

Sera looked at Noah his little fingers were dancing on the keyboard and his little eyes were fixed on the screen all focused.

Sera was aware of both the sibling's personality, but now when she is watching them it is more and more realistic, Grandpa already told her that though Noah got her looks from her mother, his personality and brain is just like his father, a little slow-witted but soft-hearted and sharp-minded. Whereas, Ian gets looks from her father but overall everything is his like his mother, sneaky, ruthless, aggressive, bold, strategic but emotions. He lacks them just like his mother, she clearly remembers how grandpa was worried when he said that "I wish he could feel some emotions too and not end up doing the same mistake her mother did"

Kyro was amazed by his skills, he never knew that he was a genius but Noah wasn't liking him and keeps hiding the screen from him but he didn't budge, so eventually Noah just give up.

While outside in the garden,

Ian was really pissed after what just happened, he punched hard on the sandbag as he yelled "It wasn't like I was really going to hit him"

Kevin just stares at him,

"Ah! I mean I was, but we are brothers. We fight and we make up"

Kevin looked at him and frowned "He is just 7"

"So what we used to fight when we were just 5, I even punched on your left eye and that bruise stayed for 2 whole weeks"

'As if it was something to be proud of'

Kevin's lips twitched in frustration "Don't bring that up, you don't even know how much I suffered because of that... and moreover, we are talking about Noah. He isn't like us and you know that"

Ian went completely silent,

"Look Ian, I know you want him to be strong but he is a kid and he is already suffering a lot because of you. But still, no matter how you treat him, he always tags along with you in the end. The brother thing you are talking about isn't always just fighting and making up it also includes understanding and backing up for each other. He is fulfilling his brother role well, I hope you will understand him too"

Kevin immediately left, first, he was afraid that he will beat him up, second, he was scared if he pissed him off, Ian will beat him up. So before any of that situation happened, he will likely avoid it when he can avoid it.

Sera was right there, she didn't mean to eavesdrop but it's just they were too loud for her to not hear.

She sighed looking at Ian, she could somehow feel him. It wasn't like he didn't care about his brother... it was just he didn't know what is warmth and how to share it. Just like her.

People in her school always used to think she was heartless but all it was just she didn't know anything about caring. She was never been loved, so how should she suppose to love others?

Without saying anything she just walked back.


Kevin got a call from his manager, he wasn't going to pick up but he was neglecting his work for a few weeks. So he ends up picking up.

"What happened?"

"Sir, Mr.Frensby Wants to meet you."

Kevin sighed, 'What the hell this time he gets himself into?'

"Tell him, I am busy"

"Sir I did. But he is calling continuously 4-5 times daily for two weeks. He even tries to barge inside your office too"

Kevin scoffed "That Jerk"


"Okay, I'll be back tomorrow arrange my meeting with him"

Do you guys remember Rachel and Little Leo?

'Leo's Daddy is here'

Well-Well, If you don't then now you will know how Rachel knows 'Our silver-hair handsome prince' aka Kevin.


StrangePeacecreators' thoughts