
Triwizard Tournament

Art left Hogwarts the next day and headed home. On the way home Newt seemed to have something on his mind but didn't say anything.

"Everything alright Mr. Scamander?" Art asked carefully.

Newt came out of his daze and gave Art a smile, "Of course Art. I was just thinking if you wanted to meet your grandparents this summer?"

Art felt like he was struck by lightning, "M-my grandparents?"

Newt nodded slowly, "Your mother's grandparents."

"They are still alive? Why didn't they come for me?" Art asked, a sliver of rage in his voice.

Newt had a sad look on his face and sighed, "Have you heard of the MacFusty clan?"

"The Scottish family that takes care of Hebridean Black Dragons?"

Newt nodded, "That is your mother's family. She was kicked out at a young age and came to Hogwarts where she met your father. From the best of my knowledge, she never had contact with them again."

Art remained silent as he tried to process everything.

"Do you know why she was kicked out?" Art asked quietly.

"I believe only your father knew besides your mother."

Art clenched his fist in anger, "They kicked her out… I want to know why."

Newt looked carefully at him and said, "You can't cause trouble, the MacFusty Clan is powerful."

Art didn't say anything but just nodded his head. His eyes seemed to be thinking things over.

"I won't meet them. They haven't had anything to do with my life so far." Art said sternly.

Newt looked at him carefully and nodded his head. He kept a part of the truth from Art, his grandparents contacted Newt and asked to meet him. He decided not to tell Art that because he had no idea that his grandparents existed.

"Okay. Train hard this summer, next school year will be challenging." Newt said with a mysterious smile.

Art gave Newt a confused look which he ignored. Soon Art was back at home with his parents who were happy to see him. They were even happier when Art said he would be spending the entire summer with them.

Art spent the next few days relaxing, writing letters to Fleur and his friends. Tim finally asked for a spar which Art accepted with a smile.

"Today is the day I defeat you." Art said with a laugh.

"Whatever you say Artland." Tim said with a rare smile.

Art's body had been strengthened again after his bloodline strengthening. He had surpassed human limits in strength, speed and reflexes.

They took their positions, facing each other. Art made the first move and sent a fist at Tim's face. Tim was shocked at the speed of the punch but still managed to avoid it. Grabbing Art's arm, he rotated his feet and threw Art over his shoulder.

Art allowed him to throw him but landed on his feet before throwing another punch. The two continued to spar, exchanging blows until Art was able to pin Tim down.

"YES!" Art yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

Tim kicked his feet out from under him, making him crash to the ground.

"Idiot, never let your guard down." Tim said, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Bitter after I beat you." Art said, throwing some grass at him.

Tim smiled and helped Art up, "Good job. You have come a long way."

The two made their way into the house, full of smiles. All three of them sat down and ate a meal together. A few more days passed and Art finally got a letter back from Fleur saying that she and her family would be going to the Quidditch World Cup. Art thumbed the table reading the letter causing Bella to notice.

"Everything alright, dear?"

"Oh, yes. Fine, just that Fleur is going to the Quidditch World Cup this summer with her family and I wasn't planning on going." he said absently.

"That game you play on brooms?" she asked, cutting some vegetables in the kitchen.

"Yes. It is being hosted by England this year."

"Why don't you go? Might be fun." she asked.

Art shrugged his shoulders, "Not my thing, I guess."

Bella gave him a questioning look but didn't say anything.

Art soon opened another letter, surprisingly it was Harry.

Dear Art,

I am writing to for advice on something.

My scar is hurting again and last time it was because he was in Hogwarts. I also had a dream about him killing someone. He can't be around me can he? I am also writing Sirius but I thought you might know something.


Art scowled at what Harry wrote and quickly took out a pen and replied quickly.

Dear Harry,

Thank you for writing to me. Your scar hurting shouldn't cause you too much worry. Just remember to clear your mind before going to bed. This is the first step in Occlumency, something I believe you should learn. Keep me up to date if it hurts again.


Art kept his letter short and gave it to Grey who was out in the yard eating a mouse. Tying the letter to his leg, the falcon took off in the air.

The next day Art was surprised to have two visitors, Sirius and Amelia.

"Sirius! Amelia!" Art said surprised.

He invited them in where Bella and Tim brewed them some tea and sat down at the table.

"Mom, Dad, this is Sirius Black." Art introduced them, "Sirius, these are my parents, Bella and Tim Sullivan."

"Pleasure to meet you, you have an incredible son." he said kindly.

Amelia cleared her throat, "Sirius was a criminal that spent 13 years in Azkaban, our prison. Art proved that he was innocent and framed this year, clearing his name and embarrassing the Ministry in the process."

They looked at Sirius shocked and then to Art.

"Don't give me too much credit, I was going to kill him if he was guilty." Art said, quietly, causing Sirius to laugh and Amelia to scowl.

"I came to thank you again and introduce myself." Sirius said.

"Sirius is thinking about joining the Ministry as an Auror." Amelia said.

"An Auror is like a police officer, an elite police officer." Art explained to his parents.

"Impressive Mr. Black." Bella said with a smile.

"Please call me Sirius."

Amelia cleared her throat and looked at Art, "I came to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be hosted at Hogwarts this year."

Art almost dropped his tea. "Triwizard tournament?" Art said excitedly.

"Yes. The Ministry has decided to bring the tournament back after so many years to strengthen ties between countries." Amelia said.

Bella looked at Art curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"It is a magical contest between the three biggest schools in Europe. Each sends a Champion to compete in three tasks that test magical ability, intelligence and courage." Art said with some fascination.

"Is it dangerous?" Bella asked worried.

"Very. Many contestants died, they even disbanded it because of the high death toll."

Bella gasped but Amelia quickly interjected.

"We are taking the necessary steps for that not to happen again."

Bella looked relieved but still gave Art a worried look.

"Beauxbatons will be spending the entire year at Hogwarts." Art asked, a large smile on his face.

Bella and Amelia gave him a glare while Tim had a small smirk on his face.

Sirius looked lost until Amelia whispered to him, "His girlfriend is from Beauxbatons."

Sirius laughed loudly and gave Art a thumbs up.
