
Emil's death

After coming safely back, Sasha immediately reports this to his father and with his help they turn down the old senile man to the authorities to take care of him.

The authorities send man to arrest him, but found him in his home dead. It looked like suicide, he must have got informed that his plan failed and smashed his head onto the wall from indignation and cracked his skull. Later on the coroner too confirmed that it was suicide.

They digged for any kind of information they could find in the old general's home, with the hope to find some leading points about the Black Vipers, but alas it was nothing there.

Instead, they found out the drug incident was too, a thing the old man prepared for Sasha.

Sasha came clear out from the accusations and became the next general, with Emil as his second in command; for both of their meritorious contribution and courage to have gone alone against a dangerous organization, where they suffered a huge loss.

They were celebrated as great man by the whole country and their fallen brothers were painted as heroes, who died for the wellbeing of the citizens.

The government did this purposely to cover up all the misconduct of the old general, they couldn't let anyone see they had flaws in the middle of their ranks.

This would have brought unneeded chaos, and chances for the enemies to strike.


And the ambiguous relationship between Sasha and Emil kept on going afterwards. Since then, they would spend the most time in the military barracks, than home, they both savoured the perks of their relationship to the highest extend. 😏

Sasha hadn't had the same interest as in the past, to spend so much time with Bethea or have intimate contact with her and that went on for months.

Naturally, Bethea catched up that there was something fishy, truly even a blind person would catch up to it; he wouldn't sleep with her on the same bed, instead using the office as sleeping room, wouldn't compliment her or even look at her, her whole existence was as if none existing.

And that was when he was home, that is. He rarely came back. Probably, if he could he would never return.

Thus one weekend he came back, he was in the bedroom changing his clothes.

Bethea catches wind of it and bursted into the bedroom to confront him.

The door tore open with a 'bang'.

Sasha, who was changing jumped up from the sudden noise, but quickly turned around in a defensive position, preparing for everything that might happen; when he heard the shrill voice of Bethea that was soaking in dissatisfaction.

"Sasha what is wrong with you!"

He relaxed and snapped back, "No, Woman. What is wrong with you? What are you barging in like a lunatic, I thought something happened?"

"Woman? Did you really call your own wife woman, like some random chick? You ignore me for months, are almost never home and when your here you're like not present... and then you go call me woman. Sasha, what is wrong?" She didn't back down and confronted him.

Sasha first wanted to retort back but knew he was in the wrong, he shouldn't have disrespectfully talked to her.

Not letting him answer she dropped a bomb under his foot. "Are you cheating on me?"

"NO!" Sasha's answer was fast and loud as if guilty. Even through that was the case.

In truth Bethea catched on it long ago, she only wanted to see, what Sasha had to say for his cheating.

"Are you sure? Your long absences in my life are really not because you're cheating on me? Then I may ask..." She looked at the neatly ironed shirt on the bed which Sasha was going to wear. "Where did you plan to go so nicely dressed, I might even think you are going on a date?"

The mighty general was shaken, right now he feared his wife going to catch up to his secret. He could not let her know he had an affair with a man, if his konversative father finds out... no there was too much on the line and Emil would be in a bad position.

"I-I was just going to the mall with Emil and afterwards, going to have some dinner." He honestly admitted.

Bethea's brows furrowed and she said pertly, "Can you stop using Emil as a shield. Do you think I don't know what you're doing, playing around with all those filth woman outside."

"No Bethea, I am not playing around!" Sasha said back.

"Then what? Or you are banging Emil. Are you a cut sleeve¹ ?" She sneered.

Sasha's heart almost leaped out his mouth and he hurriedly denied, "What no! What makes you think that? So disgusting!"

Bethea's lips went into a smile and her head was risen high up as if she had Sasha where she wanted him to be.

He was hers, no one would take him from her and if that would mean she had to use underhanded methods, she would do it.

She accused him with the truth she found out.

"You don't have sex with me for almost eight months, since the day you came back from that mission. And when you are gone you're always with Emil. Are you sure nothing is going on?"

Sasha felt Bethea's suspicion was high and on the spot, may he say.

He walked in front of Bethea and smashed his lips against her. Stealing her air, until she had to breath, breaking the kiss and murmuring, "Would a gay man do this?"

His mind thought only this was the solution for all his problem, pleasing her in bed and she would forget everything.

He swept her up the floor and to the bed, doing the deed. He felt lightly disgusted of himself doing this, but Bethea was to suspicious of him and Emil.

Sasha just had to shut up and not tell Emil anything about this, so he could keep both of them, Bethea and Emil in check, not to do stupid things.

But unfortunately to his wishes, Bethea let slip the information of his and hers intimacy to Emil.

