one is changing their names. Few people named their kids after us so,"

"Mom, people might think we are crazy that we named our whole family after us. This is confusing!" Ethan spoke interrupting his mother.

Alexa's face wrinkled in annoyance after her brother interrupted her mom. She was planning to convince her mom to at least change her name.

She has too much nickname than a normal person. It's not that she minds it but, most of the nicknames sound like a man's name.

"You can change your name after we die. All of you, go upstairs and pack out. We will have dinner outside."

The triplet pulled their own suitcase towards the stairs. Before they could take the first step on the stairs, they all switched their eyes between the stairs and door.

"Mom, that door is the main door?" Leo inquired after noticing that except the door they had entered, there was no other door.

"Yes," his mother replied short. Not bothering to look at them.

Alexa instantly rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Wow! So our future customer can literally come into our living room whenever they want" Alexa exclaimed.

The thought of not having privacy was slowly hitting her head.

"Don't worry dear, I am planning to display Louisa's human organ toy around the living room. So when someone barge in, they will think we are cannibals," her mother evilly sneered while handing the signage to her father.

"Or they will call the police,"

"Pack out!" her mother glared at her after hearing her sarcastic reply.

The three left the room, leaving Louisa and their parents.

On the other side, Louisa felt flattered. Finally, her dream of having their house full of her toys has finally come true.

Her heart pounded in excitement, she eagerly grabbed her skeleton doll inside the box and handed it to her mother.

"oh boy! I am starting to regret this," her mother exhaled.

Louisa has a bright smile on her lips. Thinking that her toys will be around the house all the time, she felt very excited.
