
Chapter 48

After that encounter, Akira Grew bored from playing with Saitama so he decided to leave, and with him leaving the others left as well.

some days passed and Akira was doing his boring routine work out relax and check on the prisoners he kidnapped, they were following a training regime to make their bodies stronger but if u look at them in detail, you would notice that they looked hollow and their eyes had no luster indicating intelligence.

'This might be a disadvantage in most situations, if there is a need for a split decision they cant do anything' he thought as he walked towards Bruce who was observing them.

"Sir" Bruce nodded.

"How's the progress" Akira asked casually.

"It's going quite well, we just need a technique to give them suitable weapons".

Akira nodded and said "yeah, i thought about that and decided to make them into groups, each group will have a technique suitable for their body structure and talent" 'and using my powers they will be able to practice for years and they won't break because i deleted everything from them, hmm might as well call them biological robots' he thought the last part as Bruce doesn't need to know.

"Alright, great job I'll get the techniques soon" with that Akira left.

'i'm getting bored, don't have much to do' *sigh*

he walked through his mansion and found the lively little girl, he smiled and spent time with her.

*Days later*

"Alright, i will go outside" He said to Bruce as he was leaving.

"Have fun" He nodded and went back to his business.

Akira left and as he was strolling he felt a slight tremor and looked at the direction to see a huge silhouette of a centipede.

he smiled and teleported to it (Used stop time and walked there, i don't want to repeat it every time).

He stood at the top of a close building when he got there someone was fighting and he saw Baseball bat man being hit with the tail of the Centipede creature.

'oh, finally a chance to have fun' Akira thought as he was finding a new way of fun which is, trying to not use his time powers and try to win without getting injured or hit.

of course if he was abt to be hit he will use his powers he's not a masochist.

Disabling his power he jumped on the back of the creature and did a Hulk smash motion, which was effective as he heard a crack in the carapace of the centipede.

it wasn't a huge crack but he did damage with his bare hands which isn't his main weapon, as he was stronger than every monster he was inclined to use fun instead of effectivity, that is if it wasn't a serious fight or when he doesn't need to finish the battle fast.

while he was thinking everyone in the scene was looking at him even the monsters.

regaining his focus he smiled and jumped away from the centipede, then he heard the monster talk "I'M CENTISENPAI I'LL AVENGE MY KOHAI" when Akira head that he started laughing, "what a dumb name".

As a result the centipede forgot about Baseball bat man who was busy fighting a flower creature and rushed Akira, who as a response rushed at it as well.

When they were close enough the centipede used its appendages to rip him apart but he punched them away.

After a bit of time and a lot of centipede limbs falling, the fight reached its end with Akira Slamming his heel on the head which made it caved in.

"That was fun" Akira smiled then he looked at the Baseball man who was getting sluggish from the poison.

"guess zombie man would've made a better opponent for that monster" Then he brought the Op-blade from the void then he slashed at it with a fire blade.

The flower screamed and became ashes.

[if you're interested in watching me Write Live Check ThyCubeVT On Twitch :)]
