
News Headlines

Security guard broke the door, all the people rushed inside as they found Aiden laying unconscious on the floor, they hurried towards him. The doctor quickly check his nerves and ordered to take him to the ward.

Kyle didn't move and sat outside, he didn't have a heart to see her happy princess who used to always smile at him, emotionless laying in front of him. Emily stayed with him to give him some strength, but Sera went inside.

Suddenly a nurse yelled staring at the monitor, "Doctor!"

All people looked where she was pointing, their eyes went wide open as if they saw something unbelievable.

The doctor got up as he looked at the monitor which was showing Ran's heartbeat back to normal, he quickly checked her nerves in disbelieve to know what he is seeing is true or not, but the miracle was true. They are real.

The moment Sera heard that she run back to her parents to let them know that Ran is alive. The moment she told this news to her father it was like he was born again. He cried as he hugged Emily, Sera felt an unbelievable happiness but soon she remembered about Aiden. She was about to go in to check on him again but then she saw some people carrying him out.

"what happen to him?" She asked out of worry

The nurse replied with a smile "He's just unconscious", Sera sighed in relief as he looked at his tired face 'You did a great job. Rest well'

Soon the doctor come outside, he was a bit ashamed this time and speechless. It was a miracle which he never even happened to imagine in his life.

He looked at Mr. Robertson, even though the things are almost back to normal but still he was in no state to talk.

Sera signaled the doctor towards the corridor, he followed her quietly.

"How is she now?"

"Miss. Robertson condition is back to normal, it looks like the antidote is finally working and the poison is slowly leaving her body but we can only be sure when she wake up" That doctor tell her everything politely

Sera nod "I'll like you to keep things close from media and don't inform Smith's family anything right now. I am sure that's what even Aiden wants.."

That doctor suddenly looked at him as he stated " But Miss. William, this is a really great news, it happened for first time in my carrier that someone came back to life after being dead for whole 15 minutes"

Sera coldly look at the doctor as she stated " We will talk about it when Aiden will wake up and I am sure you are not his guardian or anything to decide anything before hand"

That doctor gulped as he nod,

Suddenly their attention caught by the news screening on the television.

"Hello, Today I Rachel hemmer come up with some interesting news"

Sera quickly rushed back to her car, Kyle's secretary saw her in hurry and he tried to stop her but she just told him to take care of her mother and Ran.

Just after saying that she entered the car and drove away.

Extra chapter for the sake of curiousty of the readers.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

StrangePeacecreators' thoughts