Emil was angry at Sasha and didn't talk with him anymore.

He did not come back to the military barracks, saying his wife is in bad health, hence they plan a vacation for once together. His request was approved and he took his car, to drive with his wife to the summer house.

Truth to be told Jane, his wife, knew about the affair since the start. Emil told her himself the minute he saw her, she was shocked and angry at Emil, but she was the one, who the most knew, what it felt to unconditionally love someone.

She was from a poor house and loving someone from the rich district was only a dream, but still waited for him in any kind of weather, if snowing, if raining, if windy, if thundering, just to get a glimpse of him, it would be worth it.

He noticed her and their love bloomed together. Emil thought it was right, but he didn't feel complete.

Jane too felt, that after some years of marriage his body was there next to her, but his heart wasn't quite there.

She pardoned him for what he did, which Emil still felt sorry about having done this, to this beautiful woman, who still loved him, but was ultimately thankful for her understanding.

Both of them didn't divorce.

Emil asked what she wanted to do, leave him and be happy with another man, but Jane refused, saying she'd be ok with no one staying next to her side.

She would tell him when her love completely faded and she fell for another person. Then they could finalize everything.

Emil out of guilt complied to the arrangement and was happy it went out good with her.

So on their way to the summer house a car accident took place, a car in front of them swerved around them, cornering his car to the opposite car track, where another car came in front of them.

Emil panicked from the car appearing out of nowhere, he lost control of his car, he tried to brake but the brakes didn't work and he crashed.

The last thing he saw was green and gone was he.

The police report of this accident states.... Jane flew out the window, that was luckily open and the trees and bushes cushioned her fall. His wife was brought to the hospital, she wasn't in a critical status, but still in coma.

The husband on the other side, had it bad, his body wasn't found, it was estimated that his body flew down the cliff and lost in the ocean, a search team searched the ocean but without luck of a corpse.

His casket was buried empty.

Sasha hearing from this news was devastated, his heart was broken. And he still could not apologize for what he did (cheating).

He was after Emil's death like in a zombie mode, being sluggish and in mourning, not eating much, not caring for himself.

Bethea was worried for Sasha and had all kind of mood swings, once plagued of guilt, since she was involved in Emil's death, once plagued of fear that Emil's ghost will haunt her and once crying that Sasha doesn't take care of her, even through she loves him so much.

Until the day she had to vomit her guts out and it was known that she was pregnant, those children lifted up all the gloom in everyones life and gave Sasha a new purpose to live and take care of his growing family.


Present day

The song was filled with a variation of emotions, but the one who was most audible in Sasha's version was the underlying sadness, which his bent back showed off more.

Emilié noticed it too and waited until he finished playing to trot to his side.

While lost in his thought he said in to the air, not precisely speaking to anyone, "Nobody knows what the next day will bring you, only what fate has given you a meaning for will happen to you."

"If destiny wants it to be your last day then that's how it is, and if it dictates that this be your first, then it shall be like that. You yourself have no say in God's decisions."

"Aren't I right Emil, god wanted that day to be your last..." He mutters the last words quitely that Emilié could not hear it.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

Emilié was confused, what did her father mean, but as she sees that strong dependable man cry, back crooked in his seat, she unintentionally reached up her hand to whip away that tear and for the first time her lips opened and an almost inaudible "Daddy" came from her.

She really grew to like this man, he showed his tender sides to her and with the crack on her psychological barrier, she went out of herself, to tell him the thing every father would love to hear from their child.

And Sasha wasn't an exception, his eyes widened of surprise. He did not hear wrong, right? The first words of Emilié and it was only addressed to him.

One had to know, since he is absent often he missed out on the first words of Leevi and Valentin, but Emilié gave him the chance to experience the first words of his child.

All the past sorrows were lost at that moment.

He hugged Emilié rubbing his three days beard on her.

"You called me daddy! Daddy! Come on Emilié once more. Please~" He said with a coy voice.

Emilié actually regret having said 'daddy' to him, right now he is torturing her with his prickly beard and she hated it, but she was to weak to wiggle out his grip. He did not deserve it.

Furthermore, one word did not mean she was going to talk like a normal person right of the bat. These things shouldn't hurry, it's one step by step.

The following days with Sasha present went peaceful for Emilié. And there was no sound from Valentin or Bethea to hear.

Sasha came to Emilié every afternoon and they played together the piano, until the day Emilié's birthday was coming up.

Author babble:

1) cut sleeve - gay

* I always wanted to write cut sleeve, I love that word's meaning and it's story behind it. : )

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's double the word count than my normal ones. So double the work.

And I don't mind anyone having the urge to punch Sasha one in the face, feel free to do so.

Quhoncreators' thoughts