
Hiding in the roses (41)

Zane left for work after helping Bella eat breakfast. His company had been doing really well since he started it and now he was going to take it further. He had several conference today and contracts to go over. Trading goods overseas was the next step in his expansion of his company.

He checked his phone often to check on his beauty and she just sat and read all day.

After a long meeting with country X for three hours and finally coming to an agreement he pulled up Bella's room. She was not there. Then he seen he has three missed calls from home. He played the message...

[Mr. Heart this is your wife's nurse. When I brought her a snack she was missing. We have searched the house and can't find her. Please call us on what to do.]

[Mr. Heart the only room we can't search is the last room on the second floor and its locked. You house manger says your the only one with a key. Please call us back.]

[Mr. Heart I ask you call about your wife please]

Zane pulled up the cameras once more and ran the one from the rose room. The in the big chair sat his Beauty curled up reading. He had not locked the door she must of done it after going in. He smiled that means she walked there by herself.

He called home to let them know as of right now she was safe and he would be right home.

Bella had grown restless in her room and carried her book out. This place she was in seemed familiar then something pulled her down the hall to a room filled with crystal roses, they were very beautiful and calming. She did not want to leave here so she locked the door. She found a big chair to curl up in and read.


The Giant wondered what to say, and could not believe it of the little man; so, catching up another pebble, he flung it so high that it almost went out of sight, saying, "There, you pigmy, do that if you can."

"Well done," said the Tailor; "but your pebble will fall down again to the ground. I will throw one up which will not come down;" and, dipping into his pocket, he took out the bird and threw it into the air.

The bird, glad to be free, flew straight up, and then far away, and did not come back. "How does that little performance please you, friend?" asked the Tailor.

"You can throw well," replied the giant; "now truly we will see if you are able to carry something uncommon." So saying, he took him to a large oak tree, which lay upon the ground, and said, "If you are strong enough, now help me to carry this tree out of the forest."

"With pleasure," replied the Tailor; "you may hold the trunk upon your shoulder, and I will lift the boughs and branches, they are the heaviest, and carry them."

The Giant took the trunk upon his shoulder, but the Tailor sat down on one of the branches, and the Giant, who could not look round, was compelled to carry the whole tree and the Tailor also.

He being behind, was very cheerful, and laughed at the trick, and presently began to sing the song, "There rode three tailors out at the gate," as if the carrying of trees were a trifle.

The Giant, after he had staggered a very short distance with his heavy load, could go no further, and called out, "Do you hear? I must drop the tree."

The Tailor, jumping down, quickly embraced the tree with both arms, as if he had been carrying it, and said to the Giant, "Are you such a big fellow, and yet cannot you carry a tree by yourself?"

Then they travelled on further, and as they came to a cherry-tree, the Giant seized the top of the tree where the ripest cherries hung, and, bending it down, gave it to the Tailor to hold, telling him to eat.

But the Tailor was far too weak to hold the tree down, and when the Giant let go, the tree flew up in the air, and the Tailor was taken with it.

He came down on the other side, however, unhurt, and the Giant said, "What does that mean? Are you not strong enough to hold that twig?"

"My strength did not fail me," said the Tailor; "do you imagine that that was a hard task for one who has slain seven at one blow? I sprang over the tree simply because the hunters were shooting down here in the thicket. Jump after me if you can."

The Giant made the attempt, but could not clear the tree, and stuck fast in the branches; so that in this affair, too, the Tailor had the advantage.


Zane arrived home and unlocked the door and to his surprise Bella looked up and smiled.

"Do you like this room?" he asked.

"Yes" Bella answered.

"Then you may come here any time you wish. I'll be back I'm going to change cloths." He left to take a shower and put some casual cloths on.

He took about 20 minutes to change but as he stepped out of the room he heard crying and he ran toward the sound.

It was coming from Bella's room. The Nurse on duty was holding Bella's book in her hand glaring at Bella.

"What is going on here?" He yelled.

"I made the Mrs. come back to her room. I took her book away because it was bad of her to hide from us today. She needs to learn to behave."

Zane pulled up the video and played it from the time he walked out. He watched as the nurse came in. Slapped Bella and dragged her back to her room. He was hot now. He grabbed the book from her and yelled for the gaurds.

"Take this woman along with this video to the police. Have her charge with an abuse to patient. I want the Max penalty. Then I want her license pulled so she can no longer hurt others."

"Sir, why are you doing this for a retard that can't even feed herself?" She said as she was dragged away.

Zane bent down with the book and handed it to Bella. She hugged the book but kept crying. He scooped her up and carried her back to the rose room and sat in the chair with Bella on his lap.


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