
I Never Said It's Free......Right.

General Hospital, Independent State of Aeternum.

After the 1st operation of Justice launch, The department of defense return triumphantly with success. But another thing that came along with the victory was 2 blue goblins that Mr.President brought along, who he claimed were not a monster but a sentient race, the discovery shocked I.S.O.A since then both of the goblins has been treated inside General Hospital Intensive Treatment Centre Unit, guarded 24-7 by guards.

"Ughhhhhh…..Ah!…BROTHER!!". (Bob)

2 days after they have been rescued(?) Bob who's gravely injured finally regained his consciousness, as for Bar who aren't in bad conditions as Bob, already awake after a few hours being treated inside the hospital.

"BOB!!….Calm down brother, calm down…we're safe..please lay back down…..Doctor!..Nurse!!…". (Bar)

Seeing his brother suddenly prompt up, Bar grab his brother shoulder and tried to set him back down, after his brother do what he intended. Bar rush to the door and beckon the nearby nurses or doctor.

"Looks like everything was good...your wounds closing quite nicely….try not to exert any sudden force, as it will open your wounds back...Then rest well Mr. Bob, Mr. Bar..". (Doctor Elena)

Wearing a military black uniform under her white long coat, Doctor Elena was the one of the 2 certified doctor inside the hospital. She calmly explains and advise her patient conditions before leaving the wards to the 2 goblins.

"Brother…what happened?….". (Bob)

Bar who finally put her guard down after seeing the human lady leave the room, turned to his brother on the bed side for explanations.

"Listen what I'm going to tell you may sound absurd, but I assure you that it's all truth...Human saved us…". (Bar)

As soon as the words 'human' and 'saved us' connected in the same sentence, Bob shots a bewildered looks at his older brother, questioning his sanity. Bar ignored the look as he continued with explanations and story about how they ended up here and what had happened since.

"....Just like that?…no charged whatsoever?…Bro this is human we talking about, no matter how nice they were…in the end they all see us as monsters…". (Bob)

"that's where you were wrong brother, for the last 2 days, I've seen how different this place was…look, out there…see not only human, but all race were treated equal,…look here on this board…they wrote your name, look at the race section…they wrote Goblins of River tribe…..not, 'monster'…..believe it or not…this place is different…". (Bar)

As Bar pointed a the window next to their room, Bob witness the most outrageous scene to him, A human woman and a rabbit demi human walk side by side with smiles and laughter. Bob grab the board with a white paper and look at the Fantasma language writing, just like his brother said the race sections clearly wrote, their true race and tribe not just as anyone label them a vicious feral Monster.

"Brother.....is this…..".(Bob)

Shaking and shivering Bob look at his brother.

"it probably is….this probably it...". (Bar)

Sharing the same sentiment as his brother, Bar finally smiled. The 2 siblings has been on the run for all their lives, as all over the world they were seen as a monsters, they dreams for a place that except them, sheltering them and after long last they finally found it, probably.

<Knock! Knock!…..Grrrrrrrr…>.

A Knock on the door suddenly snapped the brothers back to the reality. A beautiful woman Bird demi human with golden haired tied into a neat bun, wearing the same outfits as the previous doctor came in, with a human wearing a pink dress known to them as Nurse, and another Human woman wearing a black chlothing that look like a coat and carrying a leather square bag.

"Hello there gentlemen, Mr. Bar, Mr. Bob how are you today?..Nurse please help Mr. Bob seat comfortably..". (Director Rafaela)

With a warm smiles, Director Rafaela greeted the 2 anxious goblins and ease the atmosphere. The Nurse lift the stunned Bob and put another extra pillow on his back allowing him to lift his torso and seated on the bed. The 2 brother who still dazed at the noble and calming aura of the Director in front of them could only observe her as she sit down on the extra stool and look at her pull out a bundle of brown folder on the bedside table.

"There's nothing to worry about, we're just going to discuss something…..I assumed both of you were able to read and write yes?..". (Doctor Rafaela)


"Good…then, here's your copy…I need both of you to confirm it and put down your sign on that paper please…". (Doctor Rafaela)

Rafaela hand over 2 folder to each Bar and Bob with smile on her face. Both of them opened the folder and puzzled by the content.

