
Lena's guardian!!!

John was flying in the sky thinking about the informations he just got, first of all he's in another world and another body in this world they don't know what cultivation Is they Have what you call abilities he even crossed some maniac with grandmaster middle level's stregnth with only his mind and some people could use some parts of their body or their whole body even ,and they fight demon that try to eat them like snacks!!. so That's why they have academies and shit, just to teach them how to kill one pretty weak bastard.

if ganjuro Came here he would Have took over this world in one week and he did not even ,Have more than one paragraph in this Novel. that's how boring that guy Is lets forget about him and second thing Is this body Is not a joke It has fucking three dantians!! One in his brain and one in his heart and one in his belly button this guy its a pety that he wasn't a cultivator he would some strong guy indeed im here one week and im already at the grandmaster high level reaching king level, then John sensed the all the talismans that he gave Lena like a sairen in his head and then he flew going over the speed of sound,,, lets go back a little,,, Martha woke up and and took a shower and fixed her hair in a pony tail style and wore black clothes for Jack's funeral she woke up the kids to get ready for the guests Martha and Jenny were welcoming the guests and Lena was playing with the other kids in the front lawn when when the funeral finished and the guests left they were watching tv in the living room when the news Came on,, News : '' please!! Evacuate! To the nearest shelter to your home, the '' DEU''(demons eliminating unit),, Is on it's way! I repeat!!, please!! Evacuate! To the nearest shelter to your home the' '' DEU'' Is on it's way!' ',, Martha : come on girls your packed bags from the training we did Is in the closets in your rooms go get It fast!!",,, the girls Have gone to theer rooms to take theer bags and after that they got in theer mum' s car and Martha drove to the closest Shelter tha 50 kilometers from home when they were half way there,,, '' kuaaaghghghgh" Martha : oh no!! The demons are already are and its giant demon bats '' sheild activation'',, Martha got the ability to materialize and energy sheild but it gives her a large amount of pain and strong headaches,, while Martha was protecting her children and got a nose bleed when a flying demon noticed theer car he landed beside It and started hitting the car and screeching Jenny : "mom what are we gonna do now?",, Martha : "we Have to wait for the DEU!! ",,,Chloe : "but your'e gitting weaker by the second!! ",,, Martha : "it's ok Chloe i know you don't think your'e useful because you three don't Defensive or offensive abilities but it's mom will protect you with her life!!! ",, when the Shield broke down the demon bat put its claws on the roof of the car,, Jenny : "every one put your heads down im gonna heat the roof!",,, Jenny has the ability of heat in her hands its not realy useful for attacking or defense all she could do Is heating things and Chloe could amplify her voice And Lena could change her hair to flowers or a tree,, when the claw landed on the roof It was so heavy that the was crush them and Jenny put a hnd down were It was heated on Lena's bag that was beside her and some of the talismans and that's how John got summoned,,, when John reached the location of the summon he saw a car that was gitting attacked and people running from It and screaming inside the car then he knew that's where Lena and her will be at,, then he crated a qi sword in thin Air and dived to the demons head,, John ( one feather void cut!!),,, when John landed he was behind the demon bat and then its head fell of after and then John saw that the sky was full of them,, John,, well i Have to clear the place first!,, John ''sword art swords rain!!!",, and then It rained qi swords from the sky at every flying demon bat and started falling in droves and before they could fall,, John" Moon void cut!! ",, then John cut in circles 50 times in the speed of sound you could see shockwaves from his hands going to the demon and then cutting to pieces of flesh and blood,, when he saw nothing else that Is dangerous he walked towards the car and opened It and he saw that the three people in the car were looking at him like some monster well except Lena,, Lena : "big brother Came back huggy huggy!!",, John : "huggy huggy!!",,, John's clone,, hehehe!! Im gonna stay with Lena and let the original work work his ass of the lazy fuck!!!,, this Is not a normal clone Because John inverted anew cloning technique that lets him put a dantian in his clone but he doesn't know that the demon inside of him got into the clone without him knowing It demon John asleep for a long time inside his Soul but he woke up when John's family got killed he blamed John for that because it's his family too he used to play with Julie when John gets asleep he loved Julie that's why he was so pissed with John that he didn't talk to him anymore,,, DJ : "Lena that stupid John stupid John forgot to tell you that you to summon him you need to just burn or shred the paper in the bag he Have you so here Is another bag of summon talismans remember shred or burn and i'll be there anytime!!! Ok!! ",,, Lena : "big brother can you stay with us!!",,, DJ : "well talk to your mum about that",,, Lena : "mommy!! Can big brother stay with us?!!" Chloe : "yes can big brother stay with us? his so cool!! ",, DJ : "oh! hi chloe how are you? ",,, Chloe : "hi you told us your name Is John right? ",,, DJ : "that's my name but you can call me DJ ok!!",,, Lena and Chloe : "ok!! DJ Is a cool name!!" DJ : "i told him its a cool name!!! I bet his just jelly!! ",,, while they were talking a car parked a little bit far,, DEU officer : what the hell happened?!!!,,,,...
