

Emilié by passed Emil, walking before the green haired lady and held out her open hand to her, which earned a slither of curiosity from the cold faced Sera.

Why did she stretch a hand to her? Did Emilié want something from her?

Emilié uttered no word nor started any conversation. She stood there with open hand, fixating her gaze on the throwing knife Sera had hidden in her breast pocket.

Sera likes to be prepared for any kind of emergencies, so she always has some kind of weapons carried on her body.

However, the strange thing was not why a fighter has a throwing knife on her but, how Emilié knew she had it.

Even though Emilié only threw a quick glance at Sera and Jane a while ago, she did notice the little details, just that she hadn't mind them. But now, when she had use for the throwing knive, she wanted it.

All these years of depicting the mute girl had given her some pretty good perks. One of them was her good observation skills, where she could perceive minute details in a few seconds.

A must have for every good fighter.

Sera followed Emilié's gaze to her breast pocket and saw the tip of the throwing knife lurk out.

Then it dawned to her and a smirk played on her lips. She might change her mind, this girl in front of her is quite likeable. She took the throwing knife and gave her what she wanted.

Haha, today was a great day filled with drama~ and Emil that d*mb ass made himself more problems. She is really excited to see this farce play out.

It was a short and soundless conversation with mutual understanding between Sera and Emilié, thus Emil had not understood what those both did, nor did Jane.

"Emilié, even if you think of asking Sera to train you forget it! She is too busy and as I said I will only train boys, so how about you just stop this antic and go to rest now." Emil chimed in, still faced with Emilié's back view.

But then his eyes widened. Emilié raised her hand and CUT her hair!

The long silk-like raven hair, that every woman would be proud of having was cut short in an instance.

How could Emilié do that?! But Emil provoked her not only once, twice, no, thrice!

She asked him three times to train her, but he always found something to stop her, even when what he said was the truth, even when it was for her sake; she had no interest in it, could he not understand that.

She knows what SHE wants and SHE will get it no matter what!

So, Emil will only train boys? Ha! Then he gets a boy!

He seemed to not have understood what her request meant for her, then let him see her resolve and volition with his own eyes.

She turned around and gritted her teeth to wheeze out every word loud and clearly, to bring her point into that thick skull of his.

"I. AM. A. BOY. TRAIN. ME.!"

Emil snapped out of his shock and became instantly mad. What a crazy child!

She is not able to appreciate one's kindness and consideration when it's given!

He says he would only train boys and this smarty pants thinks of herself as sooo smart, that cutting one's own her short meant your automatically a boy! What nonsense!

"NO! I will not train you, you stupid brat! I said I'd only train boys, cutting your hair doesn't make you a boy and I told you I will keep you safe! Get that into your tiny brai-"


Emil was interrupted by Jane, getting a sharp glare hurled at him.

She hadn't said anything the whole time and couldn't make head and tails from their conversation, but what she did understand was that those both had no prior relationship until a short time ago, so it was her wrong interpretation.

Yet, she couldn't let Emil just run his mouth and let the girl who showed decisiveness in such young age be hurt by this cur's insensibility.

Continuation from Chapter 6. babble:

Do you guys remember when I said on Chapter 6 not to read Emilié as Emily : ) Now that's why, she is gonna stay as a boy for a while and calling her with such a feminine name would be funny.

A boy named Emily^,^

#no offense

??And a serious question, is knife written with v or f it's confusing as heck I don't even know the difference?? knife or knive??

XoXo, Quhon

Quhoncreators' thoughts