
Coming Out 3

"Oh sweetie, welcome home." A warm and caring voice came from the living room. A lady wearing a flowery work dress walked into the kitchen with open arms.

Ming walked towards her as he gave her a big warm hug. The lady was Ming's mother, Rong Xing. Having birthed five children, the lady was still able to maintain her slim and graceful figure.

Beside her was Ming's father, Li Fei. He also came up and gave his son a hug. It was very much like his family to greet each other with a hug. After all, they hadn't seen their son for a year. Ming didn't want to come back during the other breaks and chose to study in school. It was also because he felt that such atmospheres at home wasn't very comfortable to him and so, he only came back once a year.

"Hey mom and dad." Ming smiled lightly.

"Oh my goodness! You have slimmed down so much! Ming what happened to you!?" Rong Xing was startled from the sight of her child's body state. Ming was skinny to the bone, almost anorexic. "Do you not have enough money to eat at school?"

"No, no. I have more than enough from the scholarship funds," Ming shook his head, trying to not worry his parents too much. If they had known that he had turned this way because of a guy, there would surely be no end to their lecture, much less changing their opinion of gay people. Instead, Ming came up with an excuse, "I had fallen sick in the last month and had lost my appetite."

"Ah, you should've called back and I would've brought you some herbal medicine from home! Li Ming… There is no need to be so stubborn and not ask for help from your family. You must take care of yourself as the oldest in the family. Understand?"

"Yes, mom. I understand." Ming could only nod in agreement.

"Let us eat now then."

"Oh, do we not need to wait for Li Xin?"

"There is no need. Li Xin is at her friends house doing a video project. She said she would be back for dinner at 7.30. So let us just eat first."


Ming headed upstairs to take a shower and to wake up his younger brother. By the time he was ready, his family were already sitting by the dinner table and waiting for his arrival.

"Now that Li Ming is here, let us say our prayers." Li Fei signalled. Habitually everyone reached out their hands and held the person's hand that was beside them. Ming almost forgotten about their practice and quickly followed along.

As Ming's father, Li Fei, led the prayer, Ming closed his eyes and just followed along. In his head, there was only thing running through his mind. Come clean to your parents. Be honest with them. Do not shrink away. Tell them that you are gay.

When the prayer was over, the family started to eat. To be expected, the Li Family oldest son's cooking was superb. Every dish made today tasted extremely delicious and smiles were plastered across everyone's face. Even the sleepy Li Dong felt energised after tasting such good food. Only Li Ming was eating with a spaced out expression.

To no surprise, Ming's mother caught onto her son's bearings. Naturally enough, she brought it up at the dinner table.

"Li Ming, are you okay? Are you still feeling unwell?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh, no. I was just thinking about something." Ming answered.

"If there is something that is hanging on your chest, you can always talk to mom and dad. We are here to help you."

When Rong Xing said that to her eldest son, Ming's heart twitched slightly. If it was so easy, the young man would not be so troubled by it for so many years. Much less help him, his parents would probably hire a priest in hopes of exorcising his body. Maybe by some miracle, the priest could pray the gay away.

"There is indeed something I would like to talk about in private with the two of you later." In the end, Ming decided to still follow through with his plan. He was going to get over it once and for all.

Rong Xing and Li Fei both realised that what their son wanted to talk about was probably something serious and so, the following dinner conversation revolved around the other children. They left their eldest son alone for now.

By the end of the meal, the younger siblings had helped out in cleaning up and washing the dishes. Ming and his parents headed into the master bedroom where Ming stood in front of both of his parents. The both of them didn't know what the young man was about to say and could only wait for him to talk.

Ming closed his eyes and breathed in and out a few times. Unfortunately, it was to no avail and his heart was still beating rapidly. The mood in the room was tense as both parties were at a standstill.

"Mom and dad, I am going to say something that has been weighing me down for many years. It was something that I came to terms with when I was in high school. From that point on, I have hiding this something from you both for the longest of times." Ming looked into both of their eyes as he confessed resolutely, "I am gay."
