
The Visit 2

For the rest of the afternoon, the Head Engineer brought Sato and Melanie on a tour around the railway station. Sato was able to enter the control room that would monitor and control the speed rail remotely. The mechanical systems as explained by Jaden Masoko were normally hard for non PhD students to understand. However, for Sato, he understood almost everything and did not require the Head Engineer to dumb it down for him. When he didn't understand what Jaden was saying, Sato would make sure to raise it up and get an answer. Sato had left a very good impression on Jaden.

Of course, the highlight of today's tour was none other than the railway itself. The trio headed onto the tracks using a mini transport train that was used by the engineers and mechanics that wanted to carry out routine checks on the railway. As the transport train moved into the dim lit tunnel, Jaden took out his torchlight and illuminated for the VIP pair. Although today may have been a tour solely for Sato, the Madam of the Tobion family was here to visit and so, the Head Engineer himself had to do his best in explaining.

"I realised that the materials used to build the Underwater Tunnel used iron super alloys. Why not use nickel-based super alloys which is more resistant to temperature changes and corrosion?" Sato asked.

"There are two reasons for this. One is the cost of nickel-based super alloys. The budget given to us by our sponsors were long overshot due to complications in the construction. The iron-based super alloys are cheaper in bulk was chosen for this reason. Also, the weight is needed to be taken into consideration. We built the railway underwater and by using the iron-based super alloy, which is heavier, the need for additional materials to increase its density in water is lessoned." Jaden explained it both scientifically and from a business aspect. Usually the business part would be omitted, but when it came to the VIPs, he would not sugarcoat anything.

"Moving on, the shape of the tunnel was actually changed in the beginning of construction.." The Head Engineer continued to explain the structure of the tunnel. Sato was extremely engrossed, while Melanie also listened in on the mathematical aspect of the construction. Even though she did not really understand a large majority of it, she did not interrupt the boy's conversation. After all, to her, the result was the most important part in this project. The knowhow of the tunnel was not important for her.

By the time the sun started to set in the cold winter, the group finally left the railway station. Sato was very satisfied with this trip. He had gotten the chance to get answers to many of his burning questions. In addition, at the end, he was able to exchange contact numbers with his idol.

On the way back, Sato thanked Melanie with his deepest sincerity. After all, she had accompanied him down to the station even though she was an extremely busy person. The beam on the young man's face was more than enough for Gray's mother. She was glad that Sato enjoyed himself.

At home, Gray was already waiting for the pair. Although it was only 5.30pm, the pair was hungry from all the walking. And so, the small family decided to have an early dinner. To Sato, there was nothing more that he could ask for. Such moments in his life would always be cherished. The small talk and getting to hear about Gray's day, was something Sato loved.

"There is an army awards ceremony tomorrow," Gray looked towards Sato as he asked, "Would you like to come with me to the event?"

"Ah? Me?" Sato pointed his finger at himself.

"Yes you," Gray smiled back, "I have a plus one and so, I am asking if you would like to come with me."

"Um.. But I do not know what to do there. What if I make a fool out of myself?"

"Well, I would be at the ceremony with you. I would let anything or anyone come to harm you. So what do you say?" Gray reassured the boy. His warm smile made Sato blush a little.

"Fine…" Sato gave in to the charming General. When Gray tries to convince Sato, the young man would always relent in the end. After all, who would ever say no to such a handsome devil?

"Hmph.. Gray, I am very disappointed in you. Ever since you got yourself a boyfriend, you have forgotten about your mother." Melanie complained jokingly.

"What are you talking about, mother? You hate such events. There would always be people trying to suck up to you." Gray saw through her ploy instantly.

"Well, you could've at least invited me too.." Not long, Melanie got over it and started giving advice to the young man that was not used to such events. "Sato, you should always be careful of the old weasels in the army. The higher the rank, the more conniving and cunning they are. When they request you to do anything for them, do make sure to say no. If not, they would always come back to you like wild dogs on the street."

"Okay. I will listen to auntie."

"Do take care of my son for me. He can be stubborn at times." Melanie directed that at Gray.

"Of course I will take good care of your son in law." In turn, Gray changed her words and directed it at Sato.

The dining table was filled with warmth. To the Tobion family, a day with family is a day of happiness.