"Ermmmm….Doctor?…what is this?…". (Bar)

"That?….it's your Treatment Bill…". (Doctor Rafaela)

With the brightest smiles ever, Bob and Bar expression turned solemn as they saw the numbers on the bill.


Black Keep 3rd Floor,

"All the collected golds, has been melted down to a gold bar and transfered into the all 100 Dimensional storage rings, the total weight of all of them was 50 tons…the platinum and the rest of the coins already taken over by the National Bank…General Bina and Mina currently assaulting 2 bandit's groups, there's no problem there..". (Elijah)

Inside my office, Me and Elijah currently discussing our day to day operations. Thanks to the administrations systems I created, everything was fairly easy to managed, I only have to entered and sign paperworks once in awhile as Elijah and Her department will handled the rest.

"Good, have all the Rings sent to my room before the 6 pm….how about our Store in Merrina town?..".

"Major Yvone already on site…it should be in progress, it may take another 2 weeks….it can't be help, we can't bring our machinery and full work force…". (Elijah)

"It's okay, as long as they finish it...we need to start trading, I'm planning to build a wheat field and rice field…what do you think about that?..".

I want Aeternum to be able to sustain herself, I already have site for the field but I was considering it would be a correct actions in Aeternum conditions now.

"I don't think that possible right now sir,….we have very limited workforce now…in my opinion, it's better we just buy the raw wheat and rice, and process them using the processing machine that you showed me before…to me that is the most realistic options…". (Elijah)

Nodding at her words, what she said was correct. This is what I liked about her, she can make a correct and best actions, no matter in what situations. Her experienced as a Queen proved that she was the best to lead Aeternum, The only downside of this charismatic woman was she's to concerned about her looks, that's why she hasn't made a move on me.

"Beside, we can buy those already harvested wheat and rice at low price…this world food processing were to low, they can't even make a white flour and notice how to process rice correctly?, they don't even know that you can even eat rice….If we process them into our level of quality, we could even turn the excess product into one of our product line up and sold it at even profitable rates….". (Elijah)

Looking at how she matured into a more business minded person, made me proud.

"That's true…put that into our plan, I will bring back the processing machine later...Oh, Elijah I delighted to see how you've grown into my style…<PAK!>..".

It's true I was delighted, as I caressed her cheek, Elijah smack my hand away as she blushes.

"We're still working sir, stop teasing me..". (Elijah)

"Wha…<Knock! Knock!>…..Come in..".

A knock comes in as I was about to start playing around with Elijah. Captain Serena from the department of Resource Management comes in, She salutes at us before comes in and hand me a folder.

"Mr.President, Madam Vice President….Here's the files for the 2 Goblins…They have signed the agreement..". (Cpt. Serena)

With a capitalist smiles plastered on her face, she looked at both of us in proud.

"Well, they should…we not only offered them a place to live but a bright future…if they weren't thankful for it, I will broke their neck myself…<Hummphh!>..". (Elijah)

Though she may sounded like she was acting like a unreasonable person, she actually meant it.

I can't actually bothered by Elijah words and Serena act on easing Elijah imaginary anger?. I was focused on the signed document, I actually told the Health Department to treat the 2 brothers with full care and V.I.P type service, so that the medical bill would be enormous, and that is what just happened. As a result the bill was totaled at 100 gold coins, the poor pair weren't able to pay, so they had to borrow from the National Bank to avoid being sold as a slaves, then as a payment plan they need to be able to pay monthly, so we offer them to works for us with monthly pay, but since they have to work here, they also need to live here, that's when National Banks suggest them to buy an apartment which cost 50 gold coins. So on top of 100 gold coins of medical bill they had to pay for the apartment of 50 gold coins, National Banks offer them a repayment plans of equal installments for 6 years tenure with interest rate of 10%, the salary of both of them were only 1 gold coins and 50 silver a months.

Now, is that fair? Probably. I do save them not only that, I even gave them a place to live comfortably in a safe haven. I did say I want to build a safe haven did I say it's free? No, everything need money, I need money, naturally they had to pay. A good haven is the kind that pays, besides it's not like I force them or anything they signed the agreements themselves. In conclusions I get 2 master level worker in my country now, ain't that a happy story.

[Uhuh~~ just keep telling that to yourself Sir…just keep doing that….]. (T.A.S)

I'm still writing and this will keep on updating, even if WW3 could happened at any time.

Let's hope it's not : )

JamesLabelcreators' thoughts