
My boyfriend

Both Kris and Lena did not even sense Madam Li in the hallway. After Kris took out the wooden splinter out of Lena's toe he stood up.

"It's bleeding a bit, let me go get you a bandage."

Lena looked at the nasty piece of wood that imbedded itself on her toe.

Lena might be overreacting a bit for some people. But, in Shen Qian's life, she once tripped over the playground woodchips and had many wooden splinters in her palm, hand, and legs.

As a child, that experience of her mother helping her pull them out has ingrained her the mental trauma of splinters. She never played on the playground with woodchips anymore.

She never knew... that she will now be traumatized by wooden furniture too!

Kris came back and cleaned her wound then put a bandage on it.

"You need to throw that table away and burn it!" Lena scolded him.

He laughed. "Sure." He stood up. "It's late. Go back to sleep."
