

"Storm ahead!" The First mate shouted. The rookies who never went through a storm and the passengers began shaking in fright. This was a storm after all.

What was unusual was that even most of the old sailors were silent. That was because the storm ahead was the biggest they ever saw, and that they this would be risky.

The captain of the ship, Captain Barnes, shouted laughing "Come on Martha, you won't get knocked down by some wind, will you?!"

As if to answer its captain, the ship made a booming sound. Arthur, who was at the highest point of the ship, just below the flag, hesitated whether he should go down with the others. But it was too exciting to stay up there.

The ship quickly approached the storm, rain began to fall on their heads, and the wind started intensifying, becoming stronger and stronger.

One of the crewmen, a carpenter, rushed toward the group of talents and shouted over the wind "Get in the hold, it's going to get dangerous out there!"

They didn't say anything to reject him and even happily followed. They had never been on a boat before, because it was considered rather useless to most wizards. After all, why would they use it when they can use portkeys that are faster, less dangerous and less expensive to make?

Actually, even though most ships could be used for trips, this wasn't what their main use was. Nowadays, for wizards, ships are either for cruises, or for scavenging the potential ruins, tombs, magical beasts or other resources hidden under water.

Anyway, the 8 talents rushed in the hold, along with the rest of the passengers and some of the crewmen. Now, only the Captain, the Navigator, the First Mate and most of the sailors.

As for the Second Mate, he was the one in charge of the hold, watching over and protecting the passengers.

Arthur sticked himself to the mast thanks to a spell, he attached all four of his limbs as to make sure he wouldn't be sent flying by the wind. And in the unlikely event where the mast were to be broken, then he could unstick his limbs, though it wouldn't change much as without the mast the storm would probably make the ship sink.

What he was doing was extremely dangerous, he knew it, but he couldn't stop himself from taking that risk. That is because of past lesson of Merlin.

Merlin had told him that the best way to enhance his elemental spells was to to feel the strength of nature, and the best results would be if they are created by your own element.

The result wouldn't change, but it would be safer for you. Someone who is attuned to an elements is immunized against it. For Merlin, he had walked straight in an inferno. He hadn't been hurt a single bit, and yet this helped him understand a lot about the power of nature and helped him a lot.

If Arthur were to do the same, walking in the inferno, he would get lesser results, and that's if he can walk out of it alive. To achieve the best results, Arthur would have t face a calamity of the same intensity created by either Light or Darkness.

But that's where a weakness of his elements comes in. There are no calamity coming from his elements. Sure he was immunized against any attack of his element, but they are close to none.

The best Light could do is purify something, or attack the eye. Sure there are the mind attacks, but they aren't purely Light sided, they use the mind arts a lot too, the light element only serves in strengthening the attacks, not creating them.

Overall, the best direct attack possible using the light element is purifying, but this isn't a natural disaster but an attack that must be launched by someone. This is normal though, as the Light element is to be used to deceive and trick the mind. It is an element made for indirect attack. Instead of killing someone, you push him to suicide.

As for Darkness, it is the same, there is no natural disaster coming from the Darkness. The Darkness can be used to hide his presence, not become invisible to the eye, but inconspicuous. If used well, Arthur could walk in the street without hiding his face, and yet no one would recognize him.

It can also be used to devour, which is the main attacking style of the Dark element.

So the only way for Arthur to study the strength of nature, is to face the disasters caused by other elements. But here is the problem. He does the same thing as Merlin and walk into a fire, he would get burned to death before getting enlightened on anything.

The same can be said for other elements. Tornado? Shredded. Tsunami? Crushed. Earthquake? Crushed. Lightning strike? Fried.

But here is an opportunity for Arthur. A storm, and a big one. Sure there is danger, and the protections from the ship will lessen the effects, but there is still a chance it will help him.

And what better place than the top of the mast to take the storm on? After all, this was most certainly the part of the ship where the storm hit the strongest. Here, because of the lack of surface to protect, as there is literally only a flag and a thick piece of wood, only the mast and flag themselves are protected.

For the lower part of the ship, the attacks are stopped before connecting with the ship, but up there is the only place where they hit it. Of course there is a minor protection around Arthur, but it doesn't really help…

By now, the ship had already penetrated deep inside the storm, and it was shaking all over, as if it was dancing among the waves. The sails had to be folded if they didn't want them to be shredded, but thankfully they were in a magical ship so even without those they could navigate and move in the desired direction, although sometime they would go off track.

That's why the Navigator was very much needed. In modern times, about every sailor has some knowledge about navigation and that's why the post has disappeared in modern ships.

But in the wizarding world, Navigators are the one who specialize in guiding the ship in areas like this one, where ordinary sails men can't use their knowledge.

The only ones left on the ship by now were Captain Barnes who was controlling the ship, his trusted First Mate and the Navigator.

As time went by, Arthur was considering whether he should make them his subordinates in the future or not. Arthur didn't want to waste any resources, and for that sooner or later he will have to not only explore the land, but also the sea.

And for that, he would need a crew. And a ship. This could very well be this crew. Arthur smiled thinking about how he could sway them. He would probably need to penetrate in their minds and find their weakness. Or something like that.

But now is not the time. Arthur had many things to do. More important things. Arthur canceled the sticking spell on one of his arms, but as soon as he did he lost control of it as it swayed with the one.

Arthur quickly activated the spell again, before his arm broke. Now there was something unusual. A storm shouldn't be this powerful. Arthur almost broke his arm only with the wind. Even the strongest hurricanes shouldn't be this powerful.

Arthur casted a light healing spell on his arm, as although it didn't break, it still hurt a bit.

But as he was healing his arm he suddenly heard a heaven shattering roar. The roar was so powerful that Arthur was feeling that his ears were hurting. Because he couldn't use his hands, Arthur buried his ears between his arms, and as he did, he had to lower his head.

And he saw that none of the people on the ship seemed to be hearing the roar. They were still trying to navigate the boat. Once the roar finished, Arthur looked in the direction of where it came from and couldn't help but doubt whether what he was seeing was real.

A giant octopus like monster, it's eight tentacles that seemed to be endless. In front of it, a giant blond man, holding a giant trident, jumping threateningly at the beast.